April 28, 2022
Special Olympics Ontario would like to announce that effective May 1st, 2022, the Infection Prevention and Control Measures (IPCM) will be in effect for all sport training and competitions, community meetings and events.
The details of the new measures will be available on the Return to Program website. With the implementation of IPCM, the following will also be in effect:
- Return to Program Application process is no longer required
- COVID-19 Declaration Forms are no longer required *
- COVID-19 Screening is no longer required
- Attendance Tracking is no longer required*
- Vaccine Declaration Form submission is no longer in effect
*Please keep all COVID related documentation on file for two years.
Face coverings are no longer mandated by Special Olympics Ontario. Individual Special Olympics communities will have the option to implement face covering requirements for their indoor programs.
All community programs, competitions and events will be required to follow the COVID-19 protocols that are established by their local municipality, health unit or facility (if any).
School based sport programs will continue to follow the direction of their respective school board. Partner programs will continue to follow the direction of their respective provincial sport organization.
We have begun our transition back to hosting competitions and events. Capacity numbers at competitions and events will slowly grow as COVID numbers decrease and we become more comfortable with being together.
Moving forward, we will continue to keep health and safety of our membership a priority and adjust our safety measures as needed.