Working Partners® Wayfinder
Helping you navigate your drug-free workplace program
Further Exploration ...
Exposing the Stigma of Addiction

Scientific research has shed new light on substance use disorder (SUD). This long, misunderstood diagnosis is now identified as a chronic brain disease, the result of alcohol and other drug use changing the structure of the brain and how it functions.

Yet while science has demonstrated there are many similarities between SUD, heart disease and type II diabetes, the experience of individuals diagnosed with SUD is vastly different from these other medical conditions. When it comes to SUD, there are several factors that impact why society responds to it differently than other diseases.
Lights ... Camera ... Action ...
6:56 minutes
Video courtesy of The Workforce Investment Board of Adams, Brown, Pike and Scioto Counties
Can Employees Take That?
Balancing an employee's rights around medication use and your organization's need to provide a safe workplace can be challenging.

Don't worry, we've got you covered. 

Our Protocol Package, Can my employee take that? The Do’s and Don’ts of Medication Use at Work, is designed to help your organization navigate this balancing act and develop procedures to address medication use in the workplace.

Increase Your Alcohol IQ
April is Alcohol Awareness Month and a good time to think about your relationship with alcohol (if you choose to drink).

The internet has a lot of good resources that can help promote a healthy relationship. Here are a few we really like:

Additionally, we compiled a playlist of some of alcohol-related videos we hope you find interesting.
Brief Marijuana Update
Have you been keeping tabs on what's happening with marijuana? If not, here is a quick update:

The U.S. House passed the MORE Act to legalize cannabis. Next the Senate will need to vote on the bill, however legislative watchers think the MORE Act will have an "uphill battle" as the Senate is preparing to introduce a different piece of legislation to decriminalize marijuana at the end of April.

Meanwhile, both the Senate and the House have passed different bills that would make it easier to do marijuana research. The two bills will need to be examined to see if they can be combined into a final bill that Congress can pass.
The Past Month in the News ...
Upcoming DFSP Deadlines

Private Sector Enrollees

Public Sector Enrollees

Upcoming Classes

Employee Education:

Supervisor Training:

 Boost Camp:

OnDemand 24/7 courses for employees & supervisors are always available

CEUs through HRCI and SHRM available for select courses.
¿Habla Español?

On-going employee education about alcohol and other drug issues is important.

To help you provide information to Spanish-speaking employees in their native language, we have compiled a library of Spanish articles and resources on topics about alcohol and other drugs including information on prevention, misuse and treatment.

(we also included English versions of the resources)