in this issue
message from the president
pictures from the summer conference
get to know PDCs
in the news
upcoming events/calendar
about vapdc
vapdc has a new address!
message from the president
We were pleased to recognize the following VAPDC award winners during the conference as follows: Melody Foster, Executive Director of the Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC), and David Tarter, Mayor of Falls Church and member of the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC), with the Gordon N. Dixon Award; Michelle Edwards (Rappahannock-Rapidan Regional Commission) with the Robert W. Baker Award; and the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission’s Roadway Flooding Sensors project with the Best Practices Award. I also was happy to present the President’s Award to Kim Callis (Southside PDC), who served three years as VAPDC president.
At the annual business meeting, two new members were elected to serve on the Board of Directors: Mike Hankins (Commonwealth Regional Council) and Dr. Mark Moore (Crater Planning District Commission) We also appreciate the service of outgoing Board members Jennifer Bowles (West Piedmont PDC) and Jordan Miles (CRC). The Board of Directors also met following the conference and will be holding a special meeting this week to discuss funding opportunities for PDCs.
I remain honored to serve as your VAPDC President. Hope everyone has a great rest of the summer.
Lou Ann Wallace
VAPDC President
pictures from the VAPDC summer conference
get to know...Crater Planning District Commission and
Accomack-Northhampton Planning District Commission
The Crater PDC (Planning District 19) focuses its work in the areas of transportation, economic and small business development, the environment, and serving as the convener for major military-related discussions among the region’s communities. As a certified economic development district by the U.S. Economic Development Administration, the Commission oversees development and maintenance of the district’s five-year Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) to support economic growth within the region.
Crater also manages a Revolving Loan Fund Program for small businesses within the region and a Housing Development Program for the region. The PDC serves as a member of the Civilian Military Council for Ft. Gregg-Admas and is in the process of creating a Military Affairs Committee for the region.
The Crater PDC region is composed of just under 2,500 square miles and is home to 568,080 people (Weldon Cooper Center estimate, July 1, 2022). The Chair of the CVPDC is Michelle Johnson (Charles City County) and the Executive Director is E. Jay Ellington.
The Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission (A-NPDC) is composed of the counties of Accomack and Northampton, and the town of Chincoteague, in area of just over 660 square miles. Formed in 1970 and reorganized in 1973, the A-NPDC (Planning District 22) works to support local planning and community development and provide technical assistance to its members. The A-NPDC focuses on issues of regional importance, staffing the regional Housing Authority and the Eastern Shore of Virginia Housing Alliance.
Since its inception, the A-NPDC’s primary mission has been to respond to local government requests for assistance in the region. This has included helping the localities 1) develop policies, plans and regulations to manage growth and development; 2) facilitate development of affordable housing and healthy communities; and 3) protect and wisely use natural resources. The A-NPDC also brings emerging issues of regional importance to the attention of its members, facilitates problem-solving by convening stakeholders and identifying funding sources, and assists with outreach to residents on issues of local and regional concern.
It has been a strong partner for its member governments by assisting them with diverse community development projects; grant writing, including the $23 million RAISE grant for a 16-mile extension of the Eastern Shore Rail Trail; financing of a regional broadband network and formation of the Eastern Shore of Virginia Broadband Authority; and construction of the Tangier Medical Center.
The A-NPDC area has a population of 44,965 (Weldon Cooper Center estimate, July 1, 2022). The Chair of the A-NPDC Board is Harrison Phillips (Accomack County) and the Executive Director is Elaine Meil.
In May, nearly $60 million in 2023 Virginia Telecommunication Initiatives (VATI) funding was announced. Three of the top six grant awards were for projects in the Southside and West Piedmont PDCs. Additionally, West Piedmont PDC is expected to receive an additional award pursuant to a letter of intent for another project. All told, the PDC awardees were granted nearly half of the total funds allotted. The VATI 2023 funding comes on the heels of federal dollars granted (through VATI) to more than half of our PDCs during the VATI 2022 grant round.
August 9, 2023
August 24, 2023
August 13, 2023
September 29, 2023
Special VAPDC Board of Directors meeting
VAPDC Program Committee meeting
VAPDC Board of Directors meeting
Executive Directors Committee meeting
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thank you to our Newsletter Sponsor!
about vapdc
The Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions (VAPDC) is an organization comprised of the 21 Planning District Commissions/Regional Councils in Virginia. The PDCs joined together to create the VAPDC to share best practices and further regionalism across the State. VAPDC works to bring diverse resources together at the regional level in partnership with local, state and federal entities to strengthen regions and the Commonwealth.
The purpose of the Association is to promote coordination and cooperation among the Commonwealth's Planning District Commissions/Regional Councils to heighten their effectiveness and efficiency; provide mutual assistance and the exchange of ideas; and otherwise promote understanding for how PDCs/RCs can help save their regions and the Commonwealth time and money.
association contacts
David Blount, VAPDC Executive Director
Connie Long, VAPDC Administrator
thank you to our Virginia Partners for 2023 - 2024
Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions | Website
869 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 113 #244
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452