Connecting our church and community to become change agents for Jesus.
Good morning, COG family!

In this week's newsletter, we have many opportunities for you to get connected through different ministries and events. Look below for these opportunities to get plugged in and to give a helping hand.

We hope you are still praying over those you will be inviting to our Easter weekend events or other gatherings at COG. There are many great opportunities to connect our church and community.

Your invitation may be the first step to their salvation story.

"But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!"
Romans 10:14-15

Be salt and light,

Pastor Chris
Tithes and Offerings
Thank you, COG family, for your generosity!

Week of March 6, 2022
Giving: $12,335.00
Weekly Budget: $10,302.60
Year to Date Giving: $90,830.82
Year to Date Budget: $103,026.00

Week of March 13, 2022
Giving: $10,758.00
Weekly Budget: $10,302.60
Year to Date Giving: $101,588.82
Year to Date Budget: $113,328.60

Below are the ways that you can contribute your tithes and offerings to the church.

  • Write a check to the church. You can either mail it to the church or stop by the church and put it in the slot of our mailbox located by the doors of the North Building (4343 S. Flanders St. Centennial, CO 80015).
  • Bill Pay through your banking institution.
  • COG website - online giving.
Community of Grace
Sunday Prayer Time
Join in for group prayer time every Sunday morning from 8:00 - 8:30 am via Zoom. The link and login are the same every week.
Meeting ID: 598 261 804
Passcode: 053343

If you have questions, email Kathleen Chandler.
Upcoming Events
Good Friday Seder
and Potluck
We will be celebrating Good Friday together with a Seder observation on Friday, April 15th at 6 pm. For this event, you must sign up so we can have the proper settings for each table. We have sign-up sheets at the Get Connected table. They are grouped by table so you can sign up with family, friends, LifeGroups, or whomever you want. Please sign up by April 10th.

We will also be holding a potluck meal before the Seder observation. Please bring a dish to share if you are attending. Please have your dish at COG by 5:45 pm.

Last names A-N bring a main dish.
Last names O-Z bring a side dish.

The church will provide drinks.

While we want this to be a family participation event, if you need child care during the event, please indicate so on the sign-up sheet. We will have childcare provided on-site. The Seder and potluck will run about two hours long. Email Pastor Chris if you have any questions.
Children's Ministry Easter Eggstravagana
Mark your calendars for the COG Children's Ministry Easter Eggstravaganza! We will have bouncy castles, face painting, candy, a photo booth, a puppet show, and more. This event will be on April 16th from 10 am - 11:30 am. We encourage you to invite your friends, family, and neighbors with little ones who would enjoy the event.

Please bring bags of candy to fill Easter eggs for the kids and make sure the candies are individually wrapped. We will have drop bins in the foyer for all donated candy. If you want to bring an extra bag of anything with chocolate and peanut butter for Pastor Chris, you can drop that off in his office.

If you are interested in helping out at the event, email Samantha to see where help is needed.
Easter Morning at
Community of Grace
The Chefs of Grace will be providing light snacks before the Easter service starting at 9 am. You can come in early to enjoy some food and fellowship time. This is another great opportunity to invite others to come to COG.
Easter at the Olin
As many of you know, COG has been taking Easter meals to the Olin Apartments for years. The Olin is a HUD property located close to Denver's Capitol Hill; it assists older and disabled individuals. The current plan is to go to the Olin to serve meals directly as we have in the past.

We will need people to transport food from COG to the Olin, serve meals in the dining area, take meals to rooms, and give extra meals to the homeless outside.

If you will be helping at the Olin, we ask you to be on-site at 12:45 pm to start serving meals at 1 pm. The address is 1418 Logan St, Denver CO, 80203.

If you can make food but cannot help at the Olin, you can sign up to bring food and drop it off at COG. We are asking for you to drop off your food at COG after Sunday service by 12 pm. Please have your food ready to serve (hot, sliced, etc.) and in disposable containers to help ease cleanup.

