February 2023

The STATUS Newsletter is published every month after the STA Board meeting to inform the public and our stakeholders of what’s happening with transportation in Solano County. 

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  • Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) in Suisun and via Zoom 3/2/23 at 6pm
  • STA Board Meeting in Suisun and via Zoom on 3/8/23 at 6pm
  • Paratransit Coordinating Council (PCC) via Zoom on 3/16/23 at 1pm


  • 8 New Elected Officials join STA Board as Alternates
  • Caltrans initiates Phase 1 of State Route (SR) 12 SHOPP and Complete Streets Project
  • 7 Solano County Projects & Programs Receive $11M in Federal OBAG3 Funds
  • California State Supreme Court Rejects Regional Measure 3 Lawsuit
  • San Francisco Bay Ferry 2050 Public Survey
  • STA Board briefed on status of Jepson Parkway/Vanden Road Projects 
  • Suisun City Residents Flock to New Suisun Microtransit Service
  • STA Board approves start of Suisun City Mobility Hub Construction Project
  • STA Board approves New Equitable Access To Justice Pilot Program 
  • New Intercity Taxi Rates Set
  • Solano Mobility Update: The Call Center is Here to Help
  • STA Board Approves Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) Member Reappointments and 2023 Work Plans for BAC and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC); STA Advisory Committees Openings Available

8 New Elected Officials join STA Board as Alternates

Following the November 2022 election, the 8 new Board Alternates were sworn in by the STA. The new Board Alternates are as follows:

  • Council Member Jim Ernest (City of Dixon)
  • Vice Mayor Walt Stanish (City of Rio Vista)
  • Mayor Pro-Tem Princess Washington (City of Suisun City)
  • Vice Mayor Jeanette Wylie (City of Vacaville)
  • Council Member Peter Bregenzer (City of Vallejo)
  • Supervisor Wanda Williams (County of Solano)
  • Vice Mayor Terry Scott (City of Benicia) (sworn in at the January Board meeting)
  • K. Patrice Williams (Fairfield) (to be appointed at the March Board meeting)

Each alternate will be joining their Board member colleagues by serving on one or more subcommittees for STA’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan update, which is scheduled for 2023-2024.

Caltrans initiates Phase 1 of State Route (SR) 12 SHOPP and Complete Streets Project

Caltrans provided an update to the STA Board current and future phases of the Highway 12 project funded by State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funds that will provide safety and complete streets improvements (bicycle and pedestrian) to SR 12 through and adjacent to the City of Rio Vista. SR 12 serves as the primary and most direct connection between the ‘Trilogy’ active senior community and Rio Vista’s downtown, but the roadway is not a complete street. Additionally, SR 12 must be crossed by school children every day on the way to and from school: 140 student crossings per day, or 25,000 crossings per year, in a 9-month school year. Complete Streets policies support developing roadway designs that improve the safety of all users and provide additional opportunities for physical activity from other modes of transportation. 

Due to the different characteristics of the scope of work and the degrees of complexity among the segments, Caltrans split the project into three individual construction packages during the design phase, referred to as the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) phase. The City of Rio Vista has contributed $400k in funding. STA has contributed $1M in Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) funds and programmed $1.9M in State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funds. Local funds are leveraging $47.8M in SHOPP funds. Construction on the first segment began in December 2022, with an overall project completion estimate of Summer 2027.

For more information on this SR-12 East State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) update, click here.

7 Solano County Projects & Programs Receive $11M in Federal OBAG3 Funds

In September 2022, STA submitted its list of 10 approved projects/programs for MTC's consideration, estimated at a total of $15.11 million to meet the 120% OBAG County Target. On January 2023, MTC approved fully funding 7 out of the 10 projects/programs that the STA nominated, for a total of $11,911,000.

Active Transportation/Vision Zero Category

1). County of Solano’s Solano 360 Transit Center, Phase 1 $2,101,000

2). City of Vallejo’s Sac Street Road Diet Phase II $850,000

3). STA’s Safe Routes to School Program $1,000,000 

4). City of Fairfield’s Travis SR2S and Transit $3,960,000

SubHIP Category

5). City of Fairfield’s Linear Park Node 4 $2,239,000

6). City of Benicia’s East 5th St Affordable Housing Streetscape Improvements $261,000

Mobility Programs Category

7). Solano Mobility $1,500,000

California State Supreme Court Rejects Regional Measure 3 Lawsuit

On January 25, 2023, the California Supreme Court officially dismissed the lawsuit filed against the Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) and Regional Measure 3 (RM 3), the regional bridge toll passed by Bay Area voters in 2018, administered by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), for the seven state owned bridges located in the Bay Area region. This ruling will release millions of dollars, currently held in escrow, for the region’s transportation projects. 

The RM 3 Expenditure Plan contains $4.45 billion in corridor capital projects and $60 million in annual operating funds. In Solano County, STA is included as a project sponsor, co-project sponsor, and/or applicant for several capital projects and programs. Projects include Westbound Truck Scales, I-80/680/SR 12 project, improvements to SR 37 corridor, and funding for managed lanes on I-80.

