Dad/Kid Fishing, Father's Day, 5 Inexpensive Ways, Trail Map For Life, Breakfast Praise, Summer Games, New Groups, + Much More!
Hey Guys! Grab your kid and head out to The Gathering's Father's Day Weekend Fishing Trip on June 15th. $50 per person. Chartered w/ Living On Island Time Drift Fishing which is a custom 60-foot walk-around, air-conditioned drift fishing boat located at The Palm Beach Yacht Center in Hypoluxo.INFO & TIX
SUCCESS - Spring Outreach Breakfast w/ Lt. Gen. Newton
Spring Breakfast Praise - 19 Decisions for Christ, 73 Follow-Up Contacts, 194+ Attendance. Video available June 12th. Visit PHOTO GALLERY. Thank you for your support and participation!
5 Inexpensive Ways To Have
A Summer To Remember
School’s out for the summer! Now what? We want our kids to have memorable summers, but most of us don’t have 3 months off, nor do we have access to unlimited financial resources. How can we help our kids have a memorable summer w/out lots of $$ for a vacation? READ
Great Parent & Teen Resource
Dads & Kids do this together!
Looking for an ON-LINE way to interact with your sons or daughter? Trail Map For Life helps you and them focus on 10 Key topics to get right together. MORE INFO
GET CONNECTED- 15 COUNTY-WIDE Gathering-Affiliated Groups!FIND ONE
Enjoy this video that encourages dads and their children to remember to take time NOW to tell each other meaningful things.
MOODY RADIO - Encouraging Points For Today's Fathers
Some Encouraging Points For Dads as shared by Dennis DeMarois, Gathering Director, on 89.3FM Moody Radio South Florida. Simple & Practical. LISTEN
Northlake Group: PRIMETIME
Join us before work 7:30-8:30am Wed. off I-95 & Northlake Blvd. Teaching line-by-line from Paul's Prison Epistles led by local pastors & clergy. High Impact-Low Prep Bible Study For Men. MORE INFO
Boynton: E-100 Bible Challenge
The Essential 100 Challenge (E100) is an effective Bible reading program built around 100 selected Bible passages - 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament. It enables people to get the big picture of God's Word. In-person mtgs off I-95 & Gateway. 7:30-8:30am Thur. INFO
New Conquer Series - Jupiter
(In-Person & On-Line)
Join us Mon. Nights 7pm-8:30pm for 12 weeks in Jupiter or On-Line. Solid way to develop a Sexual Purity Game Plan that you can use and share w/ others. More INFO | Promo VIDEO | Contact us E-MAIL
Summer Give Giftshelp us finish the 1st half of the year strong and start the 2nd half stronger. Lives impacted, decisions for Christ, families strengthened. Please prayerfully consider giving -Thank You!GIVE