
March 7, 2022


Dear Preschool Families, 

In previous correspondence, I mentioned that I was awaiting updates to the NC DHHS Childcare Toolkit before making any changes in our COVID protocols, especially related to masking. As anticipated the childcare/preschool toolkit was just updated. Below are some of the highlights of the significant changes that were made. You can review the entire toolkit here. 

Below are some of the notable toolkit changes which will be in effect as of Tuesday, March 8th.  Please remember that we will still be in consultation with the Wake County Health Department, to whom we must continue to report any positive cases in our community:


  • Although masking is highly encouraged for our students, particularly those who are not vaccinated, it is no longer required for students or staff. Some exceptions to this do apply & are noted.
  • If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, he/she must quarantine for a minimum of 5 days (Day 0= day symptoms began or day specimen was collected for testing in no symptoms present). He/she may return after that as long as symptoms are improving, there hasn’t been a fever for at least 24 hrs., AND the person is able to wear a mask for 5 additional days to minimize the risk to others. If a student can’t reliably wear a mask for 5 additional days, then he/she must remain home for a total of 10 days.
  • If a student or staff member is exposed to someone who tests positive, he/she no longer is required to quarantine, but should be tested (PCR) no sooner than Day 5 (Day 0= day symptoms began or day specimen was collected for testing in no symptoms present) following exposure UNLESS symptoms develop. Student or staff should wear a mask for 10 days following the exposure.
  • If a student/staff is exposed to a household member then we ask that this person remain home for 5 days, regardless of vaccination status or ability of positive person to isolate, and receive a negative PCR test. The only exception to this is if exposed person tested positive for COVID within the last 90 days.
  • Contact tracing for those who have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID, is no longer required. For classroom exposures, families within that class will continue to be notified in an email from me as soon as possible. 


Additional Policy Reminders:

  • Volunteers/non-essential visitors will be limited. Any special events will only be held if social distancing is possible in a setting such as a large open space.
  • Classes will continue to operate in “bubbles” or cohorts to minimize mixing of different classes as much as possible.
  • The list of possible COVID symptoms which suggest that testing should be completed, continues to include, but is not limited to, runny/congested nose, sore throat, fever, diarrhea, vomiting/nausea, headache, fatigue, cough, new loss of taste/smell, body aches, & difficulty breathing. If ANY of these symptoms are noted in your child, please keep them home and complete a COVID test. If symptoms are present, a PCR test remains the most reliable way to rule out a COVID infection, however, a negative antigen test or an alternative diagnosis from a healthcare provider, is sufficient in order to return. Although the COVID-19 virus has been the main concern these past couple of years, we want to limit the sharing of any germs as much as possible. For any signs of illness, it is recommended that you contact your primary healthcare provider.
  • We are required to exclude children from school if a student:

* Has a fever


*Has diarrhea

*Is unable to “participate comfortably” in activities

  • *These are similar to our “normal” sick policies & will warrant a phone call to come & pick up your child as soon as possible.

  • Cleaning, good hygiene, and disinfecting practices will be enforced and implemented as always.


The above policies, particularly in adopting a “mask recommended” protocol, came after thorough review of the NC DHHS Childcare Toolkit, lengthy discussions with parish leadership as well as the other 4 diocesan (stand-alone) preschool directors & input from the diocese. It is understandable that parents may have differing opinions, especially in regards to the use of masks. Please contact me or your child’s teacher if you’d like us to continue to have your child wear a mask while at school. As always, we want to partner with you as much as possible. 

Although it may seem obvious, please remember that our children learn acceptance of everyone, even those who don’t look like them, largely by watching our actions and listening to our words. Our models of kindness go a long way in teaching them that we are all part of God’s family no matter our differences. 

With this in mind, I want to express my appreciation again, to you for extending your kindness, patience, and understanding throughout this pandemic, especially in trying to navigate ever-changing information and guidance. I am deeply grateful to you for your support in helping us make this school year as healthy and successful for everyone!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions or concerns. If protocols or guidance changes, you will, of course, be notified in a timely manner.


With Thanks,


Heidi Hobler, Director

St. Francis of Assisi Preschool

11401 Leesville Road

Raleigh, NC 27613

919-847-8205 ext. 240