The expenditure plan also includes capital and operating funds for SF Bay Ferry, Solano Express, and Solano County rail stations. STA will provide a more detailed update at the Board meeting on March 8, 2023.

San Francisco Bay Ferry 2050 Public Survey

San Francisco Bay Ferry continues working to finalize a Ferry Service Vision for the year 2050 through their BayFerry2050 project. 

Take this 5-minute survey to help San Francisco Bay Ferry prioritize environmental sustainability, service expansion, service frequency and speed, and affordability, and be entered for a chance to win a $50 Clipper Card or a San Francisco Bay Ferry water bottle at the end of the survey:

STA Board Approves Consolidated Short Range Transit Plans (SRTPs) for Five Transit Operators

STA Board briefed on status of Jepson Parkway/Vanden Road Projects

Per a request from the STA Board, STA projects staff and Public Works staff from the City of Fairfield and the City of Vacaville presented the STA Board and members of the public with a detailed informational presentation on the status and funding of the various projects located on the 12-mile Jepson Parkway Corridor. Working with our partner agencies, the STA will be returning with updated funding options for completing the remaining phases of Jepson Parkway at the Board meeting of April 12, 2023.

Suisun City Residents Flock to New Suisun Microtransit Service

During the month of January, there were a total of 936 passenger trips on the new Suisun Microtransit service being operated by the Solano Transportation Authority through a contract with the City of Suisun City. A total of 652 passengers took advantage of the School Tripper service, while 284 passengers utilized the Dial-A-Ride service. 

For more information, visit the Suisun Microtransit webpage here or call (707) 673-2129 to reserve your ride.

STA Board approves start of Suisun City Mobility Hub Construction Project

At the February 8th Board meeting, the STA Board approved the start of the Suisun City Mobility Hub Construction Project, located in close proximity to the Suisun Train Depot. This project will serve several mobility purposes, including housing Suisun Microtransit vehicles, STA’s Vehicle Share Program vans and electric vehicles, Safe Routes to School Program's van and trailer; as well as providing parking for STA’s new office and Suisun City’s community events. The facility is identified as a priority in the recently completed Suisun City Community-Based Transportation Plan (CBTP), providing a secured location to house vehicles that will be needed to implement the microtransit recommendations for Suisun City.

STA Board Approves New Equitable Access To Justice Pilot Program 

At the February Board meeting, the STA Board approved the one-year Equitable Access to Justice Pilot Program for Solano County Superior Court participants. This pilot was requested by Presiding Judge Wendy G. Getty to help with eliminating barriers for access to justice due to transportation challenges and affordability. The Board also authorized the STA to enter into an agreement with the Solano County Superior Court, and to enter into an agreement with Uber for an initial amount of $50,000 to utilize the Uber Voucher for the Pilot Program.

New Intercity Taxi Rates Set

The STA Board approved the new zone rates for the Solano County Intercity Taxi Card Program. Solano County taxi companies requested adjustments be made to the current zone rates to reflect more accurate pricing in response to the rise in gas prices over time. The intercity taxi program subsidy of 60% for ADA certified and 80% for low income and ADA certified will remain same.

For more information, view the new fare rates here and visit the Solano County Intercity Taxi Card Program webpage here.

Solano Mobility Update: The Call Center Is Here to Help

STA’s Solano Mobility Call Center provides assistance and information about transportation options to get around Solano County and beyond. In addition to providing commuters and Solano County employers with information on a variety of transit services and incentive programs, the Call Center provides seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, and students with a range of mobility options.

•   Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Eligibility Program

•   Intercity Taxi Card (ITX) Program

•   Medical Trip Concierge Program (through GoGo Grandparent)

•   Travel Training

•   Trip Planning

•   Veterans Mobility Program 

For more information about the Solano Mobility Call Center or a specific program that we offer, please visit or call Monday – Friday, 8am‐5pm at 800‐535‐6883.

STA Board Approves Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) Member Reappointments and 2023 Work Plans for BAC and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC); STA Advisory Committees Openings Available


At the February 8th meeting, the STA Board approved the following BAC member appointments:

  • Reappointed Mike Segala (Solano County)
  • Reappointed Nancy Lund (City of Benicia)
  • Appointed Tyler Meirose (City of Suisun City)

Additionally, the STA Board approved both the BAC's and the PAC's respective Work Plans for 2023. Click here to view the BAC 2023 Work Plan, and click here to view the PAC 2023 Work Plan.

STA is asking for your help to plan and build a more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly Solano County. The STA currently has open positions on our BAC and PAC. We are currently looking for the following representatives:

Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC)

  • City of Fairfield 
  • Member-At-Large

Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC)

  • City of Vacaville
  • City of Rio Vista
  • City of Suisun City
  • Member-at-Large
  • Member-at-Large (Solano Community College)

For more information on the BAC Open Positions, click here, and click here for more information on the PAC Open Positions

2023 STA Board Members

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