The Greatest Newsletter Ever! Because it's about your dog. April 2023

Newsletter for Dogs and Their Owners

Cary Dog Daze

We are committed to supporting our dog family community

Mark your calendar for Saturday May 6th from 10am to 2pm for the Cary Dog Daze. The Cary Police Department has invited us to perform/demonstrates at the Cary Dog Daze. We will have agility equipment, obstacles, and a competition obedience contest for kids and their pups. The event will be have live music, food, vendors, and FREE Microchips.

Come and expect to have FUN!!

Location: 120 Wilkinson Ave, (off of S Academy St, behind the police station) or just

follow all the dogs with their owners.

Time: 10am to 2pm

Rusty goal is to make people happy, which he has been very successful at. He was born to give adults and kids comfort and to make them laugh.

Make A Positive Impact

Therapy Dog Testing Dates

April 22nd Practice Test 6-8

April 29th Pretest. 6-8

May 13th Certification. 6-6

Register For Test
Class Registeration

Dash volunteers at Hopebridge Autism Center, Student U Summer Camp,Thales Academy, and has a full time job helping mom at Theraplay working with children with various disabilities.

Kash doing what she does best making people happy. Kash is in Michigan working in a dental office helping everyone to relax.

Pictured is Captain, our trainer Rebecca's newest addition, he's a Sheepadoodle



HeartWorm, Flea and Tick Medicine

The American Heartworm Society recommends that puppies be started on a heartworm preventive as early as the product label allows, and no later than 8 weeks of age. They recommend that you “think 12.” Have your dog tested for heartworms every 12 months and provide 12 months of preventative care.

Most flea and tick products for puppies are not safe to use until they've reached at least seven or eight weeks of age (see chart below). Your veterinarian will be able to recommend a flea and tick preventative for puppies to safely use, and advise you on when it's safe to begin administering it to your puppy. The best protection from parasites comes with regular application of their topical flea and tick treatment. This means that you should be reapplying every 30 days. There's no right or wrong time of day to treat your pet. But, you shouldn't wash or bathe your dog for at least 48 hours before or after applying.

Free Style Dancing

Whopper, Dora and Sadie dancing to "Foot Loose".

This is a short clip of the Wednesday Free Style Dance class with Whopper (GDM), Sadie (doodle) and Dora (Golden). They have been working to the song "Foot Loose". I am so impressed on how well they are doing, three dogs, three different families meeting once a week for less than an hour. All I can say is WOW! People wouldn't even be able to do it in that little amount of time and look so good. Mary Lou owner of Dora (Golden) did an incredible job designing and sewing the dog's costumes and owner's vests. Can't wait till we have our dog show this fall to feature the Free Style Dance classes.

F.O.O.D. Class


Milton (Belgium Malinois) distance work over jumps

Remy (Doodle) walking elevated parallel bars

This class was developed for high energy problem solving dogs that are able work off leash. For dogs that need to be challenged, to keep dogs motivated and stimulated so they don't become destructive. The class consists of obstacles, search, retrieving and obedience.

Tago (BC/Aussie) doing the "spin right", "spin left" on a Bosu ball

Small Dog Agility/Obedience

Dallas running through the tunnel.

Dallas recently passed away. We are heartbroken for his family. Dallas was a Certified Therapy Dog, he

brightened the day of a lot people in need of a little extra love.

We didn't plan on it but we have a small dog Agility 101/Obedience class. Started with a few small dogs under 10 lbs and more joined.

It's a fun class, the small dogs use all the big dogs equipment. It's great to see small dog owners treating their dogs like they can and will do anything a big dog can and will do.

Tammy (Mini Sheltie) jumping with her retrieve toy while running the agility course.

Send Us A Message

Keep in Touch and send us your dog's pictures and videos to be used in the newsletter.

Text: 919-448-1446 or 919-810-6553