ISSUE NO. 293 / March 16, 2022

Sunapee Happenings
Sunday morning surprise visitor.
Just when we thought (or perhaps wishful thinking?) winter had given way to an early springtime, wind battered our homes again and we were hounded by wind, warming temperatures, and muddy roads that thaw and then freeze. This is classic March weather teleporting us into the pre-spring month that can still be shaped by blizzards and ice storms. It’s not always about the temperature, it’s also the quality and angle of the light and that has definitely changed... the sun is rising with a pink glow earlier each day and with daylight savings time, there’s still a glimmer of light past 7 o'clock in the evening.
Cue the Music
Tomorrow, we’re all Irish for the day, and it’s all about shamrocks, Leprechauns, Corned beef & cabbage, Guinness and great Celtic music.
Friday, March 18th.
You can dance a jig to the tunes of The White Mountain Ceili Band. Sunapee Coffeehouse
The Gardiner Brothers celebrate the day with a dazzling display of Irish Step Dancing.
A beautiful rendition of “Danny Boy” by Irish tenor Emmet Cahill.
Let's Get Artsy
"Irish Step Dancing and Music"

St Patrick Comes to New London
March 20th 2pm

All those Irish (or want to be Irish at this time of the year) won’t want to miss this exciting event.
Celebrate St Patrick's Day with the award winning McGonigle Dancers who have received awards at the national and international level of competition.
At Whipple Hall

Just For Kids
Time to register for summer camps at the Barn Playhouse and at the Fells.
Kids Camp Registrations are now open! 

Our art, photography, and nature programs are always a blast and we look forward to seeing your kids or grand-kids this summer. Here is the lineup for this season. Email or call the office today ( | 603-763-4789 x3) for registration information. These very popular camps always sell out early so please make your plans as soon as possible.
Sunapee K-5 Kids Ballot results: 
What is your favorite Peter Brown book?
Write-ins for Wild Robot Returns.

A special treat this spring:
Write-ins included Italian ice, cotton candy, banana split and ice cream cake.

What theme would you like to see for a special assembly?
One write-in for an arcade.
Sunapee Spotlight!
Save the Date! Have Coffee with the Chief on St. Patrick's Day.
Mark your calendar! The next Coffee with the Chief is on St. Patrick's Day: Thursday, March 17, 2022 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Safety Services Building. There is always a lot to talk about so bring your comments and questions and join us for coffee on March 17th.
Chief David P. Cahill
Sunapee Police Department
Photograph of a Snowflake
Northern Woodlands
How to Preserve a Snowflake

"Icelandic chemist Tryggvi Emilsson, inspired by Wilson Bentley’s snowflake photographs, wanted to preserve the actual snow crystal so that it could be viewed even in the middle of a summer heat wave or serve as a pleasant memory years later. He devised a simple method of preservation that employed a common, everyday household item, super glue. He made his first snowflake 'fossil' in 1979."

"Snowflake Bentley” winner of the read along video to share with kids and grandkids.
Warmer, Wackier Weather
Warmer, Wackier Weather: 
Protecting NH’s Wildlife in a Changing Climate

March 23, 2022 
4:00 - 5:30pm via Zoom

Have you been noticing more extreme weather, warmer temperatures, and more unpredictable seasons? Wondering how these changes in climate might impact wildlife? Join Wildlife Outreach Program Manager Haley Andreozzi and Climate Change Adaptation Program Manager Lisa Wise to learn about the latest projections for climate change here in NH and examples of how wildlife species are being affected. You’ll learn about ideas for actions we can take to help wildlife in the face of warmer temperatures, more extreme precipitation, shifting seasons and habitats, and other changes.

This webinar is offered in partnership with NH Fish & Game and the NH Association of Conservation Commissions as part of the Taking Action for Wildlife program.
Sunday, March 20th is the spring vernal equinox.

What happens during vernal equinox?

Vernal equinox, two moments in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator and day and night are of equal length; also, either of the two points in the sky where the ecliptic (the Sun's annual pathway) and the celestial equator intersect.
Video of the Week
Pluto’s St. Patrick’s Day video
Until Next Week
Winter well, stay warm, safe and love the ones you’re with.
Wednesday’s email “SUNAPEE HAPPENINGS
highlights a selection of events in our community each week.

For complete details on everything happening around the
Lake Sunapee area, check out the
Project Sunapee Community Calendar
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