Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"… Unfortunately, many mothers don’t understand the importance of the father-daughter bond and might not encourage it. Consequently, many daughters of divorce have damaged relationships with their fathers. …"
By Mick Rhodes - Claremont Courier
"… Parental alienation is a profound form of psychological trauma for the targeted parents, said Canadian sociologist and social worker Edward Kruk in Psychology Today. …"
By Kevin Reece - WFAA
"… As home DNA test kits inadvertently uncover deeply-hidden family secrets, some of these journeys do lead to unexpected reunions and happy endings. …"
By Andrew Sheeler - The Sacramento Bee
"… A Southern California businessman is renewing a campaign to give voters a say over the state’s divorce and spousal support laws. …"
By NBC4i
"… There are plenty of things to arrange when kids are heading back to school. For some, that includes a plan for shared custody. We got some advice from an attorney on shared parenting of school age kids. …"
"… For tax purposes, a child is usually treated as “belonging” to the parent who has custody for the greater part of the year. That parent is called the custodial parent. The other parent is called the noncustodial parent. …"
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