August 2023

Case Manager's Corner

Care and Case Management (CCM) System News

CCM System Support Changes

Beginning August 21, 2023, CCM users should no longer contact the Gainwell Provider Services CCM Call Center to report issues with the system. Please submit requests for support by completing and submitting a CCM Support Request. You do not need to submit a request for issues you had previously reported to the CCM Call Center or to the CCM Stakeholder inbox. 

Requests for password resets should be submitted to

Care and Case Management (CCM) System Member Record Access 

If a case management agency is not able to access a member record because no care providers are assigned to their member, please contact

This inbox should only be used to request access to the member when no other case management agency is assigned in the member record as a care provider.  

Care and Case Management (CCM) System Training Materials

Please use HCPF’s job aids and recorded trainings to learn how to complete case management activities in the CCM. These resources are available in the CCM System Training Google Drive. The “Care and Case Management (CCM) System Job Aid Glossary” has information on the specific processes within CCM. Please remember these documents are in a Google drive so case managers will have access to the most recent versions. Case Managers are to use this drive rather than downloading the job aids in order to ensure they have the current version.

Case managers are also encouraged to use the Known Issues Newsletter by signing up to receive updates. The Known Issues website will also have current information on CCM concerns under the Case Manager heading. Case managers can also search for information in the CCM FAQs by using “CTRL F” to open the find screen. Finally, the CCM Phase 1 Post Go Live document is also a resource for case managers to see the most current updates and demonstrations HCPF provided.  

Critical Incident Reports

There are two separate screens needed to complete a critical incident in the CCM. The first section is the Incident Summary screen, and the second section is the “CIRS Further Incident Information” located in “Tools.” In order for a Critical Incident to be reviewed both of these sections must be completed. The second section process is shown in the screenshot below. The HCPF review process is also outlined in the CIRs for case managers job aid in the third section of the document.  

Entering a CIR: Second Section – CIRS Further Information Screen

Step 8: Also, upon saving a critical incident, a section will appear at the bottom of the page. It will be labeled “Tools.” Look for the add button (+) to add “CIRs Further Incident information,” an additional set of required questions the case manager must answer.


Figure 8: Section Labeled “Tools” appears upon save of the incident

Other News

Case Management Redesign Update

HCPF recently published a memo (IM 23-024) outlining the case management agencies (CMAs) that have received an intent to award letter for the new CMA contracts. The memo also outlines the timelines for transition based on the agency defined service areas. Members will remain with their current agencies until the current agency transitions unless a member requests otherwise.

Public Partnerships (PPL) Email Migration

As a reminder, effective July 31, 2023, PPL has migrated all email accounts to reflect a new domain name. This new domain name is We highly encourage everyone to update their PPL contacts and web portals to reflect this new PPL email domain as soon as possible.   

Any email sent to a inbox will be forwarded to the updated inbox using until Dec. 31, 2023. 

Please note: If you are using a secure email server to send emails to PPL and you use, PPL will not be able to open these secure emails from the new email accounts. You must use the new domain of when sending a secure email to PPL.  

Telligen Provider Satisfaction Survey

Telligen (HCPF's current LTC UR/UM contractor) is seeking feedback regarding services they provided within the past year. This survey is intended only for providers, which include case managers and case management agency staff. The results of this survey will help inform Telligen of areas they are doing well and areas in which improvement may be appropriate. Survey responses are anonymous unless follow-up from Telligen is requested. Responses to this survey will be confidential and any reported results will be done in aggregate. 

The survey will open Aug. 21, 2023, and close Sept. 15, 2023. Please follow this link to complete your satisfaction survey.

If you have issues accessing the survey or have any questions, please contact Noushin Berdjis. Thank you for your feedback! 

Learning Collaborative Series For Colorado HCBS Case Managers

As we navigate change and opportunity in the Colorado Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) system, including Case Management Redesign, this monthly series of 50-minute discussions aim to provide individual Colorado HCBS case managers the opportunity to consider new strategies, gain knowledge, and enhance strengths – especially during times of transition. Each session will offer a live presentation, attendee activities, group discussions, and time for questions and answers regarding the monthly topic. 

