Volume IV | August 2021
BBH Family Business Leadership Speaker Series

You won't want to miss this one! We welcome Olivier Mellerio '72 and Clémence Mellerio-Jacques of Mellerio, the oldest house of jewelry in the world. Find out how this family enterprise has remained true to their values and continues to flourish over five centuries.

Save the date:
October 25, 2021 @ 12:30 pm ET

Registration coming soon!
CBS Alum Leads Alice Company

Congratulations to E. Smyth McKissick IV '17 on becoming Alice Company's President and CEO. Smyth returned to the company that was started by his great-great-grandfather after earning his MBA from Columbia Business School, where he was Family Business Club co-president, and working at consulting firm, McKinsey & Company.

We'd love to hear your news! Update us here.

As part of Circle membership, we invite Family Enterprise alumni to our monthly peer-to-peer calls. Our confidential monthly meet-ups over Zoom cover relevant topics for business owners and managers.

Upcoming calls @ 5pm ET via Zoom:

Further your Knowledge, Expand your Network, Make Meaningful Connections. Join the Circle!

*Membership is open to all CBS and Global Family Enterprise Program alumni*

We have launched a closed LinkedIn Group for Alumni only. You can post your news, job opportunities or questions to this new group. Request access here.


Please consider a contribution to support the Global Family Enterprise Program. We provide an unparalleled curriculum, conduct world-class research, and foster an active global alumni community.

Contribute to the Global Family Enterprise Program