Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open only to registered Scouting volunteers and professionals. Adult leaders from Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting, plus district and council Scouters are all are welcome and belong at Wood Badge. Scheduled over the weekends of October 7th - 9th and November 5th - 6th at T. Brady Saunders, the fall training is your last opportunity to take this course until the spring of 2024! Register today at hovcwb2022.org. | |
Scout Leaders, Scout Parents, and Scouting Supporters - thank you! If your employer conducts a United Way campaign, please consider designating your gift to us by writing "Heart of Virginia Council, BSA" in the designation spot. Your designations are now the only way that the HOVC receives support through the United Way!
[Learn More!]
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LAST CALL! Scouting Days at Kings Dominion |
Put your hands up in the air and get excited for Scouting Days at Kings Dominion, August 26th - 27th! Tickets to visit the park are $41 per person, and $46 per person if you'd also like to camp overnight.
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Like being in-the-know? Our Facebook page is regularly updated with news and information we feel is most helpful to our Scouting community. Swing by and give us a like and a follow, and don't forget to share the posts that are most meaningful or helpful to you.
[Visit fb.com/ScoutingVA]
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Jamboree is more than a destination. It's the adventure of a lifetime, and there is simply nothing else like it on the planet. Open to Scouts BSA, Venturing, Explorer, and Sea Scouts who are 12 years of age and older. We've launched a National Jamboree page on the Heart of Virginia Council website to keep you up-to-date on #NatJamboree23 details! The cost to attend increases after October 25th, so get registered today!
[HOVC 2023 Jamboree Page]
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Food Lion Dates for Show & Sell Opportunities | |
We have an incredible fundraising opportunity for Show & Sells at 67 Food Lion stores on October 8th & 15th! Each Unit participating in the Popcorn & Peanut Sale may select ONE location for EACH date. Additional sign-ups will be offered later if not all locations are full. To reserve your Food Lion Show & Sell date, make sure your Unit is registered for training, too! (If your Unit has never hosted a booth sale, ask Heather Dunton about a trial opportunity!)
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Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry
A Fundraiser for New Tents and Platforms at Heart of Virginia Council Camps!
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Your holiday heroes are back; pumpkin, pecan, Boston cream, apple, fruits of the forest, French silk, and cheesecake have returned for our most delicious annual fundraiser. Order your desserts now through November 1st, and we'll have them ready for pick-up on November 18th and 19th at the Leadership Center. Don't forget to take our Pie Poll! Will Fruits of the Forest defend it's 2021 championship title, or will there be a new winner in 2022?
[Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry!]
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Forklift, Dollies, and Pallet Jack Needed for Popcorn & Peanuts! | |
We are looking for a volunteer with access to a forklift to lift 2,000 pounds of popcorn and peanuts at a time, three dollies, and a pallet jack. We need this equipment on Friday, September 9th and Saturday, September 10th at our Heart of Virginia Council Leadership Center!
Do you work for a company or personally own equipment that we can borrow? Please contact Heather Dunton if you can help!
[I Can Help!]
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Popcorn Costume-Making Workshop! |
Popcorn-Selling units are invited to join us at the Leadership Center on Saturday, September 17th from 10:00am to 12:00pm to make a fun popcorn costume to help promote their sale! We offer one FREE costume for each unit, but additional costumes can be made for $10.00 each.
[Register for the Workshop!]
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What's New at the Scout Shop | |
Scout Shop Sale - August 2nd thru October 31st | |
Get your new year in Scouting kicked off with a fresh new uniform from August 2nd through October 31st. Buy your uniform top and save 20% on your uniform bottoms. All the details, including our handy Uniform Flyer (which includes a helpful shopping checklist) are on the link below.
[Visit the HOVC Scout Shop]
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New Activity Uniform Shirts for Cub Scouts |
Glow-in-the-dark activity uniform shirts for Cub Scouts! Fall family camping is right around the corner and, at $13.00, we can't think of a more perfect shirt for roasting marshmallows around a campfire. Represent your den with pride!
[Visit the Scout Shop Webpage]
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We’re hoping your summer has been action-packed, and that your Advancement Reports are stuffed full of beltloops, pins, merit badges, rank patches, and other awards. Save time and place that order with the HOVC Scout Shop Online Ordering Tool. Select your items and choose in-store pickup at a time that’s convenient for you, or have your order shipped to your address.
[Visit the Scout Shop Webpage]
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The Heart of Virginia Council Scout Shop, located in the Leadership Center at 8090 Villa Park Drive, is offering a Patch Sewing Service to save you some time and frustration (especially if you don’t own a sewing machine and the thought of hand stitching or using Badge Magic on those patches makes you shudder).
