Hello everybody!

I am excited to welcome Fr. Loi Pham as our new Associate Pastor when he moves into the rectory tomorrow. I have been praying for him since the announcement of the changes in assignments and am glad the day has (almost) come! About every six weeks, our priests and deacons gather for prayer and a meal and Fr. Loi was able to join us last Tuesday. It was a pleasure to share that time with him and begin to get to know him better. He will preach at all the masses this weekend and I look forward to his warm welcome by our community. There will be a special ice cream social following the 11:00 a.m. mass on Sunday as a small way to extend our greetings and hospitality. 

New leaders have been selected for our Pastoral Council for 2024-2025. Welcome to Fred Byrd (chair), Tony Bieda (vice-chair), and Mary Temple (secretary). I thank them for their dedication, willingness to serve, and generosity with their time and talents for the good of our community and mission. Thank you!

In observance of Juneteenth National Independence Day, our parish offices will also be closed tomorrow, June 19. Our daily mass will be at 10:00 a.m. instead of at noon. 

May our souls, hearts, and minds be open to the coming Kingdom of God! God be with you!


Fr. Jeff

Staff Spotlight

Erin Wernert, Assistant Director of Worship

What is something people do not know about you?

Before I began dating my husband I worked in Washington D.C.  I was a federal lobbyist, lobbying the U.S. Congress on surgical issues. But, after ten years, I was burnt out from the D.C. culture and I decided to turn my hobby into my career. I began extensive training to become a sommelier. I was planning on a move to the Napa Valley and attending UC Davis for viticulture. I had found a job in Napa that would begin the summer of 2009. However, my husband entered my life in early 2009 and I was at the proverbial fork in the road. I chose him and the rest is history!

What is your favorite scripture or prayer and why?

Recently I have frequently thought of St. Augustine’s quote in The Confessions, “You were more inward to me than my most inward part and higher than my highest.” Because we are not self-made, we will never really KNOW ourselves. God will always know what we need before and more than we ever will. If we feel as if we have abandoned our true selves for more worldly desires, know that God has never abandoned us. To correct, we must look inward, find God, and LISTEN through prayer and contemplation. It’s hard, and must happen often, but it works!

What do you love most about your ministry/serving at St. Patrick?

St Patrick has been vital with their support of my new focus, a career in the church and my education at St. Meinrad. The clergy and staff have been instrumental with their encouragement, aiding in my discernment. I’m thankful for the opportunity they are providing me come August to work with our extraordinary liturgical and pastoral staff.

Parish Office Summer Hours

Through August 9

Monday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Friday: 7:30 a.m. - Noon


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In observance of the federal holiday the Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday, June 19. Daily mass at 10:00 a.m.



Welcome Fr. Loi - Ice Cream Social

Join us after the 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 23 as we welcome Fr. Loi to St. Patrick. The Ehrler's ice cream truck will be located outside of the main church entrance. Make plans to enjoy a sweet treat while you introduce yourself to our new Associate Pastor.



Leprechaun's Summer Picnic

If you are over 55 and enjoy a vibrant group of 'young at heart' parishioners, please join The Leprechauns for their Summer Picnic in Schindler Hall from 1:00-4:00pm. For additional information, please contact Angela Williams at (502) 749-0319.


Praying Together

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday 8:00 a.m.

Wednesday 12:00 p.m.

Thursday 8:00 a.m.

Friday 8:00 a.m.

Reconciliation - Offered at 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays

Eucharistic Adoration - First Tuesday of every month from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.


Learning Together
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Online Catholic resources at FORMED. Click Learn More for additional Adult Formation offerings in the parish.

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Open for ALL children in our parish from birth - 5th grade. Details on the Learn More button.

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For all youth grades 6-12. We have awesome events coming up. Click the Learn More button for more information.

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Giving Together

Stewardship Weekly - 6/16/2024

Stewardship Renewal

Complete your gifts of time, talent and treasure by clicking on the QR code or online HERE.

Prayers and Financial Assistance for Katie Goben

In recent months, one of our St. Patrick school counselors, Katie Goben, was diagnosed with stage 3 triple negative breast cancer. At the time of the diagnosis, Katie and her husband Drew were expecting their first child and she was 25 weeks into pregnancy. She began treatment quickly after diagnosis. In order to keep treatment progressing, Katie and Drew recently welcomed baby Eloise a bit early. The family is doing well but the road ahead is long. To learn more about Katie's illness and to offer financial assistance, please click on the GoFundMe link HERE. Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Serving Together

Guatemala High School Mission Trip

St. Patrick Youth Ministry is participating with Hearts in Motion to take 11 High School students and 9 chaperones to Guatemala from June 21-30. Their work will include building a house and painting a senior center. All prayers are appreciated for safe travels and a life changing experience for all.


Joining Together

Celtic Athletic Ministry (CAM)

CAM Homepage
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Youth Ministry

Give Today

Celtic Athletic Ministry

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Parish: (502) 244-6083

1000 North Beckley Station Road,

Louisville, KY 40245

School: (502) 244-7083