Friday Newsletter

May 31, 2024

This Sunday

10 am: Family First Worship Service with

Communion and Graduate Recognition

11:15 am: Coffee Hour

11:15 am: Stephen Ministers Women's Group

11:15 am: New Song Rehearsal

Nursery care available.

Westminster Kids - It’s a First Sunday! 

What: A special meditation for kids

Time: Meet Pastor Kelly @ 9:45 am to practice before the service

Looking Ahead

June 9 @ 10 am: Teacher/Musician Recognition

                  Installation of Elders & Deacons

June 9 @ 12 pm: Leadership Retreat

June 10 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out

June 18 @ 6 pm: Men's Night Out

June 23 @ 11:30 am: Music & Pizza Party

June 30-July 4: Youth City Camp

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email

Leadership Retreat

The annual 2024 Leadership Retreat is here for all elders, deacons, staff, and chairpersons.

Date: June 9, 2024

Time: 11:30 am-3:00 pm

Location: Westminster Presbyterian Church

Details: It’s a potluck! Please bring a side to share. Sandwiches will be provided.

Vegetarian? Gluten-free? Allergies? Please let Krisha know by Thursday, June 6 @ noon, ( 


Stephen Ministers would like to offer you the invitation to come to the first meeting of any woman who is either a widow or going through or completed a divorce. We would like to start a group for people who would like to take some time and help others going through the same issue. Save JUNE 2, 2024 at 11:15 am to meet others and set up a group meeting. We will meet in the Eastminster Room. SEE YOU THERE!

Women's Night Out is Monday, June 10, at 6 pm at The Red Lobster. Please RSVP to Betty Fennell (503-851-5333 or

Buildings and Grounds Committee members would welcome help on two days next week.

  • Monday, June 3 at 1 pm, come join the committee to “walk” the line – the irrigation line – to replace drip lines and plugs as needed. Bring gloves, nippers, and scissors.
  • Friday, June 7 at 1 pm come to prepare the ground for wildflowers. Workers will dig out old growth roots, rake the soil, and scatter the seeds.

For information and/or to volunteer, contact Ted Burney (503-428-0625,

The Events Committee is looking for a social media fan to join our team! If you love parties, weddings and events, and love your Facebook page, contact Jean Severson at

If you know of anyone who might be a good fit for our 2 hours-a-week nursery attendant job, please talk to Lucy Foster, Suzanne Taylor or Carole Brewer. Until we can hire someone, we will need extra hands, so if you are on our list to help with children and youth, please consider giving your love to our smallest family members. 

PLEDGES DUE JUNE 2 for Boulder Hall Loan Retirement

As of May 28, 2024, there have been 33 pledges for $63,110.63 towards our goal of $225,000. Turn in your card this Sunday, mail in, or pledge online here.

Thank you

You know about the hard work of the group who worked with Vik to find and hire Bluebells Childcare. Buildings and Grounds members worked hard too. They handled a multitude of tasks to prepare the church for a childcare business. Here are many of the tasks they took on in addition to keeping the grounds and buildings safe and updated.

  • Obtained the Conditional Use Permit to allow us to host a childcare business not run by the church
  • Tested every sink in the building for lead
  • Tested all emergency lighting and replaced them when necessary
  • Prepared the kitchen for the county health inspection
  • Prepared for several fire marshal inspections
  • Installed more smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Cleared the playground, including removing preschool equipment and the swing
  • Decluttered and cleaned all storage areas, recycling everything possible
  • Screened the downstairs water heater
  • Replaced a window screen
  • Repaired damage from leaking water in the old preschool area
  • Replaced the faucet in the young children’s lavatory
  • Installed a Knox box (a master key box for emergency situations)
  • Installed and labeled an “emergency corner” where the defibrillator, fire extinguisher, and first aid kit will be grouped together for easy emergency access
  • Tracked down and replaced an inoperative boiler pump

Thank you, Building & Grounds!!!

Bill Hubble writes from Minnesota, "Thanks to all of you who signed the card for me. It meant a lot. I do miss my church family. God has been good so far, and I don't expect that to change."

Pray for

Bill Hubble as he enters hospice care.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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