May/June 2024
Volume 64/65, Issue 5-6
Beale Air force Base
Photo Collin Fat
From The Editor
Mike Willis
Thanks to our Advertisers for YOUR
continuing support in 2024
From the content of this issue looks like you can be busy each weekend and then some. Thanks to everyone that is supporting SVR by putting on the events for all of us to enjoy.
When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage (link) or a file not to exceed 5MB. Also images have the same limit. (I am able to resize most of them).
Please note text that is blue text is a link.
Also some of the event ad are also linked
When we use MSR (Motorsport Registration) all of those events advertised are linked to the specific registration. If the ad is an image then the click on it for the link.
This issue is a test have not listed a "table of contents" which has not been linked really did not serve as table of contents.
Your thoughts on this??
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Skip Quain, Contributor
Text & Images by Collin Fat
Porsche Sacramento opened their new facility quietly on Monday, May 13, 2024. While the sales department was preparing more than 60 new Porsches for sale, the service department was busy doing their routine preparation of new cars as well as welcoming a few customers. The new dealership located at 2200 Auburn Blvd. is significantly larger than the Rocklin location with 14 service bays and an area exclusively dedicated to the service of Porsche electric vehicles. In the coming days, the dealership will be celebrating their grand opening and letting the Porsche community in the Sacramento region know about their new store. I have heard that if you have ever had an interest in purchasing an allocated or special edition Porsche, now is the time to drop by to get your allocation or name on the waiting list. The dealership is eager to sell you a new or certified pre-owned vehicle. In addition, the new dealership will be a classic dealership and have technicians on staff specially trained to work on classic Porsches whether they be a 1960 356, or early 1970’s 911 or 914 from the 1970’s.
I took my 2016 Porsche GT3RS in for a courtesy inspection this morning and was happy to learn all is well with all my services up- to- date and no current service being recommended. I was customer #1 for the new dealership service department. The following are photos taken at the new dealership with some of their service staff.
For many members, you clearly have a choice in where to take your Porsche for service and routine maintenance. However, did you know that both Porsche Rocklin and Porsche Sacramento offer SVR members a 10% discount on service and parts. It really adds up to a ton of savings as I have had two of my Porsches serviced this past month and I have saved $700 with the discount. In addition, your Porsche gets a complimentary car wash, and the dealership will provide you with free transportation to and from the dealership to your front door or office.
Editor and a major sponsor of SVR for events and The Drifter
Rik Larson, SVR President
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
Special Invite --- Sunday, June 9th
· Remember to come out to the new Porsche Sacramento Center on Sunday. This is not a grand opening event but a special invite to members of SVR and also the 356CAR group. Come any time after 10 am. If you bring your Porsche, we can put you in the Porsche corral.
· And there is a SVR Concours happening that morning (starting at 7 am) at that same location. Drop in and see some beautiful vehicles. Judging starts at 9 am. Registration for that event (second in the 2024 Zone 7 Series) is at Registration for this event closes on Wednesday, June 9th.
Keeping you on your toes
· We have a lot of events happening in the next couple of weeks.
o Catch the ongoing SVR TSD Rally Series (6 events this year) that has an event on Saturday, June 8th. Registration closes on June 5th. You can register at
o The Porschettes are gathering for a tour of Lavender Farms of Newcastle on Friday, June 14th and then lunch afterwards. Contact Susan Green ( or Gail Hawk ( to confirm your attendance.
o A repeat of the opportunity to feed the less fortunate on Tuesday, June 25th. It is only 2 hours of your time. Contact Dick MacFarlane via email at He needs 30 volunteers to start the shift that begins at 5:15 pm at St. Philomene Catholic Church Gym (Bell and El Camino, Sacramento).
o And then Bob Peake is having 3 events (Clean Cars and Coffee) this summer that feature the Wash and Shine concours aspects of your vehicle. The first event will be Saturday, July 6th and held at Detail Manic in Sacramento. They will cover: how to prep your car for a Wash & Shine Street Concours; PPF -- Paint Protection Film --- different types and why you should have it on your vehicle; and window tint – UV only or shaded tinting. Registration is available at Limited to 50 participants.
o And a minor correction from the BLAST issued on Tuesday, May 28th ---- the TSD Rally shown as occurring on July 6th is actually happening on July 20th .