Join us for our next session: 

Let’s Get Brave Together: Courageous Conversations about Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

11-11:50 p.m. MT

Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023

Register and join on Zoom

Join by phone: 1-877-853-5257

Meeting ID 937 4071 8805, Passcode 665963 

In this interactive presentation, participants will engage the core qualities of courage and curiosity to explore key terms related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression among diverse members. Using an intersectional lens, participants will discuss how to demonstrate support for members who identify as LGBTQIA+ by asking appropriate questions, respecting privacy, and avoiding common mistakes.

Send questions via email.

To learn more about case management redesign, visit the Case Management Redesign webpage.

Calling All Case Managers

HCPF has developed a page specifically for members receiving Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) with Case Management Services. Please help us to direct members to their very own HCBS Case Management member page, My HCBS Case Management, by way of social media, direct support and adding to your websites.

The My HCBS Case Management page provides information about how Case Management Redesign, the new case management system in Colorado, benefits our members. It will also house some new and amazing educational videos developed with the ARPA funding Initiative 3.04. - HCBS Training for Members & Families.

HCPF developed culturally competent trainings and resources to help members and their families navigate the HCBS system. The trainings and materials provide information to members to educate them on all waivers, navigate the different waivers, and explain a member’s right to choose between service providers. The trainings are member-focused, person-centered, and in plain language for ease of use.

There are different versions that may include the same information in order to accommodate the different ways individuals may interpret and understand the information. 

The following are animated short videos in English and Spanish: 

¿Qué es la gestión de casos?

In this video we will talk about the intake process, qualifying for a program, creating a support plan, and the follow-up you can expect from your Colorado case manager and case management agency. For more information, visit the website.

Qué es la atención a largo plazo (LTC, por sus siglas en inglés)

This video will help you learn about various options for adult and child long-term care services in Colorado. For more information, visit the website.

Notificación de Acción y Procedimiento de Apelación

This video will help you understand what a Notice of Action is, and how to request an appeal hearing. For more information, see the Colorado Office of Administrative Courts website.

Derechos y responsabilidades en materia de cuidados a largo plazo

In this video, you will learn about the different rights and responsibilities that are part of the waiver enrollment process. For more information, visit the website.

The next set of videos are narrated by members of the community. The videos in English also provide an ASL interpreter; the Spanish videos are narrated by Spanish-speaking members of the community. 

This video will walk you through the CDASS benefit for members who use Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program). Consumer-Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) lets you direct and manage the attendants who provide your personal care, homemaker, and health maintenance services, rather than working through an agency. This English language video is presented by members of the community to include ASL interpretation.

This video will give you an overview of what is called the “level of care” a person must require in order to receive LTSS under Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program). The new level of care assessment will be person-centered, enhance self-direction, and facilitate greater coordination of services, as well as be equally applicable to adults and children with disabilities. This English language video is presented by members of the community to include ASL interpretation.

This video explains what LTSS programs are available under Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program). Health First Colorado provides Long-Term Services and Supports which exist to help you if you have a chronic illness and/or a disability, whether physical, psychological, or cognitive, that prevents you from being able to do things most people can do easily. This English language video is presented by members of the community to include ASL interpretation.

This video explains there are options to receive benefits and earn an income whether you have SSI, SSDI, or Medicaid Buy-In for Working Adults with Disabilities (WAWD). The Health First Colorado Buy-In Program for Working Adults with Disabilities lets adults with a disability who qualify to "buy into" Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program). This English language video is presented by members of the community to include ASL interpretation.

This video provides detailed information about the kinds of waivers that Colorado offers to qualifying adults and children under Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program). An HCBS waiver is an extra set of Health First Colorado benefits that you could qualify for in certain cases. These benefits can help you remain in your home and community. This English language video is presented by members of the community to include ASL interpretation.

HCPF Annual Stakeholder Webinar

Thank you to the approx. 1,000 attendees who joined HCPF's leaders for our Annual Stakeholder Webinar on Aug. 8. This event shared what we accomplished together last year, addressed priorities for this fiscal year, and heard stakeholder feedback and comments. Materials are posted on our website

Contact Us

  • Please send questions about the new CCM system and Colorado Single

     Assessment & Person-Centered Support Plan to our CCM inbox.