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Byway Buzz

Celebrating 100 Years of Reed/Niland Corner on the IA Lincoln Highway

by Lincoln Highway National Heritage Byway CoordinatorJeanie Hau

In 1923, a soft-spoken, kind-hearted, generous man, Charlie Reed needed to supplement his small farming income to support the farm and his mother, whom he cared for until she passed away at 95. He saw an opportunity where the Lincoln and the Jefferson Highways meet, which happened to be at the SE corner of his property. Charlie started selling gas to travelers and set up a small gas station on his property. The corner or, “the operations on the triangle,” as Des Moines Tribune Writer Herb Owens called it, is now known as the Reed-Niland Corner.

6 Minute Read 

Discover Iowa's Byways. Check-in and earn rewards!

What do Kate Shelley, Al Capone, and John Brown have in common? Iowa Byways! Experience the places where Kate Shelley became a hero, where Al Capone enjoyed a meal while laying low from the law, and where John Brown passed through Iowa leading slaves to freedom.

It's free to sign up here for Travel Iowa's Iowa's Scenic Byway Passport. the more locations along the byways you visit, the more points you earn. Check in at various Byway locations to earn points you can use to secure a packet of limited edition Local Legend Trading Cards!

Conservation Connections

North American Prairie Conference Draws A Group of Over 600 Scholars, Naturalists, Conservation Professionals & Enthusiasts

Hosted by Prairie Rivers of Iowa and the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation. Conference Chair Thomas Rosburg, Ph.D. - Professor of Botany; Curator, Drake University Herbarium

Watch the video for the highlights!

(6 min) Stay till the end for the awards!

2023 North American Prairie Conference Highlight Video

The conference is now over but here are some great locations for viewing self-guided field trips that were highlighted during the conference you can take anytime!

Tallgrass Prairie, A View from the Fly on the Gall

by Pollinator Specialist Jessica Butters

I’m a goldenrod gall fly (formally, Eurosta solidaginis). Have you ever seen flower stems with an odd, ball-shaped growth? These round growths are called galls, and if you’ve seen one on goldenrod, I may have been the architect that created it.

2-1/2 Minute Read

Tallgrass Prairie, A Bird’s Eye View

by Water Quality Specialist Dan Haug

Hi, I’m an eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna). I was the most common bird in Iowa for a century after the prairie sod was broken, making a good living in hayfields and hedgerows. Things didn’t get really bad for me until the second half of the twentieth century when most Iowa farms dropped alfalfa, hay, and small grains in favor of corn and soybean production at ever larger scales. That conversion is also the root of the nitrate problems in Iowa’s rivers.

2 Minute Read

Tallgrass Prairie, A Butterfly’s View

by Water Quality Specialist Dan Haug

The tallgrass prairie once covered 170 million acres, and at the 2023 North American Prairie Conference, I was reminded of that continental scale. The following are a few insights I picked up from the conference - from a butterfly’s perspective.

3 Minute Read

Pollinator of the Month White-lined Sphinx Moth!

by Pollinator Specialist Jessica Butters

The white-lined sphinx moth can play tricks on the eyes! These thick and fuzzy moths work their wings into a blur to stay aloft, making them look like hummingbirds! They are mostly nocturnal but can be seen during the day visiting bright flowers. Their caterpillars use a variety of host plants, including evening primrose, four o'clock, and even apple trees. There are many other sphinx moths in Iowa, and with National Moth Week approaching, now is the perfect time to appreciate these beauties and keep these flying gems nearby!

How to Start Caring About Pollinators: A Guide for Iowans

by Pollinator Specialist Jessica Butters

Now that the City of Ames has its own Pollinator Plan, we know how the city feels about Iowa’s native pollinators. But what about individual Iowans? We asked 3 central Iowans about how they 1) came to appreciate pollinators and wildlife, 2) what catalyzed their appreciation into action, and 3) how they stay energized and hopeful for the future of pollinators and our natural environment as a whole.

4 Minute Read

Clean Water Act: 50 Years, 50 Facts Video Short, Fact 29

by Water Quality Specialist Dan Haug

States have oversight of federal dredge & fill permits, and some states have passed laws protecting wetlands where federal agencies don’t have jurisdiction.

Fact #29 Water Quality Certification

Story County Water Quality Monitoring Update

by Water Quality Specialist Dan Haug

Good water quality at Hickory Grove Lake but the streams in Story County all have E. coli exceeding the recreation standard.

Full Monthly Update With Detailed Data Here


Pufferbilly Days - Throwbacks on the Tracks, August 4-6

Celebrating the railroad history of Boone, Iowa since 1976

Full Details Here

50th Anniversary of RAGBRAI Events in Lincoln Highway National Heritage Byway Communities (remaining ride-through's and overnights)

Thursday, July 27

Montour, ride-through, food, & music with proceeds to benefit the Montour Fire Dept

Tama/Toledo, Overnight Celebration: Kind People are my Kind of People

Friday, July 28

Chelsea, ride-through: Vitame Vas do Chelsea; Czech Trail Town

Belle Plaine, ride-through: Nothing Plain About It

Friends of Brookside Park Trash Pick Up

Monday, July 31st, 4 p.m.

Help friends of brookside park pick up trash after RAGBRI.

Family-Friendly, Bags provided Visit the Friends on Facebook

Creek Trash Cleanup (Meetup at Stuart Smith Park, Ames, IA)

Sunday, August 6, 2023, 1 – 4 p.m. (please register by 8/4)

After RAGBRAI passes through Ames, it’s likely that some litter will end up in Ioway, College, and Worrell Creeks. Help us clean them up! Full Details and Registration Here

Iowa Gives Green

Wednesday, August 2nd

We all need to come together and show just how much support there is across Iowa for the environmental movement with Iowa Gives Green!

A gift of any amount helps! Please consider a gift of $50 or more and we'll send you four vintage-style Lincoln Highway postcards as a thank you!

Please Make a Gift Here - Thank You!

Our Wish List

A fun and unique way to support our work is to contribute to our Wish List. Your special gift helps purchase the critical supplies we need to battle issues facing pollinators in Iowa and identify historic Properties along the Lincoln Highway National Heritage Byway in Iowa.

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Prairie Rivers of Iowa is a federal 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization uniquely focused on conserving natural and cultural resources.

We rely in part on the generosity of our supporters. 

Your tax-deductible gift is much appreciated!

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