NIFDA Logo - 2011

What's included in this month's newsletter:

🇺🇸 President's letter: reflecting on time

📣 Annual meeting notice + board member nominations

📊 July poll results: business support groups & organizations

💼 August poll: convention workshops

📰 Updates from NIFDA members

🎉 Welcome new member!

✨ Member spotlight: Kaplan Awnings

🌵 Convention registration closing soon

📋 Call for submissions

🗳️ Cast your ballot (ASAP, please)!

🏛️ H.R. 4137 update

📖 Online benefits for NIFDA members

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President's Letter

With each passing year, it seems time flies by faster and faster. As a child, I remember waiting for my favorite TV show to come on, watching the clock in math class, and anticipating summer break… and time just moved slower back then. Or did it? 


It turns out that the way the brain perceives time is based on how much new information it is taking in. When you’re a kid, almost everything you see and experience is new, but as we age and fall into our familiar routines, our perception shifts.


As adults, we experience time in two ways: as it passes (in real life) and as it has passed before (as memories). This is why time flies during holidays and vacations but when you look back on them, they last a long time. You had a lot of novel experiences, and your brain formed a lot of new memories, so in reflection it took a long time, but in the moment, it felt fast. The happiest times and the longest remembered times are those where time really seems to fly by. Time is a paradox! 


This is all a plug for #NIFDA2023. The experience of attending convention is full of novelties and making new memories. You are invited to experience the Sonoran desert, connect with fellow flag dealers and manufacturers, learn from expert speakers, participate in industry discussions, and meet our newest NIFDA members. Join us in Scottsdale – it’ll fly by and leave lasting memories!


Try something new. Be present in the moment. Register for Scottsdale. Carpe diem.

~ Stacey Stewart, NIFDA Board President 

Annual Meeting Notice

Notice of NIFDA Annual Meeting

Tuesday, October 17, 2023, noon-12:45pm (PST)

The Scottsdale Resort, Arizona Room

7700 E. McCormick Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ, 85258

The annual meeting includes a report from the president, a review of the association’s financial records, committee updates, and the election of the slate of directors for the 2023-2024 board term. 

Board Member Nominations

As per the NIFDA bylaws, the Nominating Committee is announcing to the membership its slate of officers and directors for the 2023-2024 board term. 

  • Dan Ebersold, Gates Flag & Banner Company, has been nominated to start a new three-year term on the board. 
  • Jake Wharton, Concord American Flagpole, has been nominated to serve as a Manufacturer Representative for a one-year renewable term.
  • Jeff Shaaber, Valley Forge Flag, has been nominated to serve as a Manufacturer Representative for a one-year renewable term.


2023-2024 Executive Committee

  • President: Stacey Stewart, Fly Me Flag
  • Vice President: David McGehee, Columbia Flag & Sign Company
  • Treasurer: James Giraudo, Pacific Coast Flag
  • Secretary: Sheila Norton, The Flagpole Company


NIFDA warmly thanks our outgoing board members for their outstanding service to the association. 

  • Barry Casey, Betsy Ross Flag Girl – Immediate Past President
  • Dan Pitcher, Eagle Mountain Flag & Flagpole – Director
  • Dan Ziegler, Annin Flagmakers – Manufacturer Representative

Monthly Poll Results + New Poll

July Poll Results – Business Support Groups & Organizations

Do you hold a membership in any small business support organizations? 

Other groups and organizations that members participate in:

  • Local Gun Clubs
  • American Marketing Association
  • College/University Alumni Associations
  • Political Associations/Clubs
  • Facebook Groups:
  • Faire Retailer Community
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Shopify Unofficial
  • Retail Details


Convention Workshops

Would you please take a few minutes to contribute to the discussion, if you are planning to attend convention?


August Member Updates

Manufacturer Updates

Erin Rope Corporation

  • Currently, Erin Rope has stock on White Solid Braid Halyard Rope: 1/4" - 3/8"
  • Lead time on Colored Halyard Rope and Halyard Rope with Wire Center is 3-5 days
  • Currently, Erin Rope has stock on 7x19 Stainless Steel Aircraft Cable: 1/16" - 1/4"

PLP Composites Home of Zeus Flagpoles

  • We are working on R&D of some new products and have a few test subjects installed - To be announced at a later time.
  • We are manufacturing/crafting daily on schedule and shipping on promised ship dates.
  • Lead time for most poles 15'- 40' is 3-5 weeks. Poles 50'-100' is 10-14 weeks.
  • We are still hiring and have taken on some great new employees in our plant. They have been quick to learn our process and are helping to keep our lead times on track.