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In-Person Cub Scout Den Leader Specific Training | |
Calling all new Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders! All youth not only deserve trained leaders, but they also deserve WELL TRAINED leaders. Is that not what YOU want for YOUR child, and what should expect of yourself and other leaders? Set aside some time on Saturday, September 1st or Saturday, October 6th to attend In-Person Cub Scout Den Leader Specific Training.
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Virtual Cub Scout Leader Forum
Take the mystery out of Den Meetings!
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The Cub Scout Leader Forum is a new learning opportunity offered by The Heart of Virginia Council’s Roundtable team. This series of virtual meetings will help Cub leaders find the resources to lead fun and memorable den meetings, and will demonstrate technology tools to simplify den management. Take advantage of two special sessions featuring guest speakers and veteran Cub Scouters who will cover a range of topics and answer your questions. Join us virtually on October 11th and November 8th.
[Solve the Mystery!]
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Cub Scout Creepy Hollow at Cub Adventure Camp | |
🎃Cub Scout summer camp is over, but it's never too early to plan for your next fun event at Cub Adventure Camp! Creepy Hollow is a fun overnight family camping event where packs and families come to camp to participate in a variety of fun and exciting program activities like a Haunted Forest, pumpkin painting, shooting sports, fishing, and more. Get Creepy Hollow on your schedule for the weekends of October 15th - 16th or October 22nd - 23rd.
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Tiger & Lion Rally at Cub Adventure Camp | |
The Tiger & Lion Rally is a special event at Cub Adventure Camp just for our newest Scouts! New Tiger and Lion Scouts are invited to camp for the day and have fun while becoming familiar with our Cub Scout camp facility. Activities run from noon to 3:00pm on Saturday, November 5th and include a parade, archery, wrist rockets, fishing, biking, crafts, a scavenger hunt, and more age-appropriate fun.
[Get Details and Register]
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Catholic Cub Scouts, Earn Your Religious Emblem | |
Cub Scouts and their families are welcomed to participate in this six week (November 6th - December 18th) facilitator supported faith journey held at St. Michael Catholic Church in Glen Allen, VA to help them earn their religious emblem. Two different emblems programs are offered depending on the Scout’s rank. The Light of Christ emblem is available for Tiger and Wolf Scouts. The Parvuli Dei emblem is available for Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Scouts.
[Register to Attend]
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Cub Scout Fall Recruitment on Social Media | |
We're kicking off Cub Scout recruitment beginning August 1st. For 10 weeks, we'll share posts every Monday at noon that we encourage you to share this fall recruitment season. We'll spotlight how Cub Scouting is fun for families, builds leadership skills through adventure, having fun outdoors, life skills, and more.
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National Summertime Pack Award All-Stars! | |
Our list of National Summertime Pack Award All-Stars is growing! This award is made to encourage a pack to be active when school is out for the summer, by doing one activity per month in June, July, and August. Congratulations to Packs 340, 876, 902, 2835, 521, 360, and 2837... our current All-Stars! Take our poll on the link below to get your unit added to our All-Stars list!
[Add Us to the List!]
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Join Our New TBS Venturing Crew | |
We are excited to announce the development of a brand new Council-sponsored Venturing Crew based out of Camp T. Brady Saunders! This special Crew will have an emphasis on shooting sports like archery, rifle, and shotgun. An Interest Meeting for prospective Scouts is scheduled for Sunday, September 18th at 2:00pm in the TBS Administration Building. No registration or RSVP is necessary to attend!
[Join Our Crew!]
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Fall Scoutmaster Specific -
Huguenot Trail
Huguenot Trail offers their Scoutmaster / Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training on Saturday, October 1st at T. Brady Saunders. This training is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.
[Register for Training]
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Geocaching Merit Badge Opportunity | |
Geocaching is great for fun and exercise. It’s a sport that’s a perfect fit for Scouting, and it’s a great way for Scouts and non-Scouts to share their enjoyment of the outdoors. Use your Scout skills and follow the Scout Oath and Scout Law as you embark on this new pastime. Learn how to Geocache from experienced local cachers and earn your Geocaching Merit Badge on October 8th at the Leadership Center!
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Automotive Maintenance
Merit Badge Opportunity
Scouts, start your engines! Earn your Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge at Leete Tire and Auto Center on Saturday, November 12th. The cost is $7.00 per Scout. A list of prerequisites and items to bring are included on the registration site, linked below. There are 20 spots open, so don't delay.
[Get Registered!]
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For Unit Leaders - Planning for 2022 / 2023 Program Year | |
Reminder: National Fees Increase August 1st | |
The value of Scouting is undeniable for those within the program and the greater public, and the BSA is committed to continuing to offer this unmatched opportunity to young people and families nationwide. To ensure the organization has the resources to fulfill the promise of Scouting, the national membership fee structure will change, effective August 1, 2022.
