Trinity Tidings
This Coming Sunday: April 17, 2022
Easter Sunday
Click here for the Sunday Scripture Readings
Walking through Holy Week
This Holy Week, we walk with Christ from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, through the Last Supper he shares with his disciples & friends, into the agony of the Garden and his Good Friday execution on the cross, and on to his triumphant resurrection from the dead on Easter morning. You will find our service days & times for these holy days in this newsletter. Come walk with us as we accompany Christ and one another through this sacred time. You will find the joy of Easter Sunday to be even more deeply meaningful & lively.
Holy Week: Easter Services
Maundy Thursday April 14
7:00 PM.....Holy Eucharist Rite II &
..................Stripping of the Altar
...................Good Friday April 15
10:00 AM....Good Friday Liturgy
12:00Noon..Main Street Stations of the
....................Cross (Meet at 3rd & Main)
....................Easter Day April 17
6:30 AM......Sunrise Service
8:30 AM......Festival Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:30 AM....Festival Holy Eucharist Rite II
....................& Flowering of the Cross
....................Easter Egg Hunt in the
....................Courtyard immediately
....................following the 10:30 service.
Observing Holy Week
1. As you travel through the services of Holy Week, experience them as though you were a first-time traveler. Pray, watch, listen, and be open to God.
2. Come to as many of the services as you are able. They each contribute something different to the story of the Passion of Jesus.
3. Don’t miss Maundy Thursday at 7 pm; it is one of the most impacting services of the year. We start in celebration because of Jesus’ gift of the institution of Holy Communion. Then the mood changes and becomes somber as we recall Jesus’ praying in the garden to be spared this cup of suffering. As the service ends, we watch the dramatic stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday, and we leave the church in silence to keep watch with our Lord at home in prayer.
4. In the starkness of the barren church at 10am, we pray the Good Friday liturgy, powerful with its solemn prayers and lovely anthem of devotion to the cross.
5. At noon, we meet downtown to walk the Stations, the Way of the Cross, much like early followers of Jesus did, walking then stopping for a brief meditation at each station. Come as you are. Children are welcome!
6. Come celebrate the Risen Lord on Easter morning with a Sunrise Service at 6:30am followed by 8:30am worship and a 10:30am festival service with joyous music and beautiful flowers.
Thank you for your generous financial support for the Rev. Christine Brunson’s mission to Poland to help with Ukrainian people’s urgent needs. Parishioner donations were an amazing $3,700! In addition, the vestry approved a $5,000 contribution from the Trinity Foundation, so this church has responded in characteristically generous fashion. If you would still like to contribute to this mission, please do so directly through St. Aidan’s giving site, and in the “Give to:” line designate the contribution for “Special Giving”. click here
Please keep Christine and her mission in your prayers. She leaves on Easter Sunday and will return home about 11 days later. Christine’s team will be delivering emergency medical care kits, and Christine will use her expertise to assess the work various relief groups are providing on the ground.
Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son came not to be served but to serve: Bless Christine and all who, following in his steps, give themselves to the service of others; that with wisdom, patience, and courage, they may minister in his Name to the suffering, the friendless, and the needy; for the love of him who laid down his life for us, your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
You can follow Christine’s mission on St. Aidan’s Facebook page HERE
Sunday Schedule
6:30am. . . . .Easter Sunrise Service in the .....................Courtyard
8:30am . . . . Holy Eucharist in Person
9:15am . . . . Adult Education on break until ............. . . . .April 24
10:30am . . . No Children's Chapel on .....................Easter Sunday
10:30am . . . Holy Eucharist in Person and
Weekday Worship
9:00am . . . . No Tuesday morning worship .....................this week, to allow our clergy recover! We will resume .....................weekly worship on the 26th
The children practice their Easter anthem. Warm thanks to Altar Guild, Parish Life,& others for the beautiful array of palms for Palm Sunday.
Morning worship service helpers!
Women's Bible/Book Study
Tuesday, April 19 Noon -1:30
Parish Hall Classroom
We begin Easter season with a new book, Teachable Moments by Johnny White, former Pastor, The Church at Horseshoe Bay. This book is framed around "teachable moments" from the Lord's Prayer. Please read the first 48 pages to prepare for this discussion. Come enjoy the lively conversation & friendship. Led by Sally Anderson.
Adult Christian Education
Sunday Adult Education will be taking a break for Palm Sunday & Easter, and we will return on April 24, the day the Orthodox Church celebrates Easter.
Looking Ahead
Hillary Houle will lead this class April 24 on how our Orthodox Christian neighbors observe Easter; her class will be richly informed by her own friendships & experiences with Orthodox Easter.
Looking Back
Here are links both to last Sunday’s class Link and to the brief, helpful article Claire referenced on the history of Good Friday violence against Jews and how that changed for the better. LINK
Save the Date
Apr 14 - Maundy Thursday
Apr 15 - Good Friday
Apr 17 - Easter Sunday
April 19 - Noon -1:30 Women's ...............Bible/Book Study
Food Pantry Sunday
This month Food Pantry Sunday falls on Easter Sunday so we are moving it to April 24th and will have an updated list of foods needed in next week's Tidings.
April 15 . . . Joe Krier
April 15 . . . Jane Walton
April 15. . . .King Hoermann
April 15 . . . Mike Walton
April 16 . . . Samuel Sugeno
April 17 . . . Sharon Kanitsch
On-line Worship
Each Sunday, we livestream the 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist.
It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes. The link to the worship bulletin will also be sent in our Saturday email.
Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.