langley eNews

June 13, 2024

from the ptsa president

Summer break is finally here! I want to take the opportunity in this final message to say thank you and goodbye. It has been my pleasure to have served as your PTSA President this year. I am very proud of all the programs and events the PTSA brought to our school, which I believe enhanced the high school experience for our students, teachers, and parents. None of it would have been possible without the dedication and leadership of our Committee Chairs and volunteers. There are too many of you to name, but I want you to know how much I enjoyed working with all of you!

I would like to thank Principal Greer, our administrators, and staff for supporting the PTSA this year. You were always willing to present information at our meetings and assist us with a variety of programs and events. A special thank you to Tricia Poythress, our faculty liaison, for enthusiastically helping us throughout the year, as well as to Julie Zimmerman Hohl for her unwavering dedication to LHS, and all the committed teachers and staff of Langley who devote their professional lives to teaching our children. I am very grateful to have partnered with you on behalf of our community.

Finally, a debt of gratitude to next year’s president, Bonnie Myshrall, past-presidents Jami Loving and Clare Bradshaw, and Executive Officers, Melissa Schwartz, Susan Connery, Heather Murphy Capps, Erin Lobato, and Mary Lee, for their insight, wisdom, and counsel. It has been a pleasure to work with such a talented group of women.

Wishing everyone a fun and restful summer break!

~ Joy Hohenthaner, PTSA President 2023-2024

ode to joy!

As the 2023-24 school year wraps up, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our outgoing PTSA President, Joy Hohenthaner. Her dedication and leadership have done so much to help the Langley community. Having a former New York City prosecutor at the helm of the PTSA meant we cut to the chase and focused on making sure our volunteer efforts and donations efficiently and effectively fulfilled our mission to support our students and teachers. Joy led our efforts to reinvigorate our Academic Boosters, finding funding to support our academic endeavors both inside the classroom and in the club setting, prioritized having events for the students, and created more opportunities for students and teachers to engage with each other. She focused on making our meetings more efficient and was always supportive of our countless parent volunteers.  

On a personal note, it has been a blast working with you, Joy. You’ve left very big shoes to fill, and I’m grateful you’ve agreed to stay on as the Classroom and Teacher Support Chair to continue your efforts to make Langley an amazing place to learn!  

~ Bonnie Myshrall, Incoming PTSA President 2024-2025

scott stone memorial award

The Scott Stone Memorial Award for Outstanding Citizenship is awarded annually to two Langley seniors who throughout their years at Langley demonstrated qualities of outstanding character, leadership, and humanitarianism

The winners, nominated by Langley faculty and selected by Langley administrators, have greatly contributed to the community with random acts of kindness, friendly rapport with peers and faculty, compassion for others, and by serving as positive role models

In memory of Langley science teacher Scott Stone, this award, presented with $500, is given to students whose enthusiasm, thoughtfulness and citizenship made Langley a better place to go to school. 

This year's winners are Maya Jindal and Andy Powell. Congratulations!

Maya Jindal

Andy Powell

service award

Congratulations to juniors Thomas Ye and Sophia Filipi for winning the PTSA Award for Outstanding Service!

Reflecting Langley’s emphasis on community service, the PTSA Award for Outstanding Service recognizes two junior students who have demonstrated excellence in volunteerism and who are committed to making a difference in our community. The awards are presented with a $250 scholarship.

Thomas Ye

Sophia Filipi

college-sponsored national merit scholar

Congratulations to Jolie Wu, who is one of 13 FCPS students named winners of 2024 college-sponsored National Merit Scholarship awards by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation! The students are part of a group of more than 15,000 National Merit finalists chosen to receive scholarships financed by higher education institutions. Wu received a scholarship from the University of Maryland and plans to study computer science.

cappies awards

Saxon Stage had a great year of Theatre that culminated with the final awards show of the year, The Cappies! The Cappies were awarded on Mon, Jun 10 in a ceremony at The Kennedy Center!

The following students were selected to be performers at the show:

  • Daniel Qiu as a Cappies Singer
  • Caden Peng as a Spotlight Performer

The following students were Commendees, selected by the directors. They showed great work ethic and brought boundless energy to their production! 

  • Tori Ransom
  • Evey Burnette
  • Caroline Mayer
  • Qasim Sabir

Saxon Stage won nominations in 6 categories:

  • Supporting Actor in a Female Role of a Play, Scarlett Spano
  • Comic Actor in a Female Role of a Play, Sophia Christiano
  • Comic Actor in a Male Role of a Play, Daniel Qiu
  • Props Crew 
  • Critics Team
  • Andy Mays Rising Critics Award

Alden Walcott won the award for the Andy Mays Rising Critics Award!

housekeeping items

you can’t take it with you: Seniors will lose access to their Google files soon. If you would like to download and save your Google drive documents, click here to follow the steps ASAP. Don't delay! If you're a new grad or are leaving FCPS, download your Google files today! Questions? Submit a student tech request.

refund for meal account: To request a refund for a student’s meal account, email all the following info to student name, student ID #, school name, parent name, street address, city, state and zip, and phone number.