The National Flag Company

  • Custom Applique orders are running 4-5 week lead times
  • Attention flags orders are 5-7 day lead times
  • We just hired on 2 full time sewing machine operators that each did multiple co-op semesters at National Flag. They are ready to make some flags.

Valley Forge Flag

  • This August 2023, we are in process of re-tooling our printing press that prints our Spectra-Pro line of State and Military 2 Ply Spun Polyester flags.
  • Once completed we will be working on the oldest backorders first. We expect to be caught up in 4-6 weeks.
  • We are now back in stock of most US flags from 2x3 to 15x25, in Poly and Nylon.
  • For current pricing please call 800-847-4155 Jeff at ext. 1263, or Steve at ext. 1277

Dealer Updates

Tidmore Flag & Banner

  • As many of you have seen on the news, thousands of people have lost everything in Maui from this recent devastation caused by wind-whipped brush fires. Joni and I lived in this area for several years and have a lot of friends and family that have been affected by this. Some of them have lost everything. Here is the GoFundMe link for those interested in helping. –Tyler Hansen

All members are invited to share relevant news and updates in the monthly newsletter. Participation is optional.

You may submit your news and updates using the button below at any time. Form entries will be accepted until noon on the 14th of every month, unless otherwise noted (example: you can submit entries to be included in next month's newsletter any time between now and the 14th of next month).


New Member Alert

Arch Street Flags (D)

Jay W. Edgerton

P.O. Box 239

Fairport, NY 14450

(585) 580-3410

*website under construction

Member Spotlight

Kaplan's... Celebrating 100 Years

Kaplan’s Enterprises, Inc. was established in 1923 as Morris Kaplan Awnings by Morris Kaplan. Little did Morris Kaplan know that when he left his job at the Bush & Bull department store in Centre Square to start his own awning company, his dream would still be going on 100 years later. Today, his grandchildren, David Kaplan and Randi Kaplan, successfully operate the business. Kaplan’s has been through wars, elections, the Great Depression and more. The business relocated a few times over the years to accommodate growth, and is presently located at 1298 Spruce Street in Easton’s West Ward.

Morris Kaplan was born in Russia. He emigrated to New York in 1891. In 1914, he rode from the Big Apple to Easton on a bicycle with a relative. Kaplan worked at the Bush & Bull store in Centre Square managing their awning department. For years it was believed by his family that he left Bush & Bull because he believed he could do a better job on his own, but they recently discovered that the store was closing the awning department. Kaplan took the experience gained at Bush & Bull and decided to open his own awning store. He founded his awning business in 1923 in a barn at the rear of the family home at 671 Bushkill Street. Morris Kaplan Awnings began as awnings only, though grew to include shades and tents while still operating at this first location. 

Five years later, in 1928, Kaplan opened his first showroom at 525 Northampton Street. This location was referred to at that time as the Northampton Apartments. Morris Pinsky, the building’s previous owner had contracted to sell to Morris Kaplan and his brother Abraham in 1925, but the property was not deeded to them until 1928. Pinsky had operated a secondhand furniture/antiques store in the building. Though Morris Kaplan Awnings opened a showroom for awnings and window shades in the commercial space in 1928, Pinsky apparently maintained his store here until the early 1930s. Randi Kaplan says that she believes Pinksy, who was a relative of the Kaplans, operated his business in the basement. It was at this location that Kaplan’s sons, Sidney and Joseph, joined the business, and the business name was changed to Morris Kaplan & Sons, though eventually Sidney, better known as Sid, operated the business on his own. Sid had come on board during the 1950s after having served in the Army during the Korean War. The awning business moved across the street in 1964, though the Kaplan Family continued to own the Northampton Apartments until 1969, after which it was sold to a series of investor-owners.  

In 1964, Kaplan’s jumped across the street to 524 Northampton Street, now as Kaplan Awnings Co. Spaced was leased to the business by Philrose Supply Co. which had purchased the building in 1960, but due to financial troubles, the former owner, M. Kowitz & Co., reacquired the property in 1965 through a Sheriff’s sale and then resold the building in the same year to Morris Kaplan. Morris Kaplan himself died in 1970 (his wife, Fannie, had died in 1947), but his heirs continued to own the building and continued the family awning business, which remained in the building until 1984.   

Sidney and Helene Kaplan moved the business to the Sherer Building at 108 Northampton Street in 1984 after formally purchasing the property. Sid transitioned the company to his children, David and Randi, in 1997, though he remained an active part of business for many more years. Sidney Kaplan died in February of 2019. 

Custom awnings have always been a specialty of the Kaplan family which include both residential and commercial projects. Sidney Kaplan was one of eleven Life Certified Master Fabric Craftsmen in the U.S. All awnings are made on site. Today, you will find an old Singer sewing machine from the early days that is still in use! One of Kaplan’s more high profile jobs is the awning that covers the Canal Boat at Hugh Moore Park.

