PARCS UPDATE #196 - August 27, 2022

You will find a copy of this newslettter in the NEWSLETTER section on our website

The Water Security Agency reports on Saskatchewan Drinking Water 

The State of Drinking Water Quality Report is a legislated requirement under The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010 intended to demonstrate the ongoing commitment of the Government of Saskatchewan to ensure safe drinking water for Saskatchewan residents. The report aligns with the goals of the Water Security Agency’s (WSAs) 2022-2026 Strategic Plan to improve transparency and service to clients as it relates to the ongoing improvement of drinking water and wastewater management in Saskatchewan.

In 2021-22, the WSA regulated 620 human consumptive water works used as primary drinking water source for over 80% of Saskatchewan citizens. The annual report is a performance summary of our drinking water management system from source to tap within the framework of the multi-barrier approach to safe drinking water where each barrier provides a safeguard intended to prevent contamination. Status reporting relates to the barriers for the protection of drinking water, public perception, and investment as it relates to drinking water and wastewater management in Saskatchewan. Some highlights of ongoing success and progress of safe drinking water management in 2021-22 are:

·      85% of Saskatchewan residents strongly or somewhat agreed their drinking water was safe to drink.

·      $71 million was spent on water and wastewater programs and activities, and infrastructure government funding provided, excluding contributions made by municipalities.

·      WSA worked with communities to perform inspections on 99.5% of drinking water works with results showing overall high compliance with inspection items.

·      Required water quality monitoring was over 90% compliant with drinking water standards.

·      WSA worked with communities to perform inspections on 100% of wastewater works with results showing overall high compliance with inspection items.

·      A reduction in the number of wastewater facilities discharging to surface waters continues to improve protection of drinking water sources.

You can access the 2021-22 Drinking Water Annual report on our website Please feel free to provide any feedback or comments regarding the report directly to

A request for information from one of our Organized Hamlets 

PARCS recently received a request from the Organized Hamlet of Pelican Cove asking if we knew of a place where they could purchase signage (preferably Transport Canada approved) that could be used along their lakeshore:  for example, to post speed limits or to state shoreline safety restrictions.  

If any of our cottage community readers can provide some suggestions in answer to this question, please email the Organized Hamlet Board at: .