Learn, Teach, Inspire


Tips tp Keep Everyone Healthy This Year

Join ChildCareED's CDA Club

Michigan Providers Save 10% on MIREgistry Approved Courses

Instructor-Led Classes for the Weekend

Online/CDA............ Instructor-Led Schedule.......... Discounts & Coupons


Train Your Staff...... Subscription Information.............. JOB BOARD

Are you Ready? Here Are Some Tips to Keep Everyone Healthy for the Year!

Where did the time go?!? School is here! One of the most important documents to check in each child's file is their immunization record. Each child and adult with an up-to-date immunizations record will help minimize the chances of spreading illness in your program. CDC has their 2023 Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule available. Updated COVID-19 vaccine information has been released as well. CDC has COVID reference material, discussions on vaccines/recommendations, and more. Use the buttons below to get quick access to these items. HAVE A FANTASTIC NEW SCHOOL YEAR!

CDC Immunization Schedule (PDF)
COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) Ends
Use of COVID-19 Vaccines in the U.S.

Join ChildCareED's CDA Club

Looking for a study group while working on your CDA credentials? We have a CDA Study Club on FaceBook. The CDA Club answers puzzling coursework questions, assists with putting together your portfolio, most of all it allows CDA students to know that there are others that are in the same program and and be valuable resources for each other.

Michigan Providers Save 10% on MIRegistry Approved Courses

ATTENTION -- Michigan day care providers, we have discount coupons for our 45 Hour online courses. Earn improtant professional credits while saving 10% on on the course you select! Our courses are approved throught the MIRegistry and will count toward childcare teacher and directo requirements.

45 Hour Growth and Development Birth-age 12 - Online Course

45 Hour Infant and Toddler Curriculum - Online Course

45Hour Preschool Curriculum - Online Course

Check Out Michigan Coupons

Instructor-Led Weekend Classes

6 Hour Medication Administration

Including All Children and the Americans with Disabilities Act

CDA Portfolio Review

First Aid & CPR Blended

Introduction to ASQ-3 & ASQ Online - Zoom Class

ChildCareED Training Center

Phone: 1.833.2TEACH1 (1.833.283-2341) |

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