In the beginning, Kaplans strictly did awnings. One receipt dated 3/16/1924 for the National Clothing Company, South 3rd Street in Easton, included a 16-foot wide awning purchased for $65.00. In the 1930s, ‘40s and ‘50s, Kaplan’s did the flags and banners for the end of war celebrations, parades, grand openings and political rallies. Morris Kaplan ultimately diversified into the flag business, perhaps when he was hired to decorate Easton’s streets and Free Bridge with patriotic bunting, pennants and banners for special occasions. These occasions included July 4th celebrations, the return of the troops from World War II, and apparently a campaign stop by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Much of this business had migrated to Kaplan upon the closing of William J. Heller’s company, The American Flag Manufacturing Co. Heller died in 1920, and his flag company closed some time in the early 1930s. 

When the demand for American flags skyrocketed after the 9/11 tragedy, it was difficult to purchase flags if you weren’t already a customer of the flag manufacturer or supplier. Kaplan’s donated flags to a local contractor who made sure that all vehicles working in the Ground Zero area were able to display an American flag. Today, American flags that are made in the USA can be purchased at Kaplan’s in a variety of sizes; poles and hanging equipment are also available.

In addition to American flags, Kaplans carries foreign flags and the City of Easton flag, as well as decorative flags and banners. Through the years, they have added interior window treatments, signs, and canvas shopping bags. Tents, however, were discontinued many years ago, though you will still see it listed on one of the business’ original signs in the showroom. 

Randi and David learned the business as children, as surely did their father Sid. “If you were big enough to use a pair of scissors, you would help cut out the awnings,” recalls Randi. Now in the year 2023, the brother and sister team who operate Kaplan’s proudly celebrate 100 years of business in Easton.

Photo above: David and Randi Kaplan (3rd generation siblings) accept their proclamation from Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure for 100 years in business. Photos courtesy of Kaplan’s Enterprises.

Kaplan Awnings

1298 Spruce Street, Easton, PA 18042

610-258-5319 |

One of the most valuable benefits of being a NIFDA member is the gift of having flag friends all the over the U.S.! Help us get to know each other by using the Member Spotlight Form below to share your story:


Previous member spotlights can be found in the newsletter archives on the Members Only website here.

Registration Closes Soon!


Deadline to register is September 15th.

Join us on Tuesday, October 17th for two critical flag industry sessions:

State of the Flag Industry

Bring your questions and concerns to this diverse session in which manufacturers will answer burning questions, the Flag Manufacturers Association of America (FMAA) will provide timely updates, and we will have a show and tell from dealers about special projects and awards. 

Flagpoles Discussion

Whether you are just starting out with flagpoles or a seasoned pro, bring your experience, examples, and questions to share with fellow NIFDA members during this roundtable discussion where we’ll discuss selling, installing, and repairing flagpoles.


Thank You 2023 Sponsors & Exhibitors!

Call For Submissions

NIFDA members have a wealth of business knowledge and flag industry experience. The Annual Convention offers a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, discover best practices, and spark inspiration. We want to highlight your company and learn from YOU - members are invited to share your work and share what works!

NIFDA is now accepting submissions in two categories: 

1. Share Your Work: submit a project!

Share impressive, challenging, and/or unique jobs, projects, and accomplishments. Take this opportunity to toot your own horn and celebrate a job well done.

2. Share What Works: submit a dealer best practice!

Share tips, tricks, and tactics that have impacted your business operations and/or bottom line and could be easily adopted by fellow flag dealers. 


Cast your ballot!

Remember to VOTE!

The Betsy Ross Award recognizes an active member of NIFDA who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve the association, the flag industry, fellow NIFDA members, and/or their community.

For example, a member may be deserving of the award for overcoming obstacles in their business or personal life to become a successful flag dealer, for efforts to bring attention to the flag industry, for efforts to pass legislation affecting the U.S. flag or the flag industry, or efforts to gain visibility for themselves or their business as it relates to the flag industry.

Please note: Board members and individuals who have previously received this award are not eligible.

🗳️ Click to Select your TOP THREE members

Member Education

Five Facts About HR4137

The Make American Flags in America Act of 2023

Did You Know?:

  • HR 4137 is a bi-partisan Bill introduced in Congress on Flag Day, June 14, 2023.
  • There are currently 32 Members of Congress listed as Co-sponsors.
  • There is a Companion Bill in the Senate, making HR 4137 Bicameral.
  • You can meet with Your Congressional Representative and take a photo to promote HR 4137 on your social media channels.
  • NIFDA has a web page with information about HR 4137, including shareable social media graphics to promote this important legislation.

Member Benefits

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