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LumenSparQ News - Issue #9

Hello John,

As we move through these summer months, I am grateful for the time to rest, recuperate, and renew as planning begins for the fall. I hope all of you have an opportunity to take some time for yourselves and your loved ones.

In this issue, we give you an update on the Ember Project student team, who used their grant funding to purchase bedding and towels (pictured) for teens facing housing insecurity.

You'll also learn about the SparQ Eco Grant and finally have the opportunity to read the full story of Naomi Lara, our most recent Lumenary.

John Umekubo

Ember Project Update - Lighthouse Opening Day

You may remember our Ember Project student team from the last newsletter. Fia, Lily, and Phoebe worked with Safe Place for Youth (SPY), an organization focused on teen homelessness, to bring awareness of this important topic to their classmates in the middle school. In addition to inviting SPY speakers to campus, they held a drive to acquire home goods for donation to teens served by the organization. In May, they volunteered at the Lighthouse Grand Opening, a new location that will house 15 teens and young adults in a beautiful neighborhood. The team helped to stock the kitchen, organize the donated books, and prepare the bedrooms and bathrooms for the new residents. Read more about this incredible day.

SparQ Eco Grant

This year, we collaborate with Grades of Green to sponsor the SparQ Eco Grant for student green teams in the Inglewood Unified School District. Congratulations to Oak Street Elementary for their winning project focused on lunch time food sorting to reduce waste and share resources among students at the school.

Lumenary Update

Her full story is out! Learn about our most recent Lumenary, Naomi Lara, principal at RISE High School. Two families' journeys, one from Mexico and another from farm life in Colorado, unite in Compton, California. Their migrant experiences and close family ties helped forge the foundation of this amazing educator. 

Read, Cultivating Hope, Empowerment, and Opportunity.

Thank you to our donors

We can only meet these incredible individuals and share their inspiring journeys because of your support. We are so grateful to all of you who have allowed us to bring these wonderful stories to life. Thank you!

Oh, and we could use some more followers. Join us on Instagram!

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