- Research Highlight -
Using CID's SPECTRAVUE to Assess Cold Stress in Rice:
The Impact of Technology
Ever wondered how cold stress affects the staple food for over half of the world's population?

This article features an intriguing study by a dedicated team of scientists. The study involved investigating the intricate responses of rice seedlings to cold stress, which is a significant factor affecting the growth and yield of the crop.

The insights gained from this study are academically fascinating and hold significant real-world applications, such as guiding breeding programs and optimizing farming practices. Explore this fascinating read that showcases how technology can aid in comprehending and tackling the obstacles of plant science amidst the impact of climate change.

Upcoming Events
Fruit Logistica - Hong Kong
September 6-8

Expoalimentaria - Peru
September 27-29

Fruit Attraction - Madrid
October 3-5

- Research Spotlight -
Understanding Alpine Growth Dynamics in a Warming World:
A Root Imaging Study
Our latest blog post spotlights a study that reshapes our understanding of alpine growth dynamics. Discover how researchers used root imagery to challenge previous assumptions about plant growth in alpine environments under a warming climate.

This research reveals surprising insights about the potential extension of the growing season length (GSL) and its impact on plant growth. Take advantage of this compelling read!

- Featured Article -
Future-Proof Your Quality:
How to Harness the Power of Spectroscopy in Commercial Agriculture
The fourth installment of our 6-part webinar series is here!

During the fourth part of this series, Galen George gave us an introduction to validating the models you have built for your F-750 in detail.

Our agriculture partners have found this webinar series quite popular as it offers valuable information and insights on the future of technology in agriculture.

To view this informative episode, follow the link I've shared below. Also, stay tuned for the release announcement of the fifth episode of our series!

June Company Updates
Welcome To our Newest Distributor: DASTEC S.R.L.
Dastec SRL has been dedicated to the provision of process measurement and control instruments for more than 30 years, designed to cover the various needs of various industries.
Our 2023 Interns are Here: Meet the Team
Celebrating Milestones the CID Bioscience Way: A Waffle Day to Remember
Latest Articles & Resources
5 Ways Mycorrhizae Influence Forest Productivity
In this article, we explore the important role of mycorrhizal fungi in improving forest productivity. These fascinating organisms help trees thrive in the face of environmental stresses, contribute to forest diversity, and even help tackle climate change.

Discover how non-destructive root imagery can further our understanding of these vital fungal allies. Explore the depths of forests and learn about the organisms that play a vital role in maintaining their health and productivity. Don't miss this read!

Importance of Fresh Produce Quality in Retailing
Did you know that around 45% of fresh produce is lost or wasted from farms to consumers? In this article, we tackle this pressing issue by exploring how retailers can maintain fresh produce quality, a task that's both challenging and economically beneficial.

Delve into the importance of temperature and humidity control, the surprising role of ethylene, and the innovative solutions to help fix these issues. By prioritizing quality over price, we can enhance our food shopping experience and contribute to reducing food waste and achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. You can read more below.

How Climate Change Impacts Leaf Pigments
This article delves into the world of leaf pigments such as chlorophyll, anthocyanins, and carotenoids and explores how their roles extend beyond just adding color to our world.

From tropical forests getting darker and absorbing more heat to the shortening of the fall color display in temperate regions, climate change is making its mark. Understanding these changes reveals the profound impacts of climate change on plant physiology and ecosystems and opens up new research areas. To further explore this topic, follow the link to the full article below!

Fruit Respiration Impact on Fruit Quality
Did you know that fruits continue to 'breathe' even after they've been harvested?

This respiration process plays a pivotal role in fruits' quality and shelf life. However, controlling this process can be a tricky balancing act. Too much respiration can lead to rapid deterioration and loss of sensory qualities, while too little can hinder fruit ripening and quality development.

In our latest post, we delve into the intricacies of fruit respiration, from the roles of oxygen and carbon dioxide to the impact of factors like temperature and fruit type. So, if you've ever wondered why your apple turns brown or why bananas ripen faster in a bag, this article is a must-read!

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Have questions about an instrument you'd like to ask our team of Application Scientists? Use the link below to schedule a live instrument demonstration!

Get an overview of functionality, see how the tool can be used in your specific application, and get your questions answered in real-time.