General Convention Report
For the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
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Early-arriving Diocese of Los Angeles deputies, staff, volunteers and friends gather for dinner in Louisville on June 21. Photo: Christopher Montella | |
Above: Candidates for the 28th presiding bishop participated in a forum on June 21 held at the Louisville Marriott Downtown. Following the forum, they posed for a photo. From left they are Northwestern Pennsylvania Bishop Sean Rowe, who also serves as bishop provisional of the Diocese of Western New York, Atlanta Bishop Robert Wright, Pennsylvania Bishop Daniel G.P. Gutiérrez, Central New York Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe and Nebraska Bishop J. Scott Barker. Photo: Randall A. Gornowich. Below left: Thomas Diaz, deputy from the Diocese of Los Angeles and a member of the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop, moderated the discussion. Photo: Janet Kawamoto | |
5 presiding bishop nominees participate in forum ahead of House of Bishops’ June 26 election
By David Paulsen
[Episcopal News Service – Louisville, Kentucky – June 21, 2024] The five bishops seeking to become The Episcopal Church’s 28th presiding bishop shared the stage June 21 at a well-attended forum that showcased the nominees’ varying experiences, styles and stated visions for leading the church through the coming decade’s challenges.
The forum, held in a large ballroom at the Louisville Marriott Downtown, was hosted by the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop. Alaska Bishop Mark Lattime, one of the committee’s co-chairs, thanked the nominees in his opening remarks.
“These people have already given us an extraordinary gift by offering themselves to this very vulnerable process,” Lattime said. “These five individuals do not see themselves as contestants in a political campaign. They see themselves as colleagues and partners continuing to walk together in discernment, listening and praying together to see what the Holy Spirit reveals to us in this process of election.”
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Canon Steven Nishibayashi of the Diocese of Los Angeles, co-chair of the JNCPB, listens as his fellow co-chair, Bishop Mark Lattime of Alaska, welcomes deputies, bishops and visitors to the candidates' forum. Photo: Janet Kawamoto | |
Incumbent House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris, former Executive Council member Zena Link and incumbent Vice President the Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton participated in an 80-minute forum on June 21 held at the Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel. Photo: Randall A. Gornowich | |
House of Deputies’ presidential candidates share their visions for the church, air differences in forum
[Episcopal News Service – Louisville, Kentucky – June 21, 2024] Three women of color who are running for president of the House of Deputies shared their presiding officer qualifications, hopes for The Episcopal Church and some leadership differences in an 80-minute forum on June 21.
The three are incumbent President Julia Ayala Harris, incumbent Vice President the Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton and Zena Link, an educator and union and community organizer.
This is only the second time since 1964, when the House of Deputies first expanded the role of president beyond presiding at General Convention, that an incumbent president has faced a contested election; the other was in 2003.
The election is scheduled for June 25.
Each candidate offered an opening statement and then took turns answering questions posed by a five-member panel that not only elicited answers but areas of disagreement. The Rev. Michael Barlowe, General Convention’s executive officer, moderated the forum.
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Cameron Johnson, lay alternate deputy, and the Rev. Rachel Nyback, who chairs the Diocese of Los Angeles deputation, check in at the registration desk at General Convention. Johnson, co-chair of the diocesan Commission on Ministry, is a member of St. Cross Church, Hermosa Beach, where Nyback is rector. Photo: Randall Gornowich | |
Armed with coffee, the Rev. Canon Mary Crist, priest-in-charge at St. Michael's Ministry Center in Riverside, is ready for General Convention. In addition to her work at St. Michael's, Crist is on the presiding bishop's staff as coordinator of Indigenous theological education in the Department of Ethnic Ministries. She is a professor at California Baptist University in Riverside, and an enrolled member of the Blackfeet tribe. | | |
The Rev. Keith Yamamoto, rector of St. Mark's Church, Upland, and dean of Deanery 6, is serving as a volunteer coordinator for his eighth General Convention. His previous position was supervising the convention print shop, but as the convention shifted to digital communication he joined the public safety staff. | | |
The Rev. Lester Mackenzie, right, chaplain to the House of Deputies and rector of St. Mary's Church, Laguna Beach, pauses to greet a friend in the exhibit hall. Mackenzie has served as the deputies' chaplain at four meetings of General Convention. He has represented the Diocese of Los Angeles as a deputy three times. | | |
Canon Suzanne Edwards-Acton, chair of the and the Rev. Dominique Piper of the Diocese of Los Angeles enjoy the Union of Black Episcopalians' banquet and celebration of the Rt. Rev. Michael Curry's ministry .
Photo: Guy Leemhuis
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The Rev. Canon Susan Russell (right) staffs the Task Force on LGBTQ+ Ministries booth in the exhibit hall. Russell, known churchwide for her advocacy for inclusion, has served several times as a deputy to previous meetings of General Convention. | |
Above: Tour guide Canon Iyad Qumri, his sons Sami and Rami and daughter-in-law Snjezana enjoy a reunion with Canon Kathy O'Connor, one of many Episcopalians they have guided on pilgrimages to the Holy Land. | |
Click on highlighted titles to read the articles.
GC81 Daily Digest, June 22: Committees meet in person for first time
[Episcopal News Service – Louisville, Kentucky – June 22, 2024] The 81st General Convention is underway in Louisville, as committees met in person for the first time on June 22, a day before legislative sessions are scheduled to convene in the full House of Bishops and House of Deputies, the official start of the June 23-28 meeting.
Union of Black Episcopalians honors Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
[Episcopal News Service – Louisville, Kentucky – June 22] The Union of Black Episcopalians hosted a banquet in tribute to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry during the last night of its annual business meeting and conference.
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Except as noted, reporting by Janet Kawamoto, editor, The Episcopal News | | | | |