Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Julia Lipson and James Copson - Withers Worldwide

"... What those involved want and need is hope for the future. Hope that there will be increased awareness and understanding, and an earlier recognition of what is going on, and a plan as to what to do. What is very clear in all these cases, is that avoiding delay is key. Experts are required to act quickly and purposively to protect the children involved. ..."
"... She said the Kansas Legislature could use her experience as a reference point to support passage of a bill creating a presumption that equal parenting time was in best interests of all children unless a court found clear and convincing evidence to the contrary. ..."
"... It might surprise you, then, to hear that in a study of around 800 families, researchers found oxytocin levels in new mothers and new fathers were identical. This was true in immediate and longitudinal findings. ..."
By Jazmine Denise - MadameNoire
"... But just like any other relationship, there are rules of engagement that should be followed for the sake of healthy parenting and the emotional health of the kids. ..."
"... A woman was arrested at the Denver International Airport on Monday evening after allegedly abducting her child from an Oakley elementary school in an attempt to fly her across the country, according to Oakley police. ..."
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