Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... Recently, a father at a family court in Bristol received a heartfelt apology from a judgeafter giving up his eight- year fight for his children, during which he claimed his ex had waged a vicious campaign, demonising him to the point they refused to see him. ..."
"... This bill would require the Department of Children's Services (DCS) to establish a three-year pilot program to compensate a relative caregiver at half the full foster care rate, even if the child has not been placed in state custody. The bill does not limit the benefit to grandparents, but any relative that is caring for the children. ..."
By Christine B.L. Adams M.D. - Psychology Today
"... With the birth of a child, each parent forms a bond, or attachment, to the baby. For the alienating parent this bond is based on the parent having his or her needs met by the child. Mostly these are emotional needs. The relationship reverses from one that meets the needs of the child to one that meets the parent’s needs. ..."
By Claire Gillespie - The Week
"... "Any relationship/family is only as good as the people in it," she says, and surely that's what it all comes down to, whether you're in a platonic parenting partnership, a single-parent family, a traditional nuclear family, or something else entirely. ..."
"... In contrast to most other countries, Japan does not recognize joint custody of children following divorce and children often lose contact with the non-custodial parent. ..."
By Will Mitchell - The Topeka Capital-Journal

"... Last week Kansas joined a growing list of states supporting shared parenting when the Senate passed SB 157 by an overwhelming margin of 39 to 1. ..."
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