The Compass to Compassion is an e-newsletter designed to keep you informed on the direction of Arkansas Hospice. By supporting our mission, you are navigating a path to compassion for our patients and families. With The Compass, we can connect our donors, volunteers, employees, and everyone who takes part in our mission. Thank you for joining us on the journey!

To view previous issues of The Compass to Compassion, click HERE.


Minority Outreach Initiatives Underway

African Americans facing life-limiting illness are at risk of not “dying well.” The Faith, Hospice, Love initiative is an outreach program powered by Arkansas Hospice, the Arkansas Hospice Foundation, and the Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation. The project's efforts are aimed at demystifying hospice and palliative care within the Black community via education and informational resources. Knowing what hospice is and how to access it can ensure that minority patients and their loved ones will receive the respect, comfort, and care deserved when facing life-limiting illness. Faith, Hospice, Love events are spearheaded by Minority Outreach Coordinator Kyle L. Jones, an ordained Baptist minister. At outreach events, Kyle coordinates with churches and community groups to present valuable information about hospice care and palliative care opportunities that are available in the communities Arkansas Hospice serves.

Visit the Faith Hospice Love Website to Learn More!

Faith Hospice Love community event participants from New Millenium Church and New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Little Rock

Minority Outreach Coordinator Kyle Jones and Pastor A.L. Brown lead community events at Mount Nebo Baptist Church locations in Star City and Monticello

Arkansas Hospice Medical Director Dr. Brian Bell

on THV11's The Vine

On July 26th, Medical Director Dr. Brian Bell appeared on THV11's morning lifestyle show, The Vine, for an in-depth discussion on Arkansas Hospice and Arkansas Palliative Care, as well as helpful information about advance care plans and ways to support Arkansas Hospice. Check out his appearance in the video above!

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The Party Returns in 2023!

Mark your calendars now for Party at the Plaza 2023! Arkansas Hospice Foundation will bring the one-day festival of music and arts back to Argenta Plaza on April 23, 2023, in support of the mission of Arkansas Hospice. 

To become a sponsor of Party at the Plaza 2023, please contact Arkansas Hospice Foundation Communications and Events Coordinator Laura Grimes. We appreciate your generosity in helping make this phenomenal community outreach event a reality!

A Fighting Spirit:

Reflections of an Inspiring 9/11 Paramedic

Arkansas Hospice patient Rebecca "Lynn" Luscomb knew long ago that she was meant to help people. That's why she became a paramedic, and why she went to New York City in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. As we near the 21st anniversary of that tragic day, we remember the heroes like Lynn who put service above self in the wake of that national tragedy. We are honored to have been able to care for Lynn after she selflessly cared for so many in her life. Click the video above to hear Lynn's experience in her own words. 

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Employees like Reba, Sandy and Lisa are why Arkansas Hospice has a proud reputation of “Caring for 30 Years.” Join us in thanking all our employees for helping our fellow Arkansans live better.

Do you share a calling to serve your fellow Arkansans through the mission of Arkansas Hospice? Consider joining our team of dedicated individuals. A sign-on bonus of up to $10,000 is available for select positions.Click below for more information on employment opportunities at Arkansas Hospice.

Explore Currently Open Positions

On June 23rd, Arkansas Hospice honored our dedicated team members who have completed 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of service at a beautiful banquet held at the Arkansas Governor's Mansion. Congratulations to all of our honorees, and many thanks to each of them for all they do to carry out the mission of Arkansas Hospice. Special thanks also go out to the Arkansas Hospice RESPECT Committee for their hard work in making this year's

Employee Recognition Banquet a success!

Make a one-time donation to Arkansas Hospice Foundation today, or consider a recurring monthly gift of $30 or more to celebrate "Caring for 30 Years" at Arkansas Hospice.

Click to Donate Now
Leave a Legacy to
Arkansas Hospice
The Towbin Heritage Society honors those who make special provisions in their estate plans to support the mission of Arkansas Hospice. If you have left us in your estate plans, please notify us and we will include you as a special member of this group.

If you'd like more information on how you can leave Arkansas Hospice in your will or support us with another planned gift, please click here for more information.
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