February 2022 Newsletter
Find your "Spark" with 4-H fun and learning
in the New Year!
Join us in in honoring Black History Month

The month of February is dedicated to observing and celebrating Black History. Black History month is an opportunity to understand Black histories that go beyond stories of racism and slavery to commemorate and encourage Black achievement. This year's Black History Month Theme is "Black Health and Wellness" which focuses on the utter importance of Black Health and Wellness by recognizing the legacies of Black scholars and also putting emphasis on the life-changing work done each day to help provide and attain Black Health and Wellness through the work and services provided by birth-workers, doulas, midwives, naturopaths, herbalists, therapists, educators, and more. It is the sincere hope of the Monroe County 4-H Team that we continue to strive to serve the Black Community in areas such as STEM, Nutrition and Mental Health while providing a Safe Space for all.
Horse Bowl
In this event, youth are able to showcase their horse knowledge in a Jeopardy-style game.
This event involves a series of questions that are asked either of a specific individual or a team. Participants use a buzzer system to ‘buzz’ in and answer questions. These questions might be in the form of a regular question, toss-up, or bonus. There are a variety of subject areas covered: general equine terms, the horse industry, feeding and care, and anatomy.
Youth ages 8 and up are invited to learn more about horses and the Horse Bowl events at upcoming practices at Wegman Lodge in Seneca Park. Please contact Niki Whilden if you plan to participate,
Practices will be held on Sundays, February 13, February 20, and March 6 from 4-6pm as well as Friday, February 18 from 5:30-7pm in preparation for an in-person regional event tentatively scheduled to happen in March.

Twos-Day Bird Walk at Mendon Ponds Park

Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 2:22 PM - 3:30 PM

Join the 4-H team on Tuesday, 2-22-22 for a guided walk for youth to learn about and enjoy feathered friends!

This "Spark" activity can help you complete one of the missions for the Monroe County 4-H 
Save the Snowpeople Challenge! 

Participate in this workshop and check this task off your mission checklist: SPOT & IDENTIFY 3 DIFFERENT BIRDS; LEARN AND PRACTICE THEIR CALLS (SO YOU CAN COMMUNICATE WITH THE BIRDS ABOUT THE SNOWPEOPLE).  
This event is open to all youth ages 5 to 19. You do not need to be an enrolled 4-H member to be part of the day.


Contact: Evan Lowenstein
4-H Public Presentations

Here is a great opportunity to share information about a topic that you enjoy and know a lot about with other 4-H members. This is a great chance to have fun, meet new people, work on your organizational skills, and develop your public speaking skills. Youth of all ages are welcome to take part.

New to 4-H Public Presentations or need a refresher? Plan to attend 4-H Public Presentations Training being held at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Office on Thursday, February 24th at 10a.m. 

Please REGISTER by Monday, February 21st for the training.

Are you an experienced presenter? Please consider coming to share your knowledge as a junior leader. Contact Susan to help with the planning.

On Sunday, April 3rd, we will hold the Monroe County Public Presentations event at the Irondequoit Public Library. Look for information in March to register for this event.
Share the Love
Friday, February 25
4:30 – 6:00 PM
Wegman Lodge
Monroe County 4-H is celebrating the month of love this February by helping people experiencing homelessness.

Come to an event on Friday, February 25th, where we will be decorating and making snack bags and creating kindness cards for people without homes. These are people who often do not have access to daily necessities and warmth during winter. Youth will also be able to paint kindness rocks, and create vision boards of a world of kindness. The finished bags and cards will be given to the Providence Housing Center.
Please bring individually packaged non-perishable snacks such as granola bars, candy, raisins, etc. for the snack bags. Do not bring nuts to this event.
 Please REGISTER for this event by Monday, February 21st. Email Megan Kelly with any questions.
NYSDEC Day-Old Pheasant Chick Program
Pheasant chicks are available at no cost to participants who are able to provide a brooding facility, a covered outdoor rearing pen, and an adequate release site. Approved applicants receive the day-old chicks in April, May, or June.

All pheasant release sites must be approved in advance by DEC and must be open for public pheasant hunting opportunities. More info on the DEC program may be found here.