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2022 Den, Pack, and Troop Driven Recruitment Resources | |
Every fall, the Heart of Virginia Council conducts a Join Scouting Night Campaign to invite new families to join packs, troops, crews, and posts. This fall, we will again hold a JSN campaign, primarily utilizing promotions efforts through local schools. However, your den, pack, or troop can hold additional recruiting events that leverage social media and word-of-mouth marketing to invite new families out to one or more of the fun activities that your unit is already doing. Use our helpful guide and planning worksheet to help you hold a successful recruitment event.
[Download Your Guide and Worksheet]
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Minor Modifications to Scouts BSA Rank Requirements | |
Beginning August 1, 2022, minor modifications to requirements for the ranks of Scout through Star will take effect. Scouts may continue using the existing requirements for the rank on which they are currently working, or they may choose the new requirements. Scouts must use the new requirements upon advancement to their next rank, and beginning January 1, 2023, all Scouts will use the new requirements.
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Youth Protection Training | |
Youth Protection Training (YPT) is essential to make professionals, volunteers, and parents more aware, and it empowers them to help protect our youth. YPT must be taken every 2 years - volunteers will not be re-registered with their Scouting unit if their YPT training record is not current at the time of re-charter. Key 3 should check their Trained Leader Reports in My.Scouting.org to ensure their leadership team is properly trained.
[Learn More About YPT]
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Full-Time District Executive |
Heart of Virginia Council is seeking qualified applicants for a full-time District Executive position. A full description of the opportunity, including job requirements and desired skills, along with compensation details and application instructions, can be found using the link below.
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Part-Time ScoutReach Program Aid |
ScoutReach Program Aids help deliver a quality Scouting program for underserved youth in our community. They also assist with leading volunteers to help grow the program and instill Scouting values in the lives of youth. Full details, including application instructions, can be found using the link below.
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Join the Adventure! (Camping and Outdoors) | |
Winter Camp at T. Brady Saunders |
Don’t sit around this winter being bored – come chill out with your friends at Winter Camp! Scouts are invited out to T. Brady Saunders January 13th – 16th, 2023 to get out of the house, have some fun, and earn merit badges. We can’t think of a cooler way to enjoy winter than being at camp.
[Register for Winter Camp]
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Philmont Scout Ranch: The Ultimate in Scouting Adventures |
Philmont Scout Ranch is a national high adventure base, owned and operated by the Boy Scouts of America. The Heart of Virginia Council Contingent is sending three 12-day trek crews to Philmont Scout Ranch in 2023. Sign up now to reserve your spot!
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2023 Back-At-Camp Council Camporee |
It's time to get back to what we all love to do - Scouting with lots of friends! This will be a fun and memorable weekend for all Scouts and a time to catch up with old friends. Think of this as a Council-sized National or World Scout Jamboree! Save the date: April 21st - 23rd, 2023 at the Goochland Reservation!
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Advancement, Training and Life Skill Opportunities | |
September District Roundtables |
September Roundtables offer leaders hands-on experience and provide a form for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters.
[Get Roundtable Dates]
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Huguenot Trail
Huguenot Trail is offering both BALOO and IOLS at T. Brady Saunders. IOLS is required for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, and Associate Crew Advisors. Packs and Webelos Dens must have a BALOO trained leader in attendance.
[BALOO - Oct 15th - 16th]
[IOLS - Nov 5th - 6th]
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Battlefield is offering both BALOO and IOLS at T. Brady Saunders the weekend of September 16th - 18th. IOLS is required for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, and Associate Crew Advisors. Packs and Webelos Dens must have a BALOO trained leader in attendance.
[Get Registered Today!]
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The Den Chief Training combines fun and enjoyment with an excellent character-building experience. Participants will learn leadership, organization, and most importantly, how to work with Cub Scouts. This training is for youth who are or want to be a Den Chief to a den in a Cub Scout Pack. It's also for registered adult leaders who would like to learn about the duties of a Den Chief. Join us on November 18th!
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Winter National Youth Leadership Training |
Registration for the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) winter session is open! Scheduled for December 17th - 23rd, this exciting program is designed to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their Troops and other situations. Let your Scouts know that they can get much more out of their winter break by attending NYLT.
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Coming in the Fall of 2022 | |
Recognition, Memorials and Honors | |
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve this remarkable milestone. [Eagle Scouts]
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Tributes and memorials are a way for us to honor, cherish, or remember our Scouting mentors and loved ones. [Honorees]
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2023 Eagle Challenge Brick Program | |
A great way to honor your Eagle Scout is to sponsor a personally engraved Eagle Brick. The cost is $200 per brick which includes engraving of up to eighteen characters per line (letters, space and punctuation) with a maximum of two lines. To be included in the 2023 Eagle Brick Unveiling Ceremony, brick orders must be received by July 7th, 2023.
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Check out your district for upcoming events and important news! | |
Heart of Virginia Council
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