Don't miss this once a year opportunity!
Publicize your company by submitting an article to SNIPS magazine for inclusion in the SPIDA Special Section in January issue. The Special Section will not only be sent out with the magazine but will be distributed at the 2022 AHR Expo in Las Vegas, guaranteeing member companies more visibility. 
SPIDA and Austin Keating, the SNIPS editor, welcomes articles from SPIDA members and will provide editing or article idea assistance. All submissions are welcome, but we would love articles highlighting recent/peculiar exposed spiral duct installations and any issues or considerations made during those projects. If you are interested in submitting an article, please keep the following deadlines in mind:

  • October 22 (or sooner )- Let Austin know you are interested in submitting an article. Send him an email at or call him at 248-786-1286 if you want to talk over any ideas. SPIDA representative Scott Witherow is also available at or 614-657-8581.

  • November 5 - Submit draft article for Austin's editing assistance; notate if photos are available for inclusion with your article

  • December 3 - Final deadline for submissions; pictures due

Early submissions are always appreciated.

Please ensure you have permission and approvals, if needed, from clients before submitting your article and pictures. Requests for customers or others to review articles prior to publication after they have been given to SNIPS cannot be honored.