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South Central Cancer Center Welcomes Dr. Lisa Bond to Laurel!

Lisa K. Bond, MD, has over 20 years of experience in Medical Oncology/Hematology and Hospice care. Dr. Bond graduated with highest honors from the University of Southern Mississippi and completed her studies at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. She is board certified in Internal Medicine, Oncology, Hematology, and Hospice and Palliative Medicine.

Dr. Bond is pleased to join Sandeep Singh, MD, CJ Dennis, FNP, and staff at South Central Cancer Center in Laurel.

To schedule an appointment, please call 601-518-7054.

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South Central Regional Medical Center is pleased to announce the official opening of South Central Primary Care Services. The facility is located at 1008 N. 15th Avenue in Laurel (across from Tillery Dental Clinic). Services offered include primary care services, obstetrical-gynecology, and medical weight management.

Healthcare providers include:

South Central Primary Care Services is accepting new patients. Medicare, Medicaid and Most Commercial Insurance Plans are Accepted. The facility is open Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

For an appointment, please call (601) 426-5125.

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At Ellisville Medical Clinic, we offer personalized healthcare for the entire family. Our local medical providers, Donnie Scoggin, FNP and Danielle Welch, FNP, offer treatment for chronic and acute symptoms, such as: colds, flu, diabetes, hypertension, COPD, wellness visits and more.

The great thing about Ellisville Medical Clinic is that patients can just simply walk-in or schedule an appointment. We offer healthcare when you need it most.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 601-477-8553. Located at 1203 B Avenue in Ellisville, across from West Ellisville Baptist Church. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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Reserve Your Child's Spot for Our Summer Program NOW!

Under the direction of Todd Breland and Chuck Everwine, South Central SportsPerformance+ will offer a kids summer camp called SportsPerformance+ Jr.

This program will offer strength and conditioning specifically for children ages 7-9 and 10-12. During the summer camp, kids will work on coordination, flexibility, speed, functional movement and learn how to properly use fitness equipment to improve their performance.

This Summer Program is from May 30th through July 28th.

Ages 7-9, 10 a.m., Tuesday & Thursday

Ages 10-12, 10 a.m., Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Call 601-399-6246 today to register!

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Education is Key to Living with or Preventing Diabetes

Living with diabetes can lead to major complications within a person’s body. If unattended, a person’s life can completely change. However, with help, diabetes is a disease that can be managed with proper education and lifestyle changes. South Central Regional Medical Center offers diabetes classes for those who may need assistance.

Sandra Faircloth, RN, stresses the importance of understanding diabetes symptoms. “Most people with uncontrolled diabetes are fatigued and have no energy. They suffer from constant thirst, frequent need to urinate and slow healing of their wounds.”

Diabetes is a disease that lives in a person’s blood stream and has access to effect the entire body. “Diabetes can damage someone anywhere in their body,” states Faircloth.

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness, heart attacks and strokes. Now, diabetes has become number one in new cases of dialysis and at lower extremity amputations. Therefore, if diabetes is unattended, it will control a person’s body.

To educate people on how to control their diabetes, South Central Regional Medical Center offers diabetes classes twice a month to anyone living with diabetes. “During diabetes education we talk about what diabetes is, how it is tested for, the signs and symptoms, diet, exercise, medications and complications that will occur if it is not treated,” said Faircloth.

The more knowledge people have, the more power they have to fight this disease. Diabetes is very common in Mississippi, therefore it is important for people to learn about diabetes and how it affects a person.

“Complications of diabetes are not inevitable,” states Faircloth. “You can greatly delay the onset of the issues or possibly prevent complications, if preventative action is taken.”

The Diabetic Support Group is open to the community. “This group is a great way for people with diabetes to learn more about the disease, to meet other people with diabetes and generally improve their health. One of the major advantages about the support group is that everyone shares the same issue or has family members that have the same issue. This support group becomes like a family and creates the opportunity to make lifelong friendships.”

Introduction to Diabetes is held the first Thursday of each month from 3 pm - 5 pm. Defensive Actions Against Diabetes is held the third Thursday of each month from 3 pm - 5 pm. All classes are free and are held at South Central Regional Medical Center. Pre-registration is required. Call 601-426-5134 to register.

This Program Begins on Thursday, May 4 at 3:00 p.m.

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South Central Regional Medical Center (SCRMC) has been recognized as a leader in community health education and outreach programs for more than 30 years. Many of the programs offered by SCRMC are funded by the South Central Health Care Foundation. This year, the South Central Foundation has planned a new event for families in the community – Be Well: A Family Day to Learn, Play and Grow Together. The event will take place on Saturday, May 20th at South Central Place in Laurel.

Patricia Tibbs, MD, a Pediatrician at South Central Regional Medical Center explains the importance of the event. “Children are our future and their health is so important. As a parent it can be difficult to navigate the developmental stages and what is available locally for families. Be Well is a day for parents and children to come together to learn, play and grow together. This event will provide education, resources and fun activities to engage families. The goal is to help parents with local resources on childhood development.”