The Olin is asking all on-site volunteers to wear face masks to help protect the residents.

The signup sheets are at the Get Connected table with all of the items needed and volunteer spots. If you have questions, you can email Missy or call her at 720-373-0216.
Evangelism Training
Under the Ready Go! tab on our website, you will find a new video on evangelism every week. Please take a few minutes to watch the video and see how you can spread the Good News of Jesus to those around us. You can click here to go directly to the weekly video. Make sure you check back every week on how God can use each of us to share the Good News of Jesus.

Below each week's video are a couple of questions related to that video's content. The answers are anonymous.
Pre-Easter Facilities Cleaning
COG family, we have been praying that our congregation invites friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to Easter Sunday Service. In preparation for that, we are asking for assistance with a bit of spring cleaning around our two buildings. On Saturday, April 9th, at 8 am, we will divide up and tidy the two buildings. If you have a vacuum cleaner, dusting items, brooms to knock down cobwebs, or items to clean bathrooms and windows, etc., please bring them. We will also have a few people walk around the grounds to pick up debris.

If you can help out, please sign up at the Get Connected table. The more hands we have, the easier the work will be. We will also have drinks and snacks for volunteers.
Sunday Morning Class
The Mindset of Soul Winning
Harry Olsen will be leading a six-week class on evangelism based on his book The Empty Seat: The Mindset of Soul Winning. During this class, Harry will explain what Scripture tells us regarding evangelism and the role God wants each of us to have in winning souls. This class will help set individuals free from guilt and confusion related to sharing the Gospel

This class starts this Sunday, March 20th and will meet every Sunday morning before service from 8:45 am to 9:45 am. There is no cost for the class. You can sign up at the Get Connected table in the back of the sanctuary.
Fit 2 Serve and
Outdoor Ministry Events
Fit2Serve Have you wanted to run or walk a 5K? Couch-to-5K is a beginner program which will help you do that in just six weeks! Sign up at the Get Connected table.

Fit2Serve - Join us as we walk, run, or both at the "He Is Risen" Virtual Bible Race.  Any day between April 17-30, run or walk a 5K race wherever you are. Bibs and medals are included in the cost of $18. Also, 15% of the entry fee will go to Operation Underground Railroad, an organization specializing in anti-child trafficking efforts and extraction operations. This group works to bring an end to child slavery. You can learn more about this group here. For more information contact Carol Bryan at 303-522-2293. Please sign up at the Get Connected table.

Whitewater Rafting - We will be going whitewater rafting in Idaho Springs on Clear Creek Canyon on Saturday, June 11. We are also planning a trip to Bighorn Sheep Canon on the Arkansas River near Canon City on Saturday, June 18. Both beginner and intermediate trips are available. Please contact Carol Bryan at 303-522-2293 if you are interested.
Boost will be on March 30th at 6:30 pm. We hope you will join us as we gather to pray, grow, and fellowship together.

Please bring a dessert to share during our fellowship time afterward.
Women's Ministry
Chunky Blankets
On April 3 from 5:30 pm - 8 pm, Amy Eichenseer will be showing us how to make chunky blankets in the North Building. There is no cost for this; however, you will need to purchase your own yarn.

We will be using Yarn Bee, 7-8 oz (Jumbo), 28 yards per skein, and you can use this or similar brands. Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's have theirs on sale frequently. You'll need to purchase five skeins of yarn for a 3'x4' blanket, and more if you'd like a bigger blanket.

There is only room for ten people in this class, so sign up at the "Get Connected" table as soon as you have your yarn.
Men's Ministry Events
The Men's Ministry will host a pancake breakfast on March 26th from 8 am - 9 am. We will have pancakes, juice, coffee, and milk. Our study topic will be the battlefield of anger. Dane Campbell, our Men's Ministry leader, will be our speaker for the morning. Please sign up at the Get Connected table. As always, invite others to attend and bring your sons.

