Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Joe Thompson - Parentology
"… According to ABC News, co-parenting also allows kids to foster unique relationships with each parent. This benefits not just the children, but the parents as well. It liberates mom and dad to live a fuller and happier life. …"
"… House Bill 1397 would require any judge issuing a ruling other than a 50-50 custody arrangement to have a compelling reason for doing so — including evidence of abuse or neglect against one party. …"
By Kathleen Jacob - WZTV
"… They introduced a bill that would ask the court to presume joint custody, or shared parenting from the beginning, as opposed to courts historically favoring mothers and driving court costs up. …"
"It’s mothers, not fathers, who get pregnant. So, does it matter if fathers act as if they are pregnant, too?"
By Nataliya Stefanus
"While divorce is ugly, co-parenting has its own perks, for you as well as your kid hence why not enjoy it to create a healthy bond with your ex and make your child not feel family deprived."
"'Paternity fraud: Three out of 10 Nigerian men are not biological fathers of their children,' said the headline of the May 2019 story in the Vanguard."
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