By-laws changes ---- transition to staggered elections?
· Discussion is underway to adopt a change that will provide for elections every year (November) that would elect 3 of the SVR directors as compared to electing all 6 of the directors every 2 years.
Just a heads up.
2024 Formula E – coming down to wire
· The TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E team performed very well since our report 2 months/ ago.
· The 16 race season is rapidly approaching the end of its season as there are only 4 races remaining --- 2 in Portland at the end of June and then the final 2 races in London in July.
· So in 2nd place is TAG Heuer Porsche driver Pascal Wehrlein and only 25 points behind Nick Cassidy (driving a Jaguar)
· Antonino Felix Da Costa is down in 7th place. He has won 2 of the last 3 races for the TAG Heuer Porsche team. Those wins put him 83 points out of the lead.
· In the team standings, TAG Heuer Porsche is in 2nd place, 73 points behind the Jaguar TCS Racing Team.
· In the manufacturers category, Porsche has a 9 point lead over Jaguar (328 vs. 337). Porsche provides the powerplant for the Andretti team who is currently in 5th place in the team standings.
· Trying to find live TV coverage of the races this year is tough. How good are you at getting some foreign TV networks? Some sources say to try CBS Sports Network, TNT, Paramount Plus. Good luck.
Name Badge
· Remember to wear your SVR name badge to events.
Thanks to all who replied to our survey. Your input helps us to make sure we are running events that are most important to you!
As we roll into June (pun intended), we look forward to the Gold Country Rally on June 8th! If you have never tried a TSD Rally, this would be a good opportunity to check it out. This will give you an opportunity to drive on beautiful roads while testing your ability to arrive at the destination at a precise time.
The following day (6/9), SVR will host our Zone 7 Concours at the newly opened Porsche Sacramento. Come on out to check all of the unique - and clean - Porsches!
We follow that with our fourth autocross event of the season at Thunderhill. New drivers are welcome! We provide instruction and helmets free of charge.
Porsches and Pints will be held at Drakes The Barn in West Sacramento. This will be an awesome event, as they are opening the lower lawn area for all of the Porsches, and will set up taps for us so you can have a pint and mingle with the cars.
Wrapping up June, we have the Route 40 Tour, the Rivercats Baseball event, and community service at St. Philomene. It will be a busy month!
Event registration can be found at:
Do you have an idea for an event you would like to host? Reach out to me at and we can talk through the details and get it added to the calendar.
Message from the Tour Chair
By Rick Duste
Tour season is here and we kicked it off with the April Poker Run Tour from El Dorado Hills Town Center down to Plymouth, up to Placerville, over to Sutter Mils and ending up at the new Moonraker Millhouse Tap Room in Cameron Park. Congratulations to Greg Pasiuk and Linn Tyer, Kent and Jennifer Langendorff, and Tracy and Janice Nations for winning the poker hands in their respective run groups. May featured our first Winery Tour with three run groups departing West Sacramento, following the Sacramento River north, then crossing the valley to pass by Lake Berryessa enroute to Bally Keal Estate Winery. Next up on the calendar is the June 22 historic Old Highway 40 Tour from Granite Bay up to the Old Hwy 40 Café at Donner. See details in the flyer elsewhere in the Drifter. Registration closes June 16 so don’t miss out.
Thanks to tour sponsors Detail Maniac and Signature Wheels for subsidizing the cost and reducing the fee to participate in July’s Anderson’s Conn Valley Winery Tour to St Helena Organized by John Mueller and Michael Born, it should be one of the highlights of the year. Registration is limited by the size of the winery and is full right now but there is a waiting list which you can get onto through the MSR event registration site. Summer Is here, enjoy the weather, drive often, be safe.
The Gold Country Rally, a time-speed-distance road rally, is nearly ready.
The route is set, measured and instructions prepared and checked. The route which traverses well maintained roads in Placer County, most of which are rural, other than some state highways. No interstate freeways.
