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- A Conversation with Kim Collins of Northport Schools -
Teaching with Plant Tech
Building Data-driven Plant Science Curriculum
Over the past year, Kim Collins and her team at Northport High School have been utilizing the CI-710s SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer to lend a modern, data-driven approach to students' research projects.

In this interview, we dive into how this technology-forward curriculum is empowering the next generation of plant science researchers and explore two unique student-led projects using Spectravue.

Minirhizotron use in Hydroponics System
Recently, researchers at Tokyo's highly-selective Meiji University employed the CI-600 In-Situ Root Imager to examine the effects of liquid fertilizer concentrations on hydroponically-grown paprika fruit.

While fertilizer effects on paprika root growth remain unclear, use of the root imaging system was proven to be an effective method of non-destructive root measurement in such hydroponic environments.

Our live training series continues August 25th with an in-depth look at CI-203 Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter! This training will explore the highly-portable wand-style leaf area meter and its applications in both rapid, non-destructive measurement and high-throughput destructive assessment.

This series is designed to take users through each of our instruments from first use to a high level of comfort with the operation and application of the device in action. Each training is followed by a live Q&A session to be sure all participant questions are addressed.

Check out our previous trainings at the links below!
See us at a conference near you!
We've added several shows and expos to our 2022 calendar! Whether you're in Madrid, Orlando, Bangkok, or Baltimore, our teams are looking forward to meeting with you.
Fruit Attraction
Madrid, Spain
October 4 - 6

Asia Fruit Logistica
Bangkok, Thailand
November 2 - 4

Northwest Hort Expo
Wenatchee, WA
December 5 - 7
PMA Global Produce & Floral Show
Orlando, FL
October 27 - 29

ACS International Annual Meeting
Baltimore, MD
November 6 - 9
Want to schedule a meeting while we're in your area?
Have a show you think we should attend?
With new bug fixes and usability upgrades, RootSnap! version 1.4.0 is officially ready for download! Visit our support portal for additional downloads, manuals, and specifications.

Download the latest version of Rootsnap! at the link below.

At CID Bio-Science & Felix Instruments we are proud to deliver this month's non-profit donation to the YWCA of Clark County to support the Celebrating YWCA Changemakers event and upcoming Empower Gala.

The YWCA of Clark County is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all in our community. For 106 years, YWCA Clark County has served women, children, and families in Clark County, last year serving nearly 13,000 community members, and we are proud to stand with their mission.

Latest Articles & Resources
The 5 Most Important Parameters in Produce Quality Control
From the field to the packing house, quality control of perishable fresh produce is vital. Yield-optimizing microvariations in farming techniques and QA management throughout the supply chain require efficient quality control tools.

Produce quality is complex and is characterized by many traits like taste, color, shape, size, texture, and nutraceutical content, but 5 parameters account for the vast majority of decision-making throughout the supply chain: Dry matter, soluble sugar content, acidity, color, and firmness.

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How is Human Activity Altering Forest Canopy Dynamics?
Anthropogenic disturbances like elective logging, clearcutting, deforestation for agriculture, and grazing, affect forest microenvironments differently than natural disturbances. These microenvironments are vital to natural germination, growth, survival, and reproduction.

This article examines light changes that occur due to modern forest canopy disturbance, including the holistic impacts of changes in Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR).

10 Vital Minirhizotron Applications for Agricultural Research
The development of minirhizotrons fills a crucial research gap that existed until recently. Root systems and dynamics have been long understudied due to a lack of simple and non-destructive observation tools.

Minirhizotron root imagers that provide high-resolution scans at varying depths and allow repeated data collection are changing our understanding of below-ground processes and furthering agricultural research.

In this article, we dig into 10 vital applications of this technology in modern agricultural research.

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Ethylene Measurement & Rootstock Influence in Apple
University of Idaho researchers recently used the F-940 Store It! Gas Analyzer to better understand how different rootstocks affect quality and yield in Aztec Fuji apples.

This article explores their study and recommendations in brief and examines their use of a portable ethylene analysis device to gain critical insight into fruit maturation

Still have some questions?
Have questions about an instrument you'd like to ask our team of Application Scientists? Use the link below to schedule a live demonstration!

Get an overview of functionality, see how the tool can be used in your specific application, and get your questions answered in real-time.
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