** Note ** You are receiving the district eNews because your name is in our Lay Leadership Database as a leader in your local church. If you are no longer interested in receiving the District eNews, please click the Update Profile link at the bottom of the email. (Clicking UnSubscribe means you will not receive ANY emails from the conference including appointment announcements, sympathy notices and weekly eNews) | |
Sunday, June 2 at 3 p.m.
Glenview UMC
Worship service with special music and testimonials from a variety of individuals and groups around the District. Learn more.
Humboldt Park UMC migrant ministry featured in Sojourners Magazine
Since Texas began sending migrants to Chicago in 2022, the city has welcomed over 30,000 newcomers. A Sojourners magazine article asked Rev. Paula Cripps-Vallejo about Humboldt Park UMC’s ministry to the new neighbors. “The majority of Latinx congregations do this because this is what it means to welcome Jesus as Jesus welcomed us,” Rev. Cripps-Vallejo said. Read more.
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Cheryl Weaver Named CBO for NIC and Wisconsin
Rev. Cheryl Weaver, who recently began work as the chief benefits officer for Wisconsin Conference, will also serve NIC in that role beginning June 1. NIC has been without a CBO since 2020. When the North Central Jurisdiction confirmed in January that Wisconsin and Northern Illinois Conferences would share the same bishop (while remaining separate conferences), the NIC board of pensions began conversing with Wisconsin about possibly sharing a CBO. Read more.
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As a denomination, the United Methodist Church supports the largest number of fully accredited historically Black colleges and universities in the United States. This fund is managed through the Black College Fund Office connected to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
HOW TO GIVE: Write a check to your local church and write, “Black College Fund” in the memo line. Churches can give through the NIC Apportionment process. Learn more.
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JOY Camp Registration Open!
JOY Camp is a week-long overnight camp open to incoming 5th Grade students through newly graduated high school seniors hosted at Camp Reynoldswood. The camp runs from June 23rd to June 29th and has a total cost of $590 with discounts available for early registration (prior to June 1st), siblings, and payment in full at registration. Learn more.
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50 Ways to Welcome a New Pastor
It is the time of the year when many churches will be welcoming a new pastor. Congregations can help a new pastor get off to a strong start with these 50 Ways to acclimate a new pastor and make that new pastor feel truly welcome. Read more.
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Juneteenth (June 19) marks the day in 1865 when U.S. federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, to take control of the state and ensure all African Americans were freed. The troops’ arrival came a full two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation had been signed.
Let Juneteenth be a time when people of Christian faith—especially white Christians—recommit to, evoke, stand on, and live out the promises of God to deliver all people everywhere from bondage and oppression. Read more.
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Other Resources
#BeUMC Resources -Tool Kits, Social Media Kits, Graphics, and more.
Social Media Shareables - Free graphics for social media for different events, months, and ministries. (Through Outreach, log-in is needed, but resources are free)
UMC Giving Resources - Mission Moments, Special Sunday Info, Leader Kits, Pew Cards, and more.
United Media Resource Center - Lending library of Christian materials for local churches, small groups, pastors, children, and individuals.
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Copyright © 2024 Northern Illinois Conference |
Do you have news to share?
We are always looking for stories of what is happening in your church. We welcome articles from churches highlighting ministries, outreach, and missions that tell the story of being vital Christians. Events considered should be of conference-wide appeal and United Methodist-related.
District eNews are sent out the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Please submit stories and events by end of business on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Space is limited. Stories of fewer than 250 words are preferred. Submissions will be edited at the discretion of Communications staff. Information can be emailed to communications@umcnic.org.
Check out our Submit News page for more details.
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