After Jun 30, balances will no longer appear in MySchoolBucks but parents can request a refund up to one year later. Parents must log into MySchoolBucks and click “Remove Student” to remove their graduating senior from the homepage dashboard. Click here for more info.

freshman open house

Save the date! The Freshman Open House will be held at Langley on Thurs, Aug 15, 2024 from 10 am-12 pm. All rising freshmen and their parents are invited to attend.

new families info

eNews: We welcome rising 9th grade and transfer families, and invite parents and students to sign up now for eNews, so that they'll receive issues right from the start in August


Please forward this issue of eNews to any incoming families new to Langley! The sign up link is also posted on the LHS PTSA newsletter page.

Note: sign up using personal email accounts and not FCPS accounts!

save the date: New/Transfer Family Orientation will be held at Langley on Thurs, Aug 15, 2024 from 8:30 am-10 am. All students new to FCPS and their parents are invited to attend.

2024-25 school calendar

Get a jump on the upcoming school year and download the FCPS calendar here.

sports notes

fall tryouts: Fall Sports tryouts start on Aug 5. Golf starts on Aug 1. All paperwork needs to be completed prior to tryouts.

athletic registration for 2024-2025 is open: If your student is interested in participating in sports for the 2024-2025 school year the following must be completed prior to trying out for a team:

  • Each athlete must register on the FCPS Athlete Registration Website. Registration must be done each year. If you registered for the 2023-2024 school year, you need to re-register for the 2024-2025 school year. Click here to register your student. 
  • A physical completed after May 1, 2024. The physical must be done on the official VHSL form that can be found here. Send the completed VHSL form to
  • Check out each respective team's site on the Langley Sports Website for tryout information.

langley summer athletic camps: Is your student a future Saxon athlete, or simply looking for a fun activity this summer? Then sign up for one of many sports camps Langley is hosting this summer, such as Football, Girls Lacrosse, Softball, Girls and Boys Basketball. See the links below for more info and to register. Questions? Contact Director of Student Activities Geoff Noto at

Click to sign up for all athletic camps, except boys basketball.

Click to sign up for boys basketball camp.

New! A just-announced Field Hockey Youth Camp is available for 3rd - rising 9th graders. No previous experience required.

The camp will be Jul 22-26 at LHS. Click here for full details and to sign up.

saxons, did you know ...

use for the Saxons did you know blurb. stays small on the mobile view.

… All of us at eNews appreciate FCPS Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Kelly Rankin’s contributions to this column every week for the past five years. She’s educated our community on a host of wellness issues in addition to the dangers of drugs and alcohol. We wish her all the best as she embarks on new endeavors.

class notes

Read below for class news. Click the green class buttons to go to each class's webpage.

rising senior portraits: juniors, schedule your senior portrait appointment here. Availability is opened one set of dates at a time, so check the website periodically for updated info.

save the date: Freshman Open House will be held at Langley on Thurs, Aug 15, 2024 from 10 am-12 pm. All rising freshmen and their parents are invited to attend.

freshman class dinner, “Tips for a Successful Freshman Year”: Rising freshman, save the date for the Freshman Class Dinner on Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at Langley. More details to come and we hope to see all freshman families there. Have a great summer!

a fond farewell

It’s been a pleasure being part of the eNews Team for the last seven years. I appreciated it so much as a parent my first year at Langley, I was happy to join the team!

I had the privilege of working with two original eNews Team members - shout out to Anne Whipple and Jane Riddle! They created the eNews style and set the high standards we strive to uphold every issue. Before eNews, the PTSA used to send out - incredibly - a monthly 30-page newsletter! We’ve saved a lot of trees since then, but communications remain vital to the Langley community.

We’ve had many terrific teams over the years, and this year’s was no exception. Many thanks to Gary Coetzee, who also graduates with his student this year. He’s been a core eNews team member for the last 3 years, when as a new Langley parent, he jumped in to help eNews when we had an unexpected opening. Gary’s also a rugby enthusiast and involved in the local rugby community outside of Langley.

Pallabi Barua and Juli Nix rounded out our team this year and are quick studies. It’s been a pleasure working with them this year! They will lead eNews next year, joined by Rehenuma Asmi and Marci Love Thomas

Thank you all for your willingness to serve the Langley Community! I know eNews is in good hands.

~ Helen Miller

upcoming events

Jun 13-14: College Application and Essay Workshop, 9 am-12 pm

Aug 15: Transfer Family Orientation, 8:30 am-10 am

Aug 15: Class of 2028 Open House, 10 am-12 pm

Aug 19: First Day of School 

Aug 28: Freshman Class Dinner

Join the LHS PTSA! Click Here.
Full LHS Calendar
LHS Website
PTSA Website
PTSA   Links
eNews  Info

LHS PTSA eNews Editors

Pallabi Barua, Gary Coetzee, Helen Miller and Juli Nix

Amy P

Submit items by Tuesday noon for publication on Thursdays to  


The Langley eNews is published by PTSA volunteers and includes news that pertains to LHS, PTSA and FCPS.

Any opinions expressed herein are those of the submitter and not necessarily those of LHS, PTSA or FCPS.