Assigned speed are below posted limits and in cases where there is no posted speed limits, they will be reasonable and safe. Mileages are provided for all directional instructions. The rally is approximately 100 miles in length and will take less than 4 hours to complete including breaks.
Awards will be provided to the driver and navigator of the top three finishers in Novice Class, and for first in Senior Class. Additional awards may be made depending on the number of entrants.
SUNDAY, JUNE 23rd 2024
First Pitch 1:05pm
Bring the family, your friends, kids, and anyone who enjoys baseball. A great afternoon of fun in the reserved upper- level Solon Club area.
30 special Porsche drivers will parade before the game and then park in a secure area. Family and friends can park their vehicles in general parking, then join Porsche folks in the Solon Club area. There will be pre-game activities for pre-adult fans.
The Solon Club has a full-service bar, standup tables, and shaded area. Stadium seating is accessed from the Solon area. Food is available for purchase throughout the stadium from food trucks and concession stands. Due to security, outside food and drink not allowed.
Raley Field
400 Ballpark Drive
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Ticket price per person for Porsche Parade, $28.00 plus fee. Limited to 30 cars.Ticket price per person for No Parade, $28.00pp plus fee & $15 parking per vehicle.
Click the link below to register for your tickets and receive further details. Contact Mardi Quain at or 650-504-4866 for more information.
SIGNUP EARLY TO BE PART OF THE PORSCHE PARADE! Registration opens May 1, 2024.
Save the date Sunday, September 29th
for our Charity Auction.
Porsches and Pints
Oak Park Brewing, April 18,2024
By Collin Fat, Photos by Collin Fat
Porsches and Pints chair, John Leet, booked Oak Park Brewing in Oak Park for our second event of the year. To ensure there was plenty of parking for our favorite rides, John secured a special permit from the City of Sacramento to close off the street adjacent to the brewery.
There were at least 40 cars on the street and the small parking lot owned by the brewery.
New Member Tour
Spring 2024
Steve Long
SVR Membership Director
On April 20, 2024, the Sacramento Valley Region (SVR) Board, Leadership and New Member Team was thrilled to host forty-five New Members and Co-Members to our Region. The New Member Tours (NMT) are held twice per year and invitation only for Members and Co-Members joining in the past year or so.
For those not familiar with the NMT, it’s an opportunity for our SVR New Members and Co-Members to get acquainted with the volunteer leadership of our club. They are also introduced to our various local and national events such as Autocross, Concours, Tours, TSD Rallies, Parade, Treffen, Social Events… just to name a few. We are an active group. If you don’t believe me, check out our calendar. There is something for everyone!
Rick Duste, our illustrious Tour Director, planned a lovely sixty mile Tour starting in El Dorado Hills, winding through the foothills and Placerville then ending at Andis Winery in Plymouth. We’ve been fortunate to have Andis host our event for the past few years thanks to the relationship developed by previous SVR President Eduardo Ortega.
The weather was perfect. New Member guests were treated to lunch and wine tasting. Many choosing to up their game to bottles to be enjoyed once back home. Safety first! A good time seemed to be had by all with great conversations about cars, events and what lead folks to buy a Porsche and join the Porsche Club of America.
Thanks to the camera skills of Collin Fat, current SVR Autocross Chair and many other previous PCA local and regional positions.
The Fall New Member Tour is October 12, 2024. If you are a New Member in the past year and have not attended a New Member Tour, you are welcome to sign up. Registration will open up mid-September. I will email all New Members the link.
If you have a Co-Member or PCA Junior that you would like to join PCA, let me know. It’s FREE with your primary Membership.
If you are going to attend events, it’s great to have a PCA SVR Badge. You will find the Badge Form embedded in the Membership page of our site at
If you are interested in joining the leadership team, we welcome all comers. We are an all-volunteer team. Many hands make for light work!
Be well and come join us. The club is only as fun as we make it.
SVR members arrived early and posed for this group photo
Beale Air Force Base Auto Expo
By Collin Fat
Photos by Collin Fat
On Saturday, 7 members joined a caravan to Beale Air Force Base to attend the bases, Auto Expo. With more than 400 cars in attendance, John Mueller organized this last-minute event with the registration window only open for 12 hours. The whole event was organized via email as an event of interest and in total with several other Porsche car clubs in attendance we had over 30 Porsches among all the American muscle and other European exotics like Lamborghini, McLaren, and Ferrari.
