Don't donate to the EJC this month. Instead, give to your favorite candidate supporting environmental justice. See a partial list below! | All registered Democrats are cordially invited to attend any EJC meeting. | |
General Membership Meeting, May 13 7PM | |
Come Join us for a very special meeting. Democratic Candidate Marianne Williamson will be joining us. Her statement sent to the EJC follows:
"President Biden has clinched the Democratic nomination for the Presidency. Voters in states still to have their primary still have an opportunity to weigh in on his agenda, however. A vote for Marianne Williamson in the Presidential primary sends a message that certain issues need to be reflected in his campaign, not only because they matter to us but because they are key to defeating Donald Trump in November.
The core of the Williamson agenda is fundamental economic reform; “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people” has become “a government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations” and we must change that. Short term profit maximization for huge corporate interests has become a false god in America, an economic governing principle that has replaced democracy itself as America’s new bottom line. It is the task of this generation to end that trend. The Democratic Party should display an unequivocal advocacy for the working people of the United States, and only a truly progressive agenda will achieve that.
With 39% of Americans now reporting that they regularly skip meals to pay their rent, and millions literally selling their blood plasma to pay bills, a message that the economy is doing well is not the message that will inspire people to vote Democrat in 2024. We need an Economic Bill of Rights: improved Medicare for All, tuition free college and tech school, paid family leave, guaranteed sick pay, and a guaranteed living wage. We need a U.S. Department of Peace, a Department of Children and Youth to deal with the many and dangerous risks to our kids, and a mass mobilization for a just transition from a dirty to a clean economy. We also need a ceasefire in Gaza; the United States should stand for a robust commitment to the peace, safety and security of both Israelis and Palestinians.
Our campaign in 2024 must motivate people to think that yes, if they vote for the Democrat it will materially improve their lives over the next four years.
The American economy delivers true prosperity to only 20% of our citizens. We desperately need a President who is willing to stand up to what FDR referred to as the “economic royalists” that have turned our government into a system of legalized bribery. We need to push back against the corporate overlords who now exercise a system of economic tyranny by which a few keep getting rich and the majority have a harder and harder time just getting by.
The American people have been trained to expect too little. Now is the time to make clear that such things as universal health care, tuition free college, and a guaranteed living wage – all provided to the citizens of every other advanced democracy in the world – should be provided to every American citizen as well. The last fifty years have seen a fifty trillion-dollar transfer of wealth from the bottom 90% of our people to the top 1%, and the message of the Democratic Party should be, “That stops now.”
That is how we will beat Donald Trump, and it is also how we will heal the country. A vote for Marianne Williamson in the remaining primary states is the way to make sure that President Biden will get the message."
We will also have our second of two discussions with candidates in contested primaries. Last member's meetings was very informative and uplifting and we hope this meeting will continue to provide our members the information they need to make their decisions.
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Executive Committee Meeting, Sept. 2 7PM | |
Please join us at our next Executive Committee Meeting on Monday September 2 at 7PM. We are on vacation during the summer but will arrange to travel to other parts of the state as we can. Help us plan our fall membership meetings by joining us at Exec Committee meetings. We LOVE your input. | |
Candidates the EJC Is Supporting | |
The following candidates attended our April meeting and have vowed to support the Green Amendment. Please show them love and support their campaigns however you can. | |
Representative Roybal Caballero, House District 13 | |
Rep. Roybal Caballero is not only an active member of the EJC, she's a cosponsor of the Green Amendment. Please do what you can to help keep her in the Roundhouse. | |
Athena Christodoulou, Senate District 21 | |
You all know Athena, our vice chair. She is in a very competitive race in purple district and needs as much support as she can get from the EJC to push her to victory! She is, of course, an avid support of the Green Amendment. | |
Greg Seeley, House District 27 | |
Greg Seeley is not only an avid supporter of the Green Amendment, but he is up against one the largest hurdles to getting the amendment passed in the house, Marian Matthews (BOO!). Getting Greg elected would go a great way into getting the amendment through the Roundhouse. Please do all you can to support him! | |
Dr Jon Hill, House District 53 | |
Dr Jon is a supporter of the Green Amendment and mentions it as a priority on his website. Please help get him elected! | |
County Commissioner Anna Hansen, Senate District 24 | |
With 8 years of experience as a County Commissioner in Santa Fe, Anna has the experience we need in the Senate. She supports the Green Amendment. Please show her your support! | |
Ashlie Myers, House District 51 | |
A strong community Activist, Ashlie will be a strong voice for those without one. She is a big supporter of the Green Amendment. | |
Juan F Larranaga, House District 18 | |
Juan is an advocate for transparency and accountability in government. Given his passion, he will be a great advocate for the Green Amendment. He is in a very competitive primary with three other candidates. | |
Keith Hillock, Senate District 4 | |
Keith worked for the oil and gas industry and has an insider's knowledge of the devastation that it can cause. He is running to help McKinley County recover from the detrimental affects oil and gas have had on the health of the residents. He is a strong supporter of the Green Amendment. Show him your support! | |
Heather Balas Senate District 9 also attended our meeting, but... | |
Heather does not currently support the Green Amendment. While we thank her for coming to our meeting, we do not currently support anyone who does not support the Green Amendment. | |
NM Democratic Primary Election Activism | |
If there is no contested Democratic primary in your district, please consider supporting a strong environmental candidate in another district. Your support makes all the difference. Knock on doors, make phone calls, and donate. It's time to act now - NOT after the wrong candidate is elected! | |
Senate and House Districts with primaries are here: | | |
Don't Let the Governor Sell You Dirty Water | |
This week Monday, May 13-17th the Water Quality Control Commission will hear public comments on the fracking waste reuse rule.
Please share your story of how this fracking waste reuse rule could impact our water, health, workers and future generations. Go to the Defend NM Water Talking Points FAQ to educate yourself about the issue, or go to the Defend NM Water Website for more information.
Please also officially sign up for your comment time by emailing Administrator Pamela Jones:
IN-PERSON: NM STATE CAPITAL, 411 South Capitol St., Santa Fe, Room 317
VIRTUAL COMMENT LINK on Webex: Hearing Link
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Two EJC Working Groups Combine | |
The Renewable Energy and the Sustainable Communities Working Groups have combined. They meet via Zoom at 3 PM each Saturday following the membership meeting. The next meeting will be May 18. Email Jane at or Lochin at to get the Zoom link. | |
Meetings of this working group are on Zoom every month on the third Monday at 7PM The next meeting date is May 20. Contact Zlata for more information and to receive the Zoom link. | |
Legislative Action Working Group | |
The next meeting is May 17 at 6 PM. It will also focus on how the EJC can be more present to the legislators and exercise greater power during the 2025 Legislative Session. The WG will also discuss legislation to draft in readiness for 2025. Email Alex for the Zoom link if you would like to be a part of this exciting process. | |
Transportation and Housing Working Group | |
The next meeting May 15 at 7 PM. The group will discuss writing a resolution on the adding an Idaho Stop to New Mexico. The Idaho stop allows bicyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs, if no cars are present. This law has reduced cyclist accidents by 10 percent in states that have enacted it.

Email Alex here if you want to attend, and he will send the Zoom link to you.
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Membership, Education & Outreach Working Group | |
How would you like to put on your traveling pants and accompany Muriel and other EJC members to speak to Democratic groups around the state about the work of the EJC? Food and fun included!

Email Muriel if you are interested here.
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