In this Issue:
WFRC Council News
- WFRC budget and goals for the upcoming year
- 2023-2050 Regional Transportation Plan: Amendment #1
- New projects approved in the 2025-2030 Transportation Improvement Program
Map of the Month
- Tracking Station Area Planning Progress
From our Partners
- UDOT’s significant investment in local bridges
On the Horizon
- Join the Clear the Air Challenge
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WFRC budget and goals for the upcoming year | |
WFRC acts as a convener, technical expert, planner and implementer - we develop plans for a well-functioning multi-modal transportation system, livable communities, a strong economy, and a healthy environment. As part of its mission to build consensus and enhance quality of life across our area, the WFRC Regional Council adopted its agency budget and goals for FY25 at their May 23 meeting.
WFRC Fiscal Year 2025 Goals (in summary)
- Collaboratively advance the Wasatch Choice Vision as a framework for integrating transportation, land use, and economic development, to address growth-related opportunities and challenges, and maintain and enhance quality of life
- Effectively administer ongoing plans and programs
- Provide subject-matter expertise to federal, state, and local officials and policymakers
- Strive for organizational excellence
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2023-2050 Regional Transportation Plan: Amendment #1 | |
The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) identifies the priority road, transit and trail investments needed in our region in the next several decades. Roughly once a year, WFRC, working with transportation partners and local communities, updates the RTP to reflect changing conditions and funding opportunities for transit, roads, active transportation, and land use. These adjustments are needed periodically due to changes in funding availability, changing local or state needs, modifications to land use, the outcomes of environmental analyses and other studies, or updated timelines on the development of projects.
At their May 23rd meeting, the WFRC Council adopted Amendment #1 to the 2023-2050 RFP. Requests for review came from local communities, UDOT, and UTA and represent:
- 18 state and local roadway project modifications,
- Ten transit projects, and
- Nine active transportation projects, including city-wide active transportation plans and individual active transportation projects
For a complete description and list of the projects covered by this amendment, please visit the RTP Amendments webpage.
New projects approved for the 2025-2030 Transportation Improvement Program | |
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) identifies the priority road, transit and trail investments funded in our region in the next several years. As part of its ongoing process, WFRC approved new projects to add to the TIP. Projects are evaluated based on field review of each project, technical criteria and analysis and other relevant professional considerations.
The WFRC Council approved 42 projects that would provide great benefits from the $54 million in federal funding available. A sample of the projects approved by the WFRC Council include:
- Parkin overpass (Bamberger Railroad Bridge) replacement in Bountiful
- TechLink TRAX design: Salt Lake International Airport to U of U Research Park
- Pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements at 3776 South 2700 East in Millcreek
- Intersection improvements at 1200 West Harrisville Road in Farr West
Click here to view a full list and brief description of the recommended projects. With the tremendous growth in the Wasatch Front region, investing in transportation infrastructure is key to maintaining mobility and quality of life, and the 42 new projects will contribute significantly to these goals.
As the Wasatch Front continues to grow, the locations closest to existing high-frequency transit stations are great places to consider adding additional housing, jobs, and amenities.
As directed in HB462 (bill, summary), cities are now hard at work developing Station Area Plans (SAP) for areas within ½ mile of FrontRunner, TRAX, and streetcar rail stations, and within ¼ mile of bus rapid transit (BRT) stations.
This new SAP interactive map tracks the progress of the enhanced planning work being conducted at current and future stations. The map shows all of the station areas, their current SAP status, and links to plans when they have been completed and certified.
The SAP process aligns with the Wasatch Choice Vision goals of advancing transportation choices, housing options, parks and public spaces, and city and town centers — and does so by leveraging transportation investments that have already been made or are expected in the near future.
Click here for more information about WFRC's technical support resources and certification process for SAPs.
UDOT's significant investment in local bridges | |
UDOT and local counties and cities are collaborating to maintain the safety and condition of bridges in Utah. UDOT has allocated 80% of its $45M annual bridge funding under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) to local bridges. Utah is home to an extensive network of 3,053 bridges. Of these, 1,047 are maintained by local communities, and 363 of them are in the WFRC region. With support from the IIJA, UDOT’s Bridge Formula Program (BFP) provides funds for the replacement, rehabilitation, and preservation of bridges on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) to address deficiencies due to aging, deterioration, and operational restrictions.
The BFP provides Utah with a minimum of $45M per year through FY26 for the following purposes:
- Focus on bridges classified in poor condition
- A minimum of 15% of the funds must be used for locally owned bridges off the federal aid system (off-system) (UDOT is using 80% on local bridges)
- Local bridges are 100% federally funded
For a comprehensive list of bridges scheduled for replacement under the Bridge Formula Program, please refer to UDOT's bridge dashboard.
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Join the Clear the Air Challenge | |
As part of our mission, WFRC works to enhance quality of life by developing and implementing plans for a healthy environment. This includes working to improve air quality from cleaner vehicles, more choices for transit, biking, and walking, and reduced traffic congestion. Providing transportation choices and walkable community design is consistent with the Wasatch Choice Vision.
How can you help? According to the Utah Division of Air Quality, if all drivers along the Wasatch Front parked their cars just one day per week, vehicle emissions would be reduced by 6,500 tons per year.
Additionally, the Clear the Air Challenge, brought to you by TravelWise, challenges participants to sign up and take voluntary steps in their personal lives to reduce emissions, integrating TravelWise strategies into their travel routines. This month-long effort, starting on July 1st, is designed to raise awareness about individual and group efforts toward improving Utah’s air quality. Learn how you can integrate TravelWise strategies into your travel routines and track your progress during the Challenge and beyond.
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