Spring Conference - " Acing Infection Prevention"

We are excited to be in Connecticut in May for the APIC NE Conference. A great line up of speakers and vendors will share the latest information on infection prevention.

Come early - May 4th from 6PM to 8PM for the

Member Networking Night.

Foxwood Resort and Casino has a special room rate for APIC NE Conference attendees.

Click for registration

APIC NE is sending members to the APIC National Conference in Orlando in June

Three (3) candidates will be awarded by random drawing.

Two (2)will be selected for in-person attendance and one (1) for virtual attendance.

Applications must be received by May 12, 2023.

Click here for more information and application.

Board of Directors

Interested in being on the APIC New England Board? There are several open positions for the next election. Becoming an APIC NE Board members is a great opportunity to help promote, educate, collaborate, and create a network of strong infection preventionist throughout New England.

 CLICK here for descriptions of board positions.

Positions open for 2024 are: 


Program Director - Elect

Communication Director - Elect

Nominating and Awards Direct - Elect

President - Elect

Elections will be held in August 2023. 

Submit your Willingness to Serve form in the Spring of 2023

Study Group Interest

Last year we held some study groups to help new and even seasoned IP review topics that presented problems, to help study for certification, or just offer guidance to those that needed it. If you are interested in forming a study group with other chapter members, you can put a notice on the chapter Community page, or email communications.apicne@gmail.com, and we will try to connect interested people with each other.

Shirley Bradley Memorial Innovation Award 2023

The Shirley Bradley Memorial Innovation Award (SBMIA) is a symbol of distinction. It recognizes APIC NE members who are curious, creative, innovative, novel in approach, and initiators of new techniques/ideas. This award gives members the opportunity to share their noteworthy ideas and innovations. The SBMIA application can be accessed here. The winners for the SBMIA 2023 will be notified prior to the Fall conference and will present their projects at the conference. You can read about the SBMIA award and the 2022 winners on the APIC NE website.

Legislative News 

You can find the latest Infection Prevention-related legislative bills for New England in the report here.

Click the links in the report to see which of your local elected officials are sponsoring a bill, and where it is in committee process. You can support APIC initiatives by calling or writing to officials in your home district.

Growing the Profession

What are our members doing to encourage and support the professionals in Infection Prevention? Paula Conrad, MSN, RN, CNL, CIC, Manager, Infection Prevention and Control at Boston Children's Hospital shared what their organization is doing to help promote and grow the department.


As we know, the pandemic has resulted in dramatic changes to healthcare systems, and it continues to exhaust our healthcare resources.


Boston Children's Hospital has over 40 clinical departments, including 258 specialized programs at several locations throughout the Boston area. Prior to the pandemic, the department had a director and four infection preventionists to cover the entire enterprise. The pandemic really highlighted the need for more infection prevention oversight in many areas. This prompted the department to do a comprehensive needs assessment. This allowed them to describe the resources required for all inpatient, ambulatory, and satellite locations. The organization has supported the findings, and in a little over two years, they have just hired their twelfth infection preventionist!


With growth comes change, so the department has implemented a new organizational structure for infection prevention. There is now a senior director, a manager, two lead infection preventionists, and staff IPs.


Recently, they redesigned the orientation process for newly hired IP's, to make it more structured. They now have an 8-week program; each week has a theme, and readings from the APIC text and other related resources are assigned for the IP to review. They also work with another IP during that week focusing on that theme. Depending on the needs of the infection preventionist, the orientation could be extended to allow them more opportunity to learn.


They have also implemented a clinical ladder program within the department, which has three levels. There are specific requirements for each level. They followed the APIC competency model to build the levels to help staff achieve experience and expand their knowledge base as they continue in their career. The organization supports the professional development of the infection preventionist as they continue to expand their healthcare services across the area.


One other unique feature of the program is the role of the Infection Prevention Nurse. This is an RN that is working in a certain department, like critical care. They are given dedicated hours per week to do infection control activities within their unit and then collaborate with the IP that is assigned to that unit with their findings. Not all units have this role, but it has proven to help keep staff informed and to maintain good working relationships with the departments.


It is sometimes difficult to describe exactly what an infection preventionist does in their role. With all the challenges that healthcare organizations are facing right now, Boston Children's has demonstrated that they are committed to having a strong group of Infection Preventionists at their organization.

Do you have a success story to share? Let us know! Send an email to communications.apicne@gmail.com

Stay up to date on what's happening in the Chapter

  • We post education and event announcements on our Facebook page.
  • We share relevant infection prevention, infectious disease, and public health news on our Twitter account.
  • Check our website at apicne.org for conference information and upcoming events in the New England area.

To contact us at anytime, email Communications.Apicne@gmail.com

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