HFG July 2023 Newsletter
Mark Your Calendar for September 27th at 11:00 a.m.
Employee financial stress has a much broader impact than just keeping them up at night. Your employees are under more financial pressure than they’ve been in decades, but it doesn’t have to hurt them, or your business!
Ensure financial wellness is part of your overall development strategy for your employees. Helping your employees ride out life’s ups and downs can help your business navigate challenging times and opportunities more effectively.
Join us on September 27th with Stephanie Holmes-Winton to learn what you can do to help your employees improve their finances by making the most of existing programs, without overstepping.
In this session we’ll cover:
✔️ Strategies to ensure employees make the most of their current salaries and benefits
✔️ How financial wellness can help you retain and attract talent
✔️ Financial wellness engagement tips
✔️ Understanding employee privacy concerns and how to mitigate them
✔️ Measuring financial health trends across your employee group
✔️ How to incorporate existing benefits, like retirement savings and health plans, into your financial wellness strategy

Who should attend? ⭐ HR professionals ⭐ Leaders ⭐ Managers ⭐ Business owners

Do you have an employee off work due to a disability? Action may be required!
If you currently have an employee who is totally disabled, they may be eligible for a waiver of the Life/AD&D and Dependent Life (if applicable) premiums. If someone on your plan has been disabled for the past six months, you need to contact the Chambers Plan service line at 1 800 665-3365. Press 3, when prompted, then press 1 to speak to a Disability Customer Service Representative who can send you the applicable forms to have that individual apply for the waiver.
Preparing to Travel - NEW Brochure for employees
You’re heading off for a long overdue vacation. You’ve got Chambers Plan Travel Health coverage, so you’re protected in an emergency. But dealing with out-of-country medical services can be complicated. Preparation prior to travel is key because when you’re in a medical event, you want the process to run as smoothly as possible. The following are important recommendations for a better experience when accessing travel coverage. 
Plan News & Resources
Volume 29 Number 5 | July 2023

·     Expansion of Mental Health Practitioner Definition
·     Boost Recruitment and Retention with a Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA)
·     Teladoc™ Health myStrength and Mental Health Navigator

Recently hired a new employee? Add them quickly and easily using online enrolment, found on my-benefits.ca. Just fill out the Employer sections, have the employee complete their section, and submit! 

Hynek Financial Group
5500 North Service Road, Suite 209, Burlington, ON  L7L 6W6
PH: (905) 319-9999
Email: info@hfgb.ca