Something I love doing is making connections with people, that’s probably part of why I was called to ministry and being a pastor. These connections can be anything from connecting with someone who also has roots in Kansas City, finding joy in shared hobbies like sewing or playing video games, or connecting the ideas that part of Captain Marvel’s plot includes themes about helping people who are different from you and how that’s so similar to the Good Samaritan story. | |
Given my affinity for making connections, I’ve come to have a love/hate relationship with a new game The New York Times is testing out called Connections. This game gives you 16 words and you have to make 4 groups of 4 words that have connections. | |
They’re even color-coded with a “straightforward” group all the way down to “tricky”. Sometimes the category is simple “types of reptile” where you click the names of four types of reptiles. Other times it’s quite trickier like “Adams” where you click the last names of four famous “Adams”. | |
I’ve been wondering what straightforward words they would choose for “Christian." Maybe words like love, grace, hope, peace. But maybe those words would seem tricky considering how often many Christians spew hateful words in the loving name of Christ… | |
Connections can be tricky, but they can also be straightforward. May our love and grace for one another shine so brightly that those around us have no doubt that part of being a Christian is embodying that love, grace, hope, and peace for one another and the world. | |
Grace and Peace,
Megan Berry
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Greetings from Guatemala! We have 13 adults/youth traveling and doing mission work in Guatemala this week - Charlie Berthoud, Haila Conley, Lori Conley, Bailey Green, Callum Kennedy, Arlene Kennedy, Hudson Pudelwitts, Lina Pudelwitts, Brooke Von Bergen, Claire Von Bergen, Jenny Von Bergen, Jacqueline Whitley, Xander Whitley. Click on a picture to see more of their trip so far! | |
In-Person and Livestream worship: 9:30am
- Holy Communion - Rev. Sue Melrose officiating
Good News from the Pews Sermon Series - Carrie Sanders preaching
- Sermon: "The Esther Moment" | Text: Esther 4:14
Music: Ben Welch, pianist; Marco Mascitti, guitarist
Children's Time with Megan Berry
- Nursery Care (9:15-10:45 am)
- Kaleidoscope Kids (during worship)
- Bradfield Café (10:30-11:00am)
Visit our Worship HQ for everything you need to worship with us online!
| If you missed a service or would like to watch a service again, all livestreamed services are saved to our YouTube channel. Or you can give the sermons another listen on our sermon podcast! | |
Good News from the Pews - Carrie Sanders
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Carrie Sanders has been a member of Covenant since 2014. She was raised in the United Methodist tradition and attended a Southern Baptist Youth Group throughout middle and high school. At Covenant, Carrie has previously served as Ruling Elder and now sings with the church's New Day Ensemble. Carrie is the CEO and Founder of Hope Community Capital, a national community development finance consultancy and a certified B-Corp. She is pursuing a Master of Divinity degree at University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, with a focus on mission and evangelism. Carrie lives in Madison with her husband, Scott, and three children. | |
During the summer on Sundays, we will have an arts or crafts display in the gathering space, all original art made by Covenant members. This Sunday’s artist is Larry Dubisz. Larry is a photographer and will display his work for us. Come take a look after worship! | |
THIS SUNDAY (April 6) - Important Information | |
If you purchased tickets, they are available for pick-up in the office OR on Sunday at church. First pitch is at 12:35pm. If you purchased tailgate tickets, that begins at 11:30am. Special arrangements can be made by emailing Melissa Hinz. Some more fun: our Contemporary Music Director, Ben Welch, happens to be the Mallards’ organist! | |
Would you like to help feed hungry people in Madison? Join us on Monday, August 7 to provide dinner for the residents of the Triangle Community. There are multiple ways to become involved. Contact Frances Parker to get involved or sign up on the bulletin board outside the lounge! We still need a grocery shopper on Monday morning, a couple of bakers (4 doz cookies/bars each) and someone to help prepare the meal at Covenant from 2:15-3:30pm. | |
Traveling this summer? Take a picture (maybe even with your Covenant t-shirt on!) and add it to our map in the narthex. Contact the office if you want to purchase one of the new t-shirts! We ask for $10 just to cover the cost of production, and are available in Covenant mauve, burnt orange, ocean blue, and leaf green. | |
New this week: Betsy Deitte (sister-in-law of Jenny Von Bergen);
Oscar and family (friends of Covenant)
This week's white roses commemorate the lives of Sandy Osborn Finner (member) and John Emmons (teacher and mentor of Shawn Conley), Sherri Megna (friend of Lynn Vande Sande), and Linda Johnson (friend of Margie Coons).
Loving God, in your mercy hear our prayers for each of these your children. We pray for healing, for courage, and for peace, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
(click on the image header for full prayer list on Worship HQ)
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A Program for Peace is a Benefit Concert for the people of Ukraine, in our continued efforts to support our brothers and sisters in need. You may recall that we held a benefit concert last Fall with beautiful music, raising over $20,000. We again will invite back Ukrainian musician Ivan Shmilo who plays the bandura. A free will donation will be collected with all donations being split between Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and Wisconsin Ukrainians, Inc. Note: in The Caravan, there was an error. The correct date is above. | |
Interfaith Pride Service - Monday, August 21 | |
Join together with Madison faith communities for an interfaith event to celebrate and support the LGBTQIA+ community, sponsored by Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice. Organizations will hold an info fair at 5pm. The service is at 6:30pm. This service centers Queer voices and celebrates the LGBTQIA+ community and our allies. The interfaith service can be viewed online at Bethany United Methodist Church's YouTube channel. Also, RSVP on Facebook! | |
Sunday morning opportunities
We are in need of some help on Sunday mornings!
Bradfield Cafe Volunteer:
Click HERE to sign up!
Greeter & Welcome Center Volunteer:
Click HERE to sign up!
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