The story of the last-minute planning revolved around another club that was invited to display their Porsches but had to bail at the last minute. They sent an urgent request to John Mueller who brought the event up to several board of directors of the club to see if we could fill the spot left open for Porsches. With the blessing of some of the board members, John reached out via email the same day and received 12 responses within several hours of the event deadline.
I was not expecting a great turnout for Porsche cars but the fact that the base was going to assign our display area to one of their hangars immediately caught my attention. I needed a co-pilot and my granddaughter, Olvia Chang, enthusiastically volunteered. Olivia is 7 years old and one of the first 200 PCA juniors to join the club which now numbers in the 2,000 or so children and grandchildren of PCA members.
I was amazed by the vastness of Beale Air Force Base and estimate the base occupies at least 400 acres in Wheatland, California some 30 miles north of Roseville. Military service members directed check-in and traffic control as well as assisted in positioning of the display cars. Service members were very courteous and helpful in all points of the experience. My hats off for their service! Beale Air Force Base is best known as the home of the 1960’s era spy plane the SR 71, otherwise known as the Blackbird. These planes are still flying and being maintained by a cadre of young service members.
L/R: Robert Hrabak, John Mueller, and Jody Rosner
Porsches on display in the hangar next to one
of the vintage fighter planes on display
Porsches and Planes always make for a great display!
2024 Zone 7 SVR Autocross
By Collin Fat, Photos by Collin Fat
SVR Autocross Chair
Greg Zajic showing his driving skills in the rain!
More than forty drivers braved the rain to compete on day one of a two-day Zone 7 autocross at Thunderhill Raceway in Willows, Ca... The weather forecast did not waiver from the forecast issued 10 days earlier and it rained all day long making for difficult conditions on the course. At the driver’s meeting, caution was urged to all drivers who decided to compete with safety of upmost concern. All drivers were encouraged to take it easy and drive at 70% maximum to account for the water on the course surface throughout the day. There was not a deluge of rain but just steady rain throughout the day and it was just enough to slow down the drivers but not the urge to compete. Top time of day went to Dave Dunwoodie of Loma Prieta Region with a time of 53.674 followed by Steve Nieslony, Sacramento Valley, 55.180, Monty Pack, Golden Gate, 55.251, Ed Burgardt, Loma Prieta, and Darrel Huckaby, Sacramento Valley, with a 56.955. The surprise of the competition was Darrel, finishing in the top five driving his 2021 Porsche Macan GTS! The fact that he beat a cadre of GT3’s, Boxsters and Caymans surprised everyone! However, keep in mind that Darrel has been a competitive driver for at least 40 years and his Macan was equipped with All Wheel Drive and the latest Michelin summer tires for SUV’s. . Results for SVR’s April 13 th event are now posted at:
Many of you are thinking about why these drivers are competing in the rain with the chance of hydroplaning on a wet surface resulting in a spinout. Well, it is the challenge of learning to drive your car in any condition, rain, or shine, and learning its handling limits not only in ideal dry conditions but also on a rain slick surface as well.
SVR Autocross Team huddling in the timing trailer, L/R: Bob Peake, Robert Hrabak,Weyland Fat, Steve Nieslony, Joy Nieslony, Matt Deter and Patti Osterholm
SVR’s Carl Winkler on course
On Saturday night, SVR and Redwood Regions hosted a casual get together at the Tipsy Burro in downtown Willows for some bench racing and socializing. More than twenty-seven drivers attended including Zone 7 Representative, Brian Adkins and Zone 7 Autocross chair, Brent Ballantyne. An enjoyable time was had by all in attendance.
Drivers fully equipped with their rain gear
L/R: Collin Fat, Bob Peake, Matt Deter, Steve Nieslony, Greg Zajic
L/R: Stacy O’Connell, Joy Nieslony, Patti Osterholm
Caffeine & Porsche Elk Grove
By Collin Fat
Photos by Collin Fat
More than 22 cars attended the Caffeine & Porsches event at Laguna Creek Racquet Club in Elk Grove on Memorial Day, May 27th to help the club celebrate the grand opening of their new pickleball courts.
