August Greetings
Happy August! This summer has been full of fun activities and a much-needed break from the regular routine. It's also been a great opportunity for students to continue to develop their math skills and their confidence to help them prepare for the return to school. We look forward to supporting them throughout the month and keeping the fun factor up!

Here's the August Fun Calendar, which can also be found on our website under Events.
A few reminders:
1. PLEASE help us with staff planning by signing up for sessions on the August-September SignUp Genius. Contact us if you have any trouble finding sessions that work for you. We will do our best to accommodate requests when possible.
2. PLEASE do your best to avoid late cancellations and no shows. If you are unable to make a scheduled session, please delete it from the sign up or email us and we will remove it for you.
(Tips: How to Edit or Delete a Sign Up.)
3. SCHEDULE UPDATE: On September 1st we will resume our School Year Hours:
4. HOLIDAY CLOSURE: We will be closed September 1-4 in observance of Labor Day Weekend.
Enjoy the final weeks of summer and please contact us if you'd like to discuss your student's learning plan as they prepare for the upcoming school year.

Andrew & Julie Tempest
Mathnasium of Northwest Seattle
Have you ever looked at a math problem and wondered if there were some "trick" to solving it? Good news, there very well may be!

Check out our Mathnasium #MathTricks series on YouTube and put our tips to the test. With these strategies, you and your child will have all the skills you need to solve problems on the fly with ease.
Math In Nature: Honeybees
Did you know that honeybees are math-y? It's true! When building their honeycomb, they create a pattern of interlocking hexagonal-shaped wax cells to store honey. This pattern is known as a "tesselation of hexagons."

Why hexagons, you might ask? Hexagons can fit perfectly, neatly, and tightly together, and they can share many of the same walls. So employing this shape enables bees to use space efficiently while using as little wax as possible.

Isn't math in nature astounding?