Season Kick-Off Dinner/Meeting Thursday, September 14th

St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club

September, 2023

Volume 2023-24 | Issue 1



Trail Conditions

President’s Message

Summer is just about over, and we just held our Bo-Boen 10th Annual Golf Outing at the St. Germain Golf Club this past weekend. It was another successful fundraiser and fun event for golfers. Thank you to Janelle Ewen and Josh Renkes for organizing this event, and all of the other volunteers who helped make it a success.

The trail map for the upcoming season, with some minor trail re-routes and our sponsors’ ads updated, is at the printer. As soon as the printing is completed, they will be available in our map donation boxes at our sponsoring businesses. Thank you to Peggy Ausloos for coordinating this project.

Just as a reminder, you need to renew your club membership before you can apply for your discounted trail passes through the AWSC. There is more information about our renewal process later in this newsletter.

ATVs and UTVs can now use hard-surfaced town roads in St. Germain all year long. Some of these roads are designated snowmobile routes and will be shared by snowmobiles and ATV/UTVs together this upcoming snowmobiling season. The speed limit on Town roads is 25 mph or less so we don’t anticipate any problems. Signage is currently being installed to mark the snowmobile trails (non-road routes) as closed to ATVs/UTVs. Let’s all work together to make this a safe and cooperative sharing of Town roads.

Speaking of signage, our Trail Boss, Fred Suchy, has appointed John Lindberg as the Club’s new Signmaster. Our previous Signmaster, Jeff Horvath, and his wife Jackie are relocating to be closer to family. Thank you, Jeff and Jackie, for your years of volunteerism to the Bo-Boen Club and we look forward to seeing you on the trails this winter.

I enjoyed seeing many of you at our golf outing this past weekend and look forward to seeing you at our season kick-off membership meeting in September at Clearview Supper Club.

Roger Klein, President

September Membership Meeting

 Thursday, September 14th

Clearview Supper Club


Cocktails: 6 pm

Dinner Payment Due: 6:45 pm

Dinner: 7 pm


Menu Selection

  • Fried Walleye w/baked potato
  • Chicken Kiev w/rice
  • 10 oz Ribeye w/baked potato


The cost is $30/person, and all dinners include salad, vegetable, dessert, coffee, tax, and tip.

Members are responsible for payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Make checks payable to Clearview Supper Club.

Please RSVP by Friday, September 8 using the below button, or call Shelby Szott at (715) 614.2240.

Register for the Dinner

Want to help promote the Club?

We are looking for a few volunteers.

We will have a booth at Colorama in St. Germain on Saturday, September 16th from 9:00 am- 4:00 pm. We'll be promoting our club and what we bring to the St. Germain Community.

If you're interested in helping out for a couple of hours,

contact John Lindberg at

or 847.682.9110

Rest in Peace, Kay

Our Club unexpectedly lost our long-time Secretary, Kay Schultz, earlier this year. President Roger Klein and Past-President Ozzie Ausloos presented Gary Schultz, Kay’s husband, with a plaque acknowledging Kay’s ten years of service to the Club at a memorial held in her honor last month. 

Membership Corner

I hope you are having a great summer and are able to get out and enjoy our beautiful Northwoods lakes and forests before our winter snowmobile season.

Membership renewal forms will be mailed out to you after Labor Day. Please review your information and make any needed corrections, especially any email updates. Newsletters and most communications are done via email. As usual, you can renew anytime with our secure membership form at We do not sell or share your personal information.

This a reminder that all AWSC memberships expired on June 30. You will not be able to order the discounted trail pass until your club membership is renewed, and we then renew your AWSC membership. With our renewal campaign occurring in September, there will be plenty of time for you to get your trail passes before the trails open, usually mid-December. Memberships costs remain either family $35 or single $30.

Let’s see a great turnout at our kick-off dinner/meeting on Thursday evening, September 14th at Clearview Supper Club. It would be great to see our out-of-town members have a long fall weekend and attend a nice social evening with other members.

Ed Siergiej, Membership Chair 

From The Trail Boss

As of Friday, August 11, the tractor is ready for brushing. On Saturday the 12th, Terry Pare and Tony Cantele did the brushing on the new Marli's trail. On Monday, August 14, Tony and Wayne Suchocki started brushing the Town run.

The new Gravel Pit trail is just about complete and will be shared with the ATV Club (but not in the winter). This trail will get us off the road and into the woods.

We will continue brushing until the trails are ready for grooming, and we still have some odds and ends to do in the groomer shed before the season starts, but we'll be ready! I hope to see many of you at our Club Brushing Day on Saturday, October 14.

Fred Suchy, Trail Boss 

Club Brushing Day

Join us for the Club Brushing Day on Saturday, October 14. Please note the date change! Meet at the Groomer Barn at 9 am, and bring gloves, saws, clippers, shears, etc.

Snowmobile Safety Class Scheduled

Beginning January 1, 2001, any person born on or after January 1, 1985, and who has reached the age of 12, must have completed and received a snowmobile safety certificate in order to operate a snowmobile in Wisconsin. The certificate must be carried while operating the snowmobile and displayed to a law enforcement officer upon demand.

Safety Education class is scheduled for December 9 & 10 at the St. Germain Community Center. Anyone 11 years of age or older is eligible to take the class and receive a safety education certificate, however, the certificate does not become valid until the child reaches 12 years of age. Adult students are also welcome to take the class. There is a $10 DNR fee required to take the class. Registration will begin at 8:30 AM on Saturday, December 9, class will begin at 9:00 AM and complete around 2:30 or 3:00 PM. Lunch will be provided. On Sunday, December 10 class will run from 9:00 AM to noon. You are required to attend both days. Pre-registration is required by calling Peggy Ausloos at 715-542-3548 or mobile at 715-892-6467 or email: You can also register online at

All students are required to obtain a Wisconsin DNR Customer ID# as part of the criteria to graduate from any Recreational Safety Class and provide that number to their instructor. Students can obtain a DNR Customer ID# by logging in to or by calling 1-888-936-7463 between 7 AM and 10 PM. You can also visit a Wisconsin DNR Service Center during their regular scheduled hours. You will need to provide your social security number. For additional DNR Service Center hours and locations go to and click on the “Get Started” tab.

Apple Dumpling Gang Update

The Apple Dumpling Gang will have our season kickoff dinner in early November. Watch future newsletters and your email for details. If your email address has changed in the last six months, be sure to notify me so you can get communications about Gang doings.

Wayne Ax, Leader of the Gang



A "Thinking of you" card was sent to Chuck Thier (his wife Pat is in care for late-stage dementia).

Jean Holleman passed away in July. She and her husband Ken were long-time Bo-Boen members.

Sympathy cards were sent to Jeff Timmer (wife passed away) and Chris Petriekis (father passed away).

Please contact Judy Schell at (715) 542-2321 or when you have information on births, members who are ill or hospitalized, or in need of a bit of cheer, sympathy, or encouragement. 

St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club 2023—2024 Officers & Directors

President: Roger Klien

President-Elect: Joe Domenico

Treasurer: Ed Siergiej

Secretary: Roxanne Platz


Bob Strand

Dianne Dieter

Janelle Ewen

John Lindberg

Josh Renkes

Kyle Szott

Past President: Bob “Ozzie” Ausloos

Trail Boss: Fred Suchy

Mark Your Calendars

September 5 - Board Meeting

September 14 - Membership Meeting at Clearview

September 16 - St. Germain Colorama

October 3 - Board Meeting

October 10 - Membership Meeting at Fibbers

October 14 - Club Brushing Day