Keep Current Newsletter Header
April 2023
Annual Benchmarking Report due June 1
Commercial and multifamily buildings 5,000 sq ft and larger must report their energy usage by June 1. Find resources including a how to guide, recorded and live trainings, and more at
Circular Economic Business Survey
The City of Fort Collins is seeking the opinions of business leaders like you to aid in understanding the current environment and future of the circular economy. By completing this 10 minute survey, you are supporting the City’s efforts to create a more resilient, vibrant and inclusive future for its businesses and residents.
Summer Water Use
Be smart about when and how you water this summer! Sign up for a Landscape Water Budget and give your landscape exactly what it needs with our real-time Daily Lawn Watering Guide
Resource to Help Prevent Plumbing Problems
Avoid clogs and expensive plumbing repairs in your business' bathroom. Encourage employees and customers to only flush the three Ps: pee, poo and toilet paper. Utilities can help you spread the word.

Email to request bathroom stall 'clings' to put up in your restroom.
Outage Preparedness
Fort Collins Utilities provides highly reliable electric service to the community however electric outages can still occur. Learn what you can do to protect your business and minimize overall impacts.
Water Allotment Reminder
Don’t be caught off guard by Excess Water Use surcharges! Monitor your use with the MyWater portal and take advantage of our commercial rebates to reduce annual water use long term.
Stay Connected!