Dear LNC Parents,

We are pleased to announce that LNC middle school principal, Dr. Cherie Graham, has accepted the role of Director of Academics beginning at the end of this school year. The Director of Academics is a new position responsible for designing innovative programs and systems to support and grow LNC students, K-12, as well as providing leadership in important school areas. This will lead to greater instructional differentiation and an increased ability to meet students wherever they may be. Dr. Graham’s skillset, proven abilities and passion for helping all children achieve success is congruent with this new role and will lead to improved opportunities for our students.

We will begin the search for our new MS principal immediately, ensuring that all stakeholders are represented in the interviewing process. The successful candidate, in coordination with Mr. Mavity, will continue to build upon the academic work that Dr. Graham led during her 6 year tenure at the middle school, with a renewed focus on strong communication with all middle school stakeholders.

If you know someone who you feel would fit this role, please refer them to Superintendent Stein so she can share about LNC, the role and the application process. We thank you for your support as we continue to change, improve and innovate TOGETHER.  

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Lake Norman Charter School - 704-948-8600