The Monroe County 4-H Program is proud to offer the chick program to 4-H families. For more information, please contact Susan Coyle.
Agricultural Literacy Month
In celebration of New York agriculture, volunteers throughout the state will read a book with an agricultural theme to second grade students. This year's book focuses on Farmer Will Allen and urban agriculture. The hands-on activity will involve worms! If you would like to volunteer to read to a local 2nd grade class or would like to have a reader come to your classroom, please contact the 4-H Office at

International Exchange

NYS 4-H is trying to get started on the recruitment for Host families for this summer's International Exchange. NYS is excited to again be hosting 20 Japanese delegates and 2 chaperones this summer (2022).
Please keep in mind that there are many concerns about continuing forward with this program due to Covid-19 and NYS 4-H is in constant contact with the States’ 4-H International team and making every effort to offer this opportunity in the safest way possible. Currently, States’ 4-H International is moving forward with all exchange program plans and their board has been meeting regularly to review required and recommended safety procedures. In the current climate, there is still a chance that this program could be canceled depending on how the pandemic progresses over the next few months and we will keep everyone informed as those changes occur, but for now they are hopeful that NYS will be able to fully participate in this summer's exchange experience.
For more information about the program you may visit NYS 4-H Website or the States’ 4-H Website

Building Sustainable Programs

The Monroe County 4-H Youth Development program recently received a $75,000 grant from The Mother Cabrini Health Foundation to support Growing Sustainable 4-H Clubs. The project will focus on formation of clubs and will provide support for social emotional learning and youth mental health. Throughout the next year, the project will work to support partnerships with youth-serving community organizations throughout Monroe County. Working with community partners, community members, and youth in the community, the Monroe County 4-H Youth Development Program will hold space for people to voice their concerns around educational, emotional, and social barriers for youth. Utilizing a needs based assessment, the 4-H team alongside community partners will set priorities and determine criteria for solutions that will create a solid framework for the startup of sustainable 4-H clubs. The Growing Sustainable 4-H Clubs project will support preliminary conversations, initial formation and foundation building of community driven sustainable 4-H clubs. Following completion of the project, a 4-H Club Coordinator staff position will ensure that community partners continue to receive the support that they need for ongoing success. With sustainable and accessible 4-H clubs throughout Monroe County, youth can have access to the benefits of being a 4-H participant for years to come!

To learn more about the Growing Sustainable 4-H Clubs project funded through the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, reach out to Destiny Draggett at
Seasonal Work Opportunity

Full-Time 2022 Summer Farm Crew @ Wild Hill Farm
(May-August, 40 hrs/week, $13.20/hr)

Wild Hill Farm is looking to add someone to their team this summer to help with the cultivation and harvest of organic vegetables for our CSA program which feeds over 300 families. No experience necessary, they will provide all training and education. You will help plant, weed, harvest, and wash over 30 different crops, as well as participate in other needed tasks like irrigation, row cover, greenhouse work, mulching, etc. You will also help run the on-farm distribution of produce to the farm's CSA members on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings.

This 3-month summer job is meant to provide entry-level exposure to the career of organic vegetable farming, and they also offer paid apprenticeships which go from March 1st-November 1st as well (spots are filled for 2022). Apprenticeships include tractor & equipment training. We encourage 2nd-year apprenticeships which offer leadership roles.

You will not just be a "worker" on this farm, but will learn a variety of different farm skills as the summer progresses, and be a part of a fun, dynamic, female-led team. The team works as a tight farm crew all summer, and communication and social skills are important in keeping everyone happy! 

It is expected for candidates to be excited about learning in the field, have a good work ethic, love being outdoors in all weather, and be physically fit. We expect you to be dedicated to improving their skills on a personally competitive level, and be attentive to quality as well as speed. 

Check out their IG page: @thewildhill for some photos of how they also have lots of fun and pump out tons of yummy food while doing it.

If you or someone you know may be interested in joining the team, check out "How do I apply?" at the bottom of their hiring page: (

  • February 9 Sewing Sparks Club
  • February 22 Twos-Day Birding Event
  • February 24 Public Presentations Training
  • February 25 Share the Love
  • March Ag Literacy Month
  • March 12 Regional Horse Bowl
  • March 19 Conifer Clamber Event
  • until April 1 Save the Snowpeople
  • April 3 County Public Presentations
  • April 3 Regional Horse Communications
  • April 9 Horse Bowl at Cornell
  • May 14 Horse Communications at Cornell
  • June 11th District Public Presentations
  • August 28 Horse Judging and Hippology at the State Fair
  • September 24-26 Outdoor Adventure Weekend