The weather could not have been more perfect as more than 45 members enjoyed the coffee and doughnuts provided by the Porsche Club as well as a catered lunch of burgers and hot dogs provided by the racquet club.
There were a variety of Porsches on display for members of the club to view that ranged from a pristine 1980 911 SC to a bright orange 914, and a red 1989 911 Speedster. There were plenty of newer Porsche models on display as well.
Dick MacFarlane provided music and displayed his colorful banners including the American flag to celebrate the Memorial Day.
A big thank you to Dick, Ed and Teri Parra and Elaine Fat with help in parking the cars and signing in registered cars.
Ron and Sally Boeck’s 1980 911 SC
L/R : John Mueller, Lori & Eric Boucher, Aracele & Jerry Mercado
L/R: Lisa Menning and Elaine Fat
Ed and Teri Parra’s 991.1 Porsche Turbo
4th of July Pocket parade update:
Due to changes by parade organizers (City of Sacramento)
car clubs are limited to 12 vehicles.
No “Day of Arrivals” will be allowed as in years past.
We can add a 2nd “club” if participation warrants,
but that “club” will have to be registered by June 21st.
Click on the image to contact Robert
Swan dreams…and other Ugly Duckling minutiae
By Christopher T. Carey
I talk to my Porsche. The fact that it is named ‘Jezibel’ is in itself anecdotal (but inconsequential here,) in the colloquy between us that occurs virtually daily. Yesterday, for example, I found I had left open on my garage’s workbench a copy of Sprenger & Heinrichs’ beautiful compendium of Porsche’s early sportscar history, which sits very near my ’74 914-4’s accustomed spot. When I walked back into the area to retrieve the book before it got inadvertently soiled, I was stopped dead in my tracks for a moment. I could swear on a stack of 550A Spyder references that I heard some muted sniffling coming from that part of the garage my 914 lives in. A bit flummoxed, I kept unnaturally still for a few seconds to see what and where this noise was coming from…but let me explain a bit before you write all this off as the meandering fantasies of an increasingly senescent old fool.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard strange sounds coming from my garage (where my 914 shares space with Madam Chairman’s immaculate 2005 Toyota Camry). Odd and largely unidentifiable snaps, creaks, bumps and so forth, yes…engines and hot oil routinely rend the air with such low-key smidgens of low-key noise, but this was the first time I had ever heard what I could swear sounded like barely stifled human whimpers of extreme sadness coming from there!
Next to my car, sat the open book, just filled to overflowing with page after page of gorgeous illustrations, photos and diagrams of my humble 914’s illustrious predecessors. After a quick glance at the book and back at my car’s corner of the garage, I had a whimsical thought: was that muted and oh-so-human-like sighing whimper coming from Jezibel?!
As Madam Chairman puts it with her clipped little Hong Kong accent, “Neva hoppen, barbarian!” And of course she was absolutely correct; my highly rational intellect affirmed the fact that such blatant anthropomorphisms were not just at odds with even the most bizarre quantum unlikelihoods (except, perhaps, ‘Schroedinger’s Porsche’?...), but also further likely confirmation that I am definitely weaving a path down a precarious road of premature senescent geezerdom (like a certain Chief of State we all know?). Still…!
And so, silently asking myself what J.R.R. Tolken (or George R.R. Martin, if you will) would do when confronted by a situation like this, I turned towards Jezibel and only half-seriously said, half audibly, “Is that you, Jez?” Naturally, there was no response as Jez’s hot-engine sounds continued to snap, crackle and pop, cooling off from our just finished weekly, short ‘freshening-up’ drive.
