GreenMatter News
August 4, 2023
Regional Reports
Quebec Report
It is nice to see that golf is continuing to be as popular as ever here in Quebec, with private golf clubs even having waiting lists. Its encouraging that many clubs, both public and private, are investing in course renovation projects. All that to say, golf is alive and strong. 
Quebec is not unique to seeing results of climate change. In the spring, we experienced unusually dry conditions which were then followed by large variations in temperatures. This is my first-time seeing fusarium patch in fairways in the middle of June before the appearance of dollar spot. One week we had frost, the following week saw the temperature rise to 30 degrees celsius. 
British Columbia Report
When I spoke of change in my last update, I did not expect that to be the running theme, but hey, “The only constant in life is change” - Heraclitus.
First off, we will see a change in the operations of the BCGSA as Miranda Robinson steps down from her role. Hopefully by the time this is printed, we are well on our way to having that position filled again. Thank you to BCGSA President Brett Finlayson and the CGSA staff for helping to fill this void in the interim. BCGSA members are already benefiting from our partnership with the CGSA as we are fortunate to have some back-up support to work through this situation.  
Ontario Report
It has been a wet summer in Ontario thus far with monthly rainfall in July double (or in some cases more) than the monthly average. Despite the relentless rain, Golf Course Superintendents and their teams are working hard as rounds of golf played remain at all time highs.
It is also tournament season in Ontario with clubs across the province hosting professional tournaments. The number of events being hosted is too long a list to include in this update. However, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge, congratulate and thank you for all your hard work  
In This Issue
Some Content you will Find in This Issue:
  • Refer a Member and New Members
  • CGSA Award Programs
  • National Tournaments, Access to CPKC Women's Open
  • More Than Turf Photo Contest and Club Celebrations
  • Work in Australia
  • Golfmax
  • HumanaCare and Venngo Benefits
Membership News
Refer a Member for a Chance to Win!
If you refer a new member by August 31 you are eligible to win some great prizes!
To thank you for helping CGSA build a stronger membership; your name will go into a draw to win one of two CGSA merchandise prizes. A new CGSA golf shirt and a CGSA Yeti beer holder. A value of $150. So, sign up your Assistant or get a colleague to join.
CGSA 2023 Award Programs
Nominate or Apply for One of These Great CGSA Awards!
The CGSA uses a variety of award programs to recognize the achievements of its members in the conduct of their duties as professional golf course managers. The award programs are one of the ways in which the association profiles the work of golf course professionals. Nominate a colleague for the John B. Steel award; CGSA/Rain Bird Environmental Achievement award; CGSA/Toro Assistant Superintendent of the Year award; CGSA/Foley Company Equipment Technician of the Year award and scholarships.

Member Access to CPKC Women's Open
In support of our Canadian golf industry partners, Golf Canada is pleased to offer all members of the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) ONE (1) free pass to the CPKC Women’s Open at Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club in Vancouver, BC from August 22-27, 2023.
New Members
Please join the CGSA in welcoming the following new members and/or members who re-joined recently.
Joel Amirault, Timberlea, NS; Mark Calder, Riverview, NB;
Justin Casat, Medicine Hat, AB; Glen Carlson, Cranbrook, BC; 
Mike Galvin, Kaleden, BC; Kevin Hart, Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON; 
Leon Harvey, St. Andrew, NB; Bob Merritt, Wilmington, NC; 
Jarrad Perl, Invermereq, BC; Blair Rennie, Stouffville, ON; 
Mathieu Rousseau, Shawinigan, QC; Jason Routledge, Oak Lake, MB; 
Jennifer Rozek, Blind Bay, BC; Blaine Swiderski, Sun Peaks, BC; 
Sean Valikoski, Victoria, BC; Sean Van Beurden, Clifford, ON; 
Ryan Witzaney, Sun Peaks, BC
More Than Turf Photo Contest
Each month GreenMatter will share some of the photos submitted as part of the More Than Turf Photo Contest. The winner will be selected in December and receive "bragging rights" and a CGSA merchandise package. To submit photos please send photos with captions to CGSA.
Foggy sunrise on hole 16 at Coyote Creek Golf and RV Resort, AB. Marcus Blech.
Oh no! Ian Brooks, Selkirk Manitoba.
Humboldt crew riding the Forest Gump Snapper - trying to make the mower run - Glenn Wildeman.
Beaconsfield Celebrates Doug Meyer
Beaconsfield Golf Club celebrated Doug Meyer's retirement with over 170 members in attendance.
Doug is presented with a painting of the 18th hole and received an honourary membership.
Doug and his family are joined by 17 red jacket members (presidents and club captains).
Kananaskis Celebrates 40 Years
CGSA Member Graeme Douglas was on hand to celebrate the 40th opening anniversary of the Kananaskis Country Golf Course and says Calvin and his team had the place in great shape.
Graeme's father, Rab Douglas, pipes in Robert Trent Jones Sr. and Peter Lougheed and his wife, Joanne during the opening celebrations 40 years ago.
Graeme and his son Iain at Kananaskis 40 years later.
Want to Work in Australia This Winter?
Travel and turn your seasonal grounds or hospitality job into a year-long profession through the EnvoyGolf Exchange Program. Successful candidates will spend their winters in Australia or New Zealand at some of the best golf courses in the world, with positions available from Fall of 2023 through to Spring of 2024.

For details contact
Save up to $3,500 on your 2023 Lease or Purchase
As an exclusive member benefit through the Golfmax Purchasing program, CGSA members can save up to $3,500 on in-stock 2023 General Motors vehicles leased, financed or purchased outright through the Competitive Assistance Program.
CGSA Members can now Join the Member Assistance Program

What is HumanaCare?
As a member of the CGSA, you now have the option to add HumanaCare’s Member and Family Assistance Program to your renewal for the low cost of $40.

HumanaCare can assist in the following areas:
HumanaCare provides free, confidential support and counselling for individuals and their families experiencing work-life challenges. HumanaCare provides short-term counselling 24/7 by phone, in-person or via their virtual/mobile app to assist with life challenges.
Jeff Calderwood, Chief Executive Officer ex. 24
Lori Micucci, Manager, Member Services ex. 27
Kathryn Wood, Chief Operating Officer ex. 23
Barb Manifold, Events and Administration ex. 25
PH: 1-800-387-1056, Fax: 416-626-1958