Be Well is a free event that will take place at South Central Place in Laurel. The event will feature topics for parents on Psychology, Developmental Stages, Teenage Struggles, Lifestyle Management, Health and Wellness.

Keynote speaker for the event is Susan Buttross, MD, Medical Director and Professor for UMMC School of Medicine and Pediatrics.

Along with parental information, children ages 5 and up will learn through interactive sessions at the event. Many activities are planned for the children. Those include: Fire Safety Course, Ambulance and Fire Truck Tours, Be Your Best Self Mobile Classroom, Nurture Our Future Brain Bus, Sports Performance+ Jr., Arts and Crafts and more.

“This event is offered to all families in our community at no cost,” states Dr. Tibbs. “This event is funded by the South Central Health Care Foundation. The goal of the South Central Foundation is to improve community health and provide health resources to those who need it most.”

Be Well will be held Saturday, May 20th, at South Central Place in Laurel from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. For more information about the event, please contact South Central Regional Medical Center at 601-399-0501.

Click Here to RSVP

SCRMC HealthBreak | Wound Care

At South Central, patients are offered multiple advanced modalities to help with wound healing. Tiffany Keith, PA, states, “Over 2 million people have diabetic foot ulcers. Many people may not realize that 85% of diabetic amputations start with a foot ulcer.” The goal at South Central Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine is to decrease the risk of amputation and improve quality of life with wound treatment. South Central Wound Care has been named a National Center of Excellence for Wound Care Treatment as a result of its exceptional wound heal rate and patient satisfaction scores. 

Watch our HealthBreak segment with Tiffany Keith, PA, to learn more about the Wound Care Treatment available at South Central Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine.

If you or someone close to you is suffering from a wound that will not heal, let us help. Physician referrals, as well as, self-referrals are accepted. We are committed to providing excellent service to our patients. For information on Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine, please call (601) 426-4739. South Central’s Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine Center is located on the Ground Floor at SCRMC.

Click Here to Watch HealthBreak Video

During the month of April, the Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Center in Laurel is offering Buy 1 Area, Get 1 Area Half Off on Laser Hair Removal Treatment.

If you are tired of shaving, waxing and plucking unsightly hair, it’s time to consider laser hair removal, which uses an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) system to eliminate unwanted hair. This procedure is non-invasive and is a relatively painless procedure. Laser hair removal is safe for most skin types and hair colors, using bursts of light energy to remove hair and hinder further growth.

Many of our patients use laser hair removal on the face, bikini line, neck, arms, legs, or elsewhere on the body.

The professionals at the Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center are specially trained and certified in laser treatment, which offers you the highest quality care for your cosmetic needs in our area.

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OBAGI and Latisse have the perfect gifts for Mom

(or for yourself)!

OBAGI Way to Glow Gift Set includes: Vitamin C Serum, Hydrate Moisturizer and Sunshield Matte SPF 50 with an OBAGI tote bag. The value is $220 worth of products and suggested retail is $185.

The Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center is offering a Mother's Day Special Price for $165. Limited Supply Available.

During the month of April, Latisse is available for $159 (a $20 savings)!

Call 601-425-7522 to purchase products or for more details.

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April is recognized as Parkinson's Awareness Month.

April is Parkinson's Awareness Month. During the month of April, we invite the community to learn more about the disease and services available for those living with Parkinson's Disease.

Every 6 minutes, someone will be diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in the U.S. During the month, the organization encourages others to visit the Parkinson’s website and take 6 minutes to learn more about Parkinson’s disease – so that you and your loved ones can live better lives. Click here to visit the website.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement as certain nerve cells in the brain gradually break down or die. Many believe Parkinson’s disease is a death sentence, but if treated, the disease is manageable for those who have been diagnosed.

South Central Rehabilitation Services hosts a therapy treatment program called PWR! Moves, which stands for Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery. The program is led by Kourtney Murphy, DPT, and based around movement which assists people diagnosed with Parkinson’s because mobility is one of the senses that is lost. Simple, daily tasks such as being able to get in and out of a car or being able to walk is very difficult. The PWR! Moves program teaches Parkinson’s disease patients how to regain control and become more functional.

To learn more about this service, click here.

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South Central Health Care Foundation at Laurel-Jones County Library

SCRMC has partnered with the Laurel-Jones County Library to bring the community health resources for 2023. Each month will feature a new health topic with resources, education, screenings and local support options. We invite you to stop by the Laurel Jones County Library and learn more!

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The medical practice for W. Mark Horne, MD, and Rebecca Scarbrough, FNP, at South Central Clinics moved to South Central Family Medicine & Urgent Care (formerly Laurel Family Clinic).

South Central Family Medicine & Urgent Care is a comprehensive primary care medical office that offers urgent care services with on-site laboratory and diagnostic testing available. South Central Family Medicine & Urgent Care is located at 1440 Jefferson Street in Laurel, directly across from the Hampton Inn Hotel. Dr. Horne and Rebecca Scarbrough, FNP, will be located on the family medicine side of the facility. Their clinic is open five days a week and hours of operation are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

To schedule an appointment, please call 601-425-2273 and select option 1 for Family Medicine.

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