So, I walked over to my bench, gathered up the book, closed it and walked back to the door leading into the house, pausing only for a second to look back at Jez, over there in its corner of the Gasoline Alley cavern. The truth of the matter is that although our Porsches DO NOT deign to communicate so directly with us as to utter actual human-like sounds, they do communicate in many other ways…which is why, by my reckoning, such needlessly distracting annoyances as radios (music) are a complete waste of time for seriously driving an automobile. Call me VERY old school if you must, accuse me of being a sentimental old fossil if you must, but by my inherited Austrian standards (maternal, hailing from the Oberkrain region, which is now part of Slovenia after being hacked off from the Habsburg realm, long ago), to my manner of thinking, engine ‘noise’ is a most interesting and useful foreign language to familiarize oneself with.
I would therefore much rather to spend my time zipping down twisty, forested rural roads (keeping a strict eye out for existentially unaware bicyclists, of course) listening to what my engine may be telling me in mechanical epithets than let myself be distracted by even the most sensual rendering of Rachmaninoff’s piano concertos by Yuja Wang (or perhaps Kraftwerk’s seminal ‘AUTOBAHN’).
In short, to my way of seeing it, a radio in a sporty car makes about as much sense as Bill Clinton’s coy evasions when he tried to ‘splain-away’ his egregious Oval Office dalliances with Monica (Prosecutor: “Were you distracted by your radio just before you wrapped your car around that tree?” Bill: “Define ‘distraction’, sir…”).
As a person with well-defined (if somewhat diluted) Teutonic proclivities, music…in any way, shape or phonic form…is an experience one ought properly to devote one’s entire and complete attention to…and should never be considered as mere background noise (albeit of a semi-melodic kind). I can no more read a book about Herr Doktor Porsche’s incredible genius and listen to a symphony simultaneously than I can beat the pants off a haughty Ferrari driver in my flat-4-engined Jezibel.
And like masterful musical compositions that speak to your very soul, Porsche engine noises communicate at a most intimate level of subliminal awareness (well, perhaps I’m both biased and exaggerating, here) that demand respect and attentiveness as you strive to drive your car within (and not too far beyond) its carefully engineered limits. (After all, as a noted local club-racing friend of mine never fails to remind me, “The car’s engineers know best: They DESIGNED the car!”)
But returning to the mysteriously muted snuffling sounds I fancied I had briefly heard in my garage, just now, I’ve given this a lot of thought (and admit to have even mused verbally to Jez) as to what that was! I’d like to think that my poor little ‘Ugly Duckling’ Porsche (that I really respect so much) was wistfully reflecting, when I walked in on it, on the hard-to-ignore fact that despite remaining the ‘Poor-she’ most sniffy, modern Porschophiles love to badmouth (after a few drinks at social events), my poor little 914-4 has far more in common with both the origins (i.e. 550s and early racing designs, et al) of Porsches and certain recent, strikingly advanced Porsches (the Boxter/Cayman, for example) than all those Porsches that either have a Dihydrogen Monoxide cooled, rectally inserted powerplant OR a front-engine (also cooled by H20). And the mid-engine design configuration, regardless of and despite the intended market status incidentals a particular model may have acquired, has continually been demonstrated as superlative to any other possible Porsche weight-distribution schema. Finito, punkt, owari!
Naturally enough, regardless of my having reasoned away any possibilities of Jezibel actually speaking to me in my native language (like the good little pedantic rationalizer I am), I remain convinced my little Ugly Duckling is a marvelous emotional support vehicle that suits me perfectly. As such, it can hardly be surprising that we 914 people tend to communicate more deeply in some ways than those with the latest Porsche 911 GT3 RS rocket ship!
Here’s to you, Jez, regardless of all the supercilious, haughty sniffers! Dream on, little black duck and remember, I’m still taking basic 914 language lessons!
Steve Long
Membership Director
New Members of the Month - May & June
New to SVR or just need a new name badge -- you can order a badge--
and send to:
Membership Director, at:
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.).
Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director,
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on the SVR web page at no charge.
Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.
Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.
Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Steve Long
All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and also The Drifter is cited as the source.
The above as mentioned by Rik Larson just so you know. This is something that has been in the PCA RPM (Region Procedures Manual) since at least 2019 and is now appearing at more and more PCA events (social media driven).
Obviously we have been exposed to being photographed and videotaped for years (the red light cameras for example), stores where you shop, when you use an ATM, etc.
So SMILE when attending one of our events.
Follow SVR on Social Media