DHEC Environmental eNews

March 2023 | {View as Webpage}

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This monthly electronic newsletter from DHEC's Environmental Affairs will keep our customers and stakeholders informed of important events, legislation, meetings, permitting information, and compliance information.

PFAS Media Briefings

On Feb. 27, 2023, DHEC's environmental experts began holding briefings every few weeks for the state's press corps. The purpose of these briefings is to share the latest information about PFAS, starting with EPA's proposed drinking water standards for six PFAS compounds. The briefings will cover DHEC Environmental Affairs' actions to help public water systems, private well owners and our state respond appropriately to this national issue. DHEC is partnering with journalists so that accurate, timely information can reach every South Carolinian. Future briefings will cover additional information regarding PFAS and/or other emerging environmental issues.

Click here for more information on PFAS.

Air Quality Program in ePermitting

On February 13, 2023, DHEC’s Air Quality program completed a two-year plus transition to ePermitting where, together with the Asbestos program, all Bureau of Air Quality regulatory activities are now supported. Soon, the program will begin to offer access to our customers. ePermitting streamlines the application process, allows applicants real-time access to their application status and associated permitting information, and provides 24-hour account access.


For more information about ePermitting, please visit our ePermitting webpage.

Career Fair

DHEC is hosting a state government career fair to fill several positions, ranging from public health and nursing to administrative work and environmental protection.

While the career fair is taking place in Columbia, positions are available around the state. In addition to DHEC, other state agencies will be participating, including the Department of Corrections, Department of Social Services, and Department of Mental Health. The career fair is Thursday, March 30, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, 1101 Lincoln Street, Columbia.

DHEC Awards Community Star Award to Omar Muhammad for Environmental Justice Efforts

From left to right: Myra Reece; Omar Muhammad; and Keisha Long, DHEC Environmental Justice Coordinator.

DHEC’s Environmental Affairs is pleased to announce Omar Muhammad, president of Lowcountry Alliance for Model Communities, as a DHEC Community Star. This award recognizes individuals who promote environmental sustainability and resiliency and help improve the quality of life within their communities. 

“Omar is doing incredible work in the Charleston and North Charleston areas to not only spread awareness about Environmental Justice but to concretely develop tools and projects that are making positive impacts in low-income and minority communities,” said Myra Reece, DHEC Director of Environmental Affairs. “We’re proud to name him a DHEC Community Star.”

Ozone Season Begins

Beginning March 31, DHEC meteorologists will provide ground-level ozone forecasts to allow the public to be proactive about protecting their health by reducing outdoor activities and by reducing their own contributions to emissions when ozone concentrations are expected to be high. Ozone is an air pollutant that can cause breathing problems for those with asthma, respiratory issues, or for people working outdoors. View current levels in your area through AirNow or learn how to reduce ozone and exposure. 

Join Our Team!

As the state agency charged with promoting and protecting South Carolina's public health and environment, DHEC has a legacy of attracting and retaining talented individuals who want to build rewarding and successful careers. DHEC's Environmental Affairs employs a wide range of environmental professionals from engineers and geologists to inspectors and meteorologists.

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