Please note: There was a typo in the service times sent out previously in The Bridge.
The sunrise service will be at 6:30 AM in Laishley Park. Happy Easter!
New Life in Christ Church Weekly Update - April 7, 2023
Easter Sunday: April 9, 2023
6:30 am Sunrise Service, Laishley Park
8:00 am Praise in the Park, Laishley Park
9:15 am Traditional, Sanctuary
10:45 am Contemporary, Laishley Park

Message: "He has risen!"
Pastor Angela Hinchman

Message: "He Said..."
Scripture: Luke 23:32-43 
Pastor Mike Loomis
Reminder: Bring a chair or a blanket for worship at Laishley Park!
New this Week:
  • Shower Ministry Needs
  • Prom Dress Donations Needed
  • Youth Yard Sale is coming back! April 28-29
  • Journey of a Lifetime, begins May 1
A Mother's Prayer of Hope
Today a mother reaches into a cupboard and opens two cans of food. How can she feed her family? Rising prices of food, still facing damages from Hurricane Ian, a lost job or low pay, children looking at her expectantly. She stops. She prays for a miracle. Deep inside, she trusts God to supply her needs.

A church prays “How can we help those less fortunate?” And God leads us - one can of food at a time. Or one bag of food. A box of food. We will stock the shelves of the Salvation Army food pantry. We can be an answer to a mother’s prayer!

Dates: April 9 - May 14, 2023
Timing: We will collect food from Easter through Mother’s Day!
Where: Collection boxes will be in Lenox Hall, labeled “A Mother’s Prayer of Hope”

How can you help?
  • Shop each week and bring items to collection boxes at church
  • Pray for the items as you place them in the boxes
  • Give a cash donation. We’ll be glad to shop for you! Earmark donation “A Mother’s Prayer of Hope”
  • Pray for the families that we will help.
  • Volunteer to help collect boxes of food and move them to the storage area
  • Call Chris Wilkens to volunteer! 941-276-4416

Sunday, May 14 - Mothers’ Day! This is the day that the Lord has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it! Everyone brings food for the collection boxes!

Monday, May 15: Deliver to the Salvation Army! We will need a few volunteers to load and
transport food to Salvation Army!
Shower Ministry Needs
Shower Ministry Needs:
-women’s socks (new in packages)
-men’s M and 2X underwear(new in packages)
-men’s S, M, L, XL, 2X, 3X casual or T-shirts
-men’s size 28-34 jeans or cargo shorts

Thank you for your donations!
Prom Dress Donations
Greeting Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Prom Season is coming up. We are collecting dresses to distribute to the area youth that are unable to purchase one. We are collecting clean, gently used prom dresses, evening gowns, and bridesmaids' dresses. If you or someone that you know have dresses that you will no longer use please consider donating to this worthy cause. If you know of someone that could use a dress please send them our way. We are also collecting donations to provide the youth with a brand new 2 piece accessory set. If you would like to learn more about this opportunity please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our contact information is located below.

Thank you for your time,

Terence and Shalonda Davis
Anytime Fashion
318 Tamiami Trail, Unit 223
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Reading the Bible
Many people would really like to know more about the Bible, but when they are confronted with reading it they become aware of an acute problem—they don’t know where to start. Many fine Christians earnestly start to read the Bible but find it difficult to understand.  

Beginning Monday, May 1st, God’s answer to this problem can be solved with the study... Journey of a Lifetime. I have led this more than 6 times with folks from all denominations, ages, and walks of life. Classes will be held in my Punta Gorda home at 10 a.m. and if you feel you’re ready to take on the challenge contact me by email for the location. The cost of the class material is $10. All reservations must be in by April 24th.

Myrt Creigh 
Men's Breakfast - April 15
The Men of New Life Church will be meeting on Saturday, April 15th at 8:00 am in Lenox Hall. Our guest presenter will Leo Modica, author of Mainstream Apologetics, a website that trains leaders to know and articulate the truth claims of the Christian faith. Our goal is to equip men to overcome person doubt and confidently engage with people far from God. Learn more about Leo and Mainstream Apologetics at and

A Continental Breakfast will be provided. There is no charge for this event, but please RSVP (below) by Thursday, April 13 or contact Wayne Sharp at All men are invited to join us!
Men's Breakfast RSVP
Lenox Hall

04/15/23 8:00am - 04/15/23 10:00am

Yes, I'll be attending!
Tuesday Night Small Groups
Come and join us Tuesday evenings, starting April 18th, for 6 weeks as we explore what it looks like to Apprentice with Jesus! Everyone is welcome, and dinner and child care are provided!