You can also mark your calendar for our April event. On Saturday, April 23rd, from 9 am - 12 pm, we will gather to spend time in God's word, fellowship, and play some games. Our guest speaker will be Pastor John Moreland from Denver Christian Bible Church. The topic will be the battlefield of distraction.

For the April gathering, we will have hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch and are asking you to bring a side dish to share. We will have the signup sheet set up after the March gathering. We will also have door prizes for the event with names entered from the signup sheet. You must be present to win a door prize.

If you have any questions about any of the upcoming events, email Dane.
Hope for Nicaragua Mission
(Honduras in 2022)
Hello COG family! Thank you so much for supporting this year's Love Baskets fundraiser! We will be going to Honduras this year (due to travel issues with Nicaragua). We will be doing "backpack teams" where we get into groups of five or six and visit homes in the village we are serving. We provide medical care, share the gospel, bring food, share a children's Bible lesson and generally bring the love of Jesus right to the homes of the people.  

I hope you enjoyed this year's Love Basket event and want you to know that your love will be going directly to doorsteps in Honduras this year. Please get in touch with Joyce Baker or Chris Hart if you can go with us this year. The dates are August 6-13 and we need you!

Thanks and blessings,

Eric Paulsen
CPR Class
A CPR and AED course will be available on April 23rd in Room 7 of the South Building from 9 am to 1:30 pm for $65.00. This course will cover choking relief in adults, children, and infants and what to do for sudden cardiac arrest in adults, children, and infants. Upon completion of this course, you will receive a CPR certification card from the American Heart Association.

If you would like to attend this class, please sign up at the Get Connected table in the back of the church. We need a minimum of four participants to host this class. 
Grace Gathering 1313
You are invited to come to the COG North Building for fellowship time on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 1-3 pm. There is no agenda except to spend time together. Coffee and light snacks will be provided.

If you would like more details or if you have questions, you can call or text Bob Cale at 303-378-1903.
Long Scraggy Mountain Ranch
Every year a group of campers and glampers trek out to Long Scraggy Mountain Ranch on Labor Day weekend. Those attending will spend the weekend enjoying Scripture, fellowship, and God's creation.

Though September may be months away, we need to know how many are interested in this trip in order to make proper reservations.

If you are interested or would like more details, contact Lisa Dole at 720-299-4801.
Women's Thursday Evening Bible Study
Ladies, join us for our bi-weekly study of different people in the Bible. March 24th is our next meeting at 6:30 pm (via Zoom).

This week we will be studying Ruth's life and role in the coming of the promised Messiah. We will see how Boaz is like Jesus in his role of the kinsman redeemer.

Please be prepared to share with the class your findings on Ruth through observation, interpretation, and application of what God is teaching you through this story.

If you have questions, email Anita.

Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 827 0335 3422
Passcode: 333481
Women's Friday Morning Bible Study
Do you want a closer relationship with God? The Friday morning women's Bible study is meeting both on Zoom and in-person on Friday mornings at 9:30 am.

The Women's Ministry is currently studying the shortest books of the Bible.
For further details, please sign up at the Get Connected table.
Men's Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Men, do you need a place to be encouraged and challenged? Join Pastor Joel for a time of looking into God's Word and applying it to your life. We meet from 6:00 to 7:00 am on Tuesday mornings. Email Pastor Joel if you have questions. We are meeting in person in the North Building.
Men's Friday Morning Bible Study
Join men of our church and community as we study the book of Hebrews. We are using the Life Change study to guide us through our examination of and interaction with this challenging book of the Bible. This group meets Friday mornings at 6 am in the North Building. Please contact Karl Been at 720.284.4750 for more information.
Ladies' Fellowship
On March 6th, the Ladies' Fellowship group had a great evening of food and learning to play mahjong. Mahjong is a strategy game that originated in 19th century China. It's similar to rummy, but it's played with tiles instead of cards.  Thank you, May Chen, for taking the time to teach us how to play.