Welcome to A Generous LIFE!

The stewardship team at Lord of Life has been collecting stories of God’s abundance revealed through the life and action of our congregation. We hope you enjoy reading about how your friends, pew-mates, and fellow disciples have been touched by God’s grace and are being led to lives of generosity.

When Dennis Coburn came to Lord of Life, he was looking for something to fill the deep void he had experienced for most of his life. He said “I had left the church of my family when I went to college, and I never actually replaced it until I had lost two marriages, almost went bankrupt, and was floundering in my personal life. I kept thinking I had to do it all, that it was just up to me. I never stopped to listen to God, or acknowledge his presence in my life.”

Dennis said that Lord of Life felt like home. It just felt right. He believes that he “experienced the Grace and Mercy of God.”

Dennis appreciates the inviting and accepting atmosphere at Lord of Life, and the way people in the church look after each other. He values the diversity of ministries at the church, and the readiness to create new ministries when the need has been recognized.

Dennis believes that he learned to be generous from his mother. He watched her give of everything she had: her time, her money, and her talents. Toward the end of her life, Dennis and his brother had to advise her to cut back on her financial giving, since she was giving more than she could afford.

Dennis chooses to support Lord of Life with his financial gifts because he trusts that these will be put to good use. He has never been concerned about the resources being squandered.

Dennis hopes that our church will continue to evolve to meet the needs of future generations. He said “If we think change is wrong, then we will fail to support the future. But we cannot just change for the sake of change. We must listen to and observe the youth, to recognize the challenges they face each day.” He believes it is important to bring more youth participation into the church leadership, since this will become their church, and participating in leadership rolls will help them value our church more.

3801 S. Panther Creek Dr., The Woodlands TX   281-367-7016   LOLonline.org

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