Dinner: 5:45 pm
Small Groups: 6:30 pm

Please register using the link below.
Harmony Class - Holy Spirit Study
The Harmony Class will begin a new six-week study on The Holy Spirit taught by Pastor Bill Grant. The class will begin Sunday, April 16th at 9:15 AM in Lenox Hall. This class will be based upon the teachings and ministry of Bill Bright and his book "The Christian and the Holy Spirit." Pastor Bill will be taking orders for books at the first class. 
Jesus Love You - Benefit Concert, April 21
A night of local talented Singers & Soloists coming together to raise funds to minister and help the homeless. A love offering will be received to further Jesus Loves You Ministry. For concert information call Jerry: 920-470-5014.
Youth Yard Sale - April 28, 29
Mark your calendars now for our Huge Youth Yard Sale held primarily to support our summer mission trip. The sale will be open first to you (our New Life Church Family) on Friday night April 28th from 6 - 8pm. This is a CASH-only sale (no checks, credit cards, Venmo or apple pay will be accepted).

The sale will continue on Saturday, April 29th from 9am – 2 pm when we will welcome the general public to scoop up some great deals and find some awesome treasures. At noon Saturday, all unsold items will be reduced to ½ price at checkout.

Please tell your neighbors and friends to attend this giant sale on Saturday, April 29th to help our students earn the money they need to participate in our annual mission trip. (This year our teens will serve for 9 days in Austin, Texas)

Your donations of items for our sale can be dropped off in the Life Center room #7(As you enter the Life Center foyer room 7 is the first door on the right and also known the game room). 

Donations can only be accepted on the following days and times:
April 18th - 20th from 10am - 1pm and April 24th - 27th also from 10am - 1pm  

We can accept most items that have value for our sale, but we ask that all clothing be donated to our Church Bargain Boutique.

*Please note that we cannot take the following items: Mattresses, large kitchen appliances (like refrigerators or stoves) nor can we accept most large furniture (nightstands & coffee tables are ok) All items should be in working order.
Music Ministry Updates
Greetings Everyone, 

Happy Easter!!! 

Easter Sunday, April 9, our 9:15 AM Traditional Service will be held on campus in the Life Center. The Life Center is the building located on the corner of Gill St. and W. Olympia Ave. 

Music Ministry Opportunities:
The Chancel Ringers rehearse on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM and play at the 9:15 AM service once a month. If you are interested in joining our handbell group and can read music I want to talk to you! 

The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 6:00 PM in the Historic Sanctuary and sings Sundays at the 9:15 AM Service. The Chancel Choir is open to anyone interested – no audition is necessary. 

Please contact me for more information or questions. 

Soli Deo Gloria!
David Bellows
Director of Music Ministries

This Sunday’s Music – Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023 – 9:15 AM Service 
Prelude: Festive Trumpet Tune – D. German
Opening Hymn: 251 Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Bell Anthem: Easter Bells – M. Ryan
Chancel Ringers & David Bellows, Director
Offertory Anthem: Easter Alleluia – J. Althouse
Chancel Choir & David Bellows, Director
Doxology 682 
Closing Hymn: 258 Sing With All The Saints In Glory
Postlude: Toccata from Symphony No. V. – C. M. Widor
A Word from Worship
Greetings New Life Church family -
This Easter season, Christians everywhere will be honoring Jesus for His sacrifice - for His never-ending love and His gifts of grace, forgiveness, and fellowship with our Heavenly Father. This, year's Lenten journey has been different for me, perhaps because I'd been through a challenging health situation which was a lengthy (before Christmas) struggle, or maybe simply because I'm old! Whatever the motivation, it turned into a beautiful and meaningful blessing. Pastor Mike encouraged us to experience these 40 days and I began by increasing prayer and trying to spend more time reading. Right before Ash Wednesday I read Hebrews 11: 1,6 - "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith.  Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that there is a God and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him."  Our faith is our lifeline to Him, but it's not confined to within the inside of a church. We usually begin by volunteering or helping lead a Bible study for example. Living our faith is an everyday expression of our love for God and what He is doing in our life. It's a choice we make and it can impact everyone around us. One example I'd like to share is this; one day in the infusion clinic a man sitting in the recliner next to me began talking with me. I could tell he was upset but I'll be honest- I always was very shy and quiet so it's never been easy for me to interfere in any way. However, God has told me to say a silent prayer and He will guide me. Soon this new friend was sharing his situation with me and asking me to pray for him. I would never have been able to do this before I developed this lifeline to God.  We are given so many precious gifts if we learn to reach out and ask for help. We are all children of God and this Easter Sunday let's fill our hearts with His joy in a new way. First, be humble -- I've tried to ask God for more this Easter season - to push me out of my comfort zone into new experiences. Second - develop authentic praise by beginning a gratitude journal. The more blessings we discover the more we become filled with praise for our Heavenly Father who provides them. And of course, share the joy. As we celebrate the resurrection this year let's share the joy that we've found in Christ with everyone around us - not because we have to but because we just can't help it! My prayer is to come to Him this Easter with an open heart and willing hands to love and serve however He leads us.

Have a blessed Easter! I'm praying for you!

Rosie Young
Worship Coordinator
Church Name Tags
When you come to the church campus, please wear your New Life Church name tag.
If you do not have a church name tag, you can order one HERE.
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 4pm
(941) 639-3842 |
Sign up to receive text messages & daily devotions by calling the church office.
All past issues of The Bridge are available on our website HERE.