Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Andrew Karpisz - The Good Men Project

"... This may be because fathers are inundated with subtle messages, telling them they are unnecessary, have little impact in their kid’s lives, or even pose a threat. Sitcoms and pop culture portray dads as uninvolved, incompetent, and unimportant parents. The message has always been that, in parenting, dads are the secondary parents. ..."
"... Anton is the founder of a site titled Where Are You Dad? The concept is simple. Alienated fathers upload their picture or a video, their contact information and a short loving message to their alienated children. Their children can do the same. ..."
"... Determining custody arrangements after divorce can be one of the most important decisions made about a child. Arizona’s child custody law is the first of its kind in the United States to abolish the traditional idea of “visitation” and replace it with a presumption of equal parenting time. ..."
By Clayton Craddock - The Altamont Enterprise

"... Our culture is due for a drastic paradigm shift. It’s time to stop seeing one parent as the default and the other as just a visitor. These assumptions are often sexist and outdated. If the parents can no longer live together, the next best thing is for the child to have equal time with each parent. ..."
By Jann Blackstone -
"... Co-parents support their child’s time with the other parent because they know it’s in the best interest of their child. (Ex-etiquette rule# 1, “Put the children first.”) Children have the right to have both of their parents in their lives. ..."
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