April 2022
Congratulations, T.J.!
YVCHR's Volunteer of the Month
T.J. joined YVCHR in June of 2020 as a rising 6th-grader and has served over 100 hours at a variety of projects since then! His favorite two projects so far have been building the Goat City at Bluebird Gap Farm and building beds with Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Not only does T.J. enjoy helping construct the beds, but he also finds it meaningful to help deliver them to local children in need. "I am proud that I am able to give them a bed to sleep in. I never realized so many kids didn't have a bed." Through YVC, he has learned "how a group of people doing small things can better my community in big ways." T.J.'s advice to other youth volunteers is to try different projects and be open to new experiences. You never know what might touch your heart!

His hobbies include gaming, riding his longboard, fishing, canoeing, surfing and white water rafting. He's also currently taking diving lessons! While graduation is still a long way off, T.J. plans to become a fireman after high school to continue serving his community.
Pictured above: T.J. branding the "SHP" logo into a headboard at a Sleep in Heavenly Peace bed build.
School Club Spotlight: Yorktown Middle School
YVCHR's 11th-Annual Canstructure Competition -
Sponsorship Opportunities Available!
  • Interested in event sponsorship? Click here for a list of sponsorship benefits!
  • Sponsorships must be confirmed by 4/15 in order to have business logo printed on this year's event t-shirts. Contact Katie to discuss sponsorship opportunities!
Adventures in Volunteering!
We are thrilled to announce the debut of our very own children's book, a compilation of stories written and illustrated by youth volunteers about their experiences with YVCHR! Back in 2020, we hosted a 4-part virtual series that featured separate lessons from an author, an editor, an illustrator and a publisher. Over 18 months in the making, the book is finally complete and copies are being delivered to our host sites, to elementary schools, and to the little libraries that YVCHR has constructed and installed throughout the community. Special thanks to Community Knights for awarding YVCHR a generous GIFT Grant that made it possible to professionally print 50 copies to share with the community! And kudos to our youth volunteers who worked so hard to write and illustrate these stories. We are also very grateful to Kimberly Moore and Helen Madden for bringing this book project to life!
5K on the Runway to Support YVCHR
After a two-year absence due to COVID, the 5K on the Runway is making its return to the Newport News-Williamsburg Airport!
Online registration will open Friday, April 8th at 1:00PM. Registration is $40, and will be limited to 1,000 participants. The inaugural event in 2019 sold out, so don't delay in booking your spot for this unique running experience. 

This year's run will support Youth Volunteer Corps of Hampton Roads!

Click HERE for more details.
Upcoming Service Opportunities

Click the project links below for more information about each service opportunity. Some projects have special requirements/considerations, so please read carefully.

Check out the PROJECT CALENDAR on our website and be sure to sign up when new projects are posted! Volunteer spots go fast!

You can see our youth volunteers in action by following us

(Virginia Beach)
10 spots
Sunday, June 5th

(Newport News)
5 spots
Monday, May 16th

*1 spot left*
Wednesdays from April 13th - May 18th

10 spots
Monday, May 2nd

*7 spots still available*
Saturday, April 23rd

(Newport News)
10 spots
Thursday, June 2nd

YVCHR is collecting GRAY and WHITE and BLACK plastic bottle caps for a recycled art project to benefit Cole's Horse Autism Therapy Station (C.H.A.T.S.). The artwork will be installed on their sensory trail. Donations can be dropped off in the bin at the YVCHR office (10 San Jose Drive, Suite 4-D, Newport News) or email Katie to coordinate pick-up.
Scholarship Opportunities
Don and Jean Sloan Youth Service Scholarship

The Don and Jean Sloan Youth Service Scholarship is awarded through Youth Volunteer Corps Headquarters. The $1,000 scholarship is open to active YVC volunteers who have demonstrated excellence in volunteerism and leadership and who are committed to making a difference in their communities.

To see the requirements, criteria and what you will need in order to apply for this scholarship, please follow the link below.

Deadline: April 30, 2021
$10,000 to be applied to higher education or to a service project

The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes celebrates inspiring, public-spirited young people from diverse backgrounds all across North America. Youth need to be currently working on an inspiring service project or have done so within the past 12 months and need to be working as an individual to lead their service work.

Each year, the Barron Prize honors 25 outstanding young leaders ages 8-18 who have made a significant positive difference to people and the environment.

Deadline: April 15, 2021
Did you know that your online shopping purchases can help fund YVCHR programs? Consider designating Youth Volunteer Corps of Hampton Roads as your charity of choice!

  • AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases on Amazon to YVCHR.
  • Simply shop at The donation will be made at no extra cost to you.
  • Though 0.5% is not a large donation and it isn't intended to replace your regular charitable contributions, AmazonSmile is still a great way to maximize your impact! It all adds up!
Community Knights Bingo
High school students and adults who would like to help local schools and nonprofit organizations (like YVCHR!), please consider signing up to volunteer at Community Knights Bingo. Proceeds from bingo are donated back into the Hampton Roads community!

NOTE: Community Knights will sign volunteer logs for those who need evidence of service hours. This is not a YVCHR-facilitated activity, so a team leader from YVCHR will not be on-site.
Community Partner Spotlight