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New this month:

  • March Produce Safety Training - Register now! Only 7 spots remaining!!
  • SR ASHS recap and resources
  • NRCS EQIP-High Tunnel Initiative Applications Due Now!
  • Upcoming Events to check out!
  • Job Opportunity

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2023 Produce Safety Training Opportunities

March Registration Now Open!

Do you grow produce? Are you wanting to make sure you are in compliance with FDA guidelines? Join us for one of our Grower Trainings this year!

The March training will take place at the Craighead County Extension Office in Jonesboro, AR. This will be a full day training from 8am to 5:30pm with materials, lunch, and light refreshments provided.

Registration for the March training is open till March 13th, 2023! Only 7 spots remaining!

Contact Gaby Sanders at or 501.671.2046 with any questions or concerns!

Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Sciences Recap

The University of Arkansas really racked up the awards at the annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science - Southern Region earlier this month! CONGRATS to Team Hort Hogs!!

Dr. Amanda Philyaw Perez, Rip Weaver, and Gaby Sanders from the Local, Regional & Safe Foods UA Extension team were presented a Blue Ribbon Extension Communication Award for work on webpage media content. We are thrilled to receive this award, and thank ASHS-SR for the honor!

Check out the webpages here!

NRCS Arkansas announced the Seasonal High Tunnel Initiative on February 6, 2023 

The EQIP-High Tunnel application deadline is March 13, 2023!

Applications will be assessed and ranked as they are submitted to the field service center. Based on funds availability, application assessments with a ranking score of 100 points or greater will be preapproved immediately for the first batch of funding. Producers are encouraged to apply for the high tunnel funds at their earliest convenience.

For more information, contact your local office.

Visit the NRCS EQIP Application webpage

Upcoming Events

Contact Chuck McCool at

479-355-1729 for more info.

To meet a changing market, Arkansas Farmers now have an opportunity to reach more potential customers in one location - The Arkansas Produce Auction! This event will bring sellers and buyers together. Sellers can sell their products in bulk or small lots. Growers specializing in a single or multiple crops can market all their products at one location at auction market prices. This gives

farmers more time to do what they do best: FARM.

Are you interested in constructing a high tunnel for growing produce, or do you have a high tunnel already and want to learn the fundamentals of sustainable production?

Come to this FREE workshop on Thursday, March 23rd at the University of Arkansas Southwest Research and Extension Center in Hope, AR.

U of A horticulture specialists will speak on crop selection, soil fertility, insect, weed, & disease management, and safe harvest & handling of produce. There will also be a discussion session where growers are able to ask questions followed by a tour of an assembled tunnel. NRCS and Farm Credit will also be present to speak on their funding programs.

This program is open to all!

Please call the Hempstead Co. Extension Office at 870-777-5771 to sign up before March 20th or sign up online here:

Register Here!

Job Opportunity

The Arkansas Department of Agriculture is hiring a Farm to School and Early Childhood Education Program Coordinator!

The Program Coordinator directs and manages the Department's school garden, education, and local procurement activities. This includes farm to school programs, grants, contests, trainings, resources, reports, marketing, and communication. The Program Coordinator also provides technical expertise and assistance to schools, early childhood education facilities, local farmers, and other institutions and farm to school stakeholders.

The Program Coordinator facilitates the Arkansas Farm to School Collaborative and works closely with the Arkansas Grown and Arkansas Made Program.

Click here